Australia keen on making a post-Brexit free trade deal, but there still is an Asian threat
Australia’s main export markets in 2006
Australia has contacted the UK to attempt to make a post-Brexit free treade deal:
July 17, 2016
Australia has called for a free trade deal with Britain following its exit from the European Union.
Theresa May described the move as “very encouraging” and insisted it showed Brexit could work for Britain.
In a phone call to the new PM, her Australian counterpart Malcolm Turnbull said he urgently wanted to open up trading between the two countries.
Liam Fox, the new international trade secretary, said he was already “scoping about a dozen free trade deals”.
But the UK cannot sign any deals while it is still an EU member – and experts warned trade deals take a long time to negotiate. …
Mr Archer said that although the UK cannot sign trade deals while it is an EU member, there will be numerous informal discussions taking place leading up to the Brexit date, which could be in late 2018 or early 2019.
According to Australian government trade figures, in 2014 Australia exported A$8.3bn (£4.5bn) to the UK in 2014 and imported A$12.4bn (£6.5bn).
But that is a fraction of the A$100bn (£55bn) exported that year by Australia to China, and the A$54bn it imported from the Asian giant.
And according to the latest data from the UK’s HM Revenue and Customs for May 2016, Australia was 21st on the list of Britain’s export markets, and 20th on the list of import providers.
BBC correspondent Phil Mercer, in Sydney
Britain is Australia’s seventh largest trading partner, and is second only to the United States when it comes to direct foreign investment down under.
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said a free trade agreement with the UK was a priority, although such treaties are complicated and can be time-consuming.
This type of move by Australia was to be expected.
For at least a decade I have written that the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand would form greater trade ties. Even when US President Barack Obama falsely claimed that if the British voted to exit the European Union (the Brexit) that the UK would be in “the back of the queue” for trade talks, I posted that since he was on his way out and that I did not expect his successor to share his view on this (see BBC: What is the future for UK-US trade?). And I was correct, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton said that they would work on trade arrangements with the UK.
Furthermore, after the Brexit vote, Barack Obama reversed his improper stance on trade with a post-Brexit UK.
I expect the Anglo-Saxon nations to attempt to trade more with each other.
As far as Australia goes, it is getting much too dependent on Asia for trade–and it knows it. This is likely one reason that it has approached the UK already.
Many in Australia do consider China a military threat. And this was true even six years ago:
“ALMOST half of Australians believe that China will become a military threat to Australia within 20 years,” according to a recent Lowy Institute poll. While most Australians appreciate the economic benefits of a relationship with China, most believe that their government has allowed too much Chinese investment in Australia. A majority also feel China’s goal is to dominate the Asian region. The survey revealed that Australians “were positive about China’s economic growth but fearful of its military aims” (The Courier-Mail, May 31, 2010).
It may be of historical interest to realize that the Church of God has long taught that Australia faced threats from Asia, and in particular mainland China. Notice something published by the old Radio Church of God in 1963:
Simply because of her geographical situation, Australia is a land of opportunity. Yes, OPPORTUNITY- opportunity for the teeming masses of Asia! …
lndonesia is only ONE of Australia’s worries!
Still further to the north lies the sprawling mainland of Red China. Standing on the Baok of China, like a sentinel on the alert, is the booming, highly industrialized nation of Japan with its progressive millions!
Australia is in trouble-and doesn’t know it! (Armstrong GT. Australia’s Deadly Peril! Plain Truth, February 1963, p. 9)
What if Britain Enters the Common Market? …
Faced with this potential effecr of the Common Market-Australia has been FORCED to look hopefully toward ASIA for new and expanded outlets for its produce! …
Australia, like all of Israel, is headed toward captivity! …
Just as ancient Israel made the mistake of seeking to the Gentile nations for her protection, making pacts and treaties, instead of trusting in God-so is modern-day Israel guilty of the same sin! Australia at the present time is linked with Gentile nations as a member of SEATO, the Southeast Asian Treaty Organization. She like other nations of Israel, is looking to Gentile nations for protection from her potential enemies.
This practice God condemns. …
While the United States and Great Britain are faced with the prophesied revival of the “beast,” a union of ten powerful nations in Europe, forming the rebuilding of the ancient Roman Empire, Australia may well be taken over by an entirely different enemy! Australia, trying to populate and industrialize to stave off Communism, may become the SLAVES OF COMMUNISTS! And -make no mistake about it-aggression is actually BEING PLANNED against Australia! (Armstrong GT. Australia’s Deadly Peril! Plain Truth, February 1963, pp. 42-44)
Well, Britain did enter the old Common Market and as the 1963 article indicated, Australia has become more and more dependent upon Asian markets. Furthermore, as the 1963 article suggested, Australia is becoming vulnerable for captivity from China.
Back in 2009, I wrote that it looked like China could possibly end up with the land of Australia and Japan with that of New Zealand. When I wrote that, I was unaware that the old Radio Church of God had written something similar (the first time I saw that 1963 article was July 14, 2016).
By 2010, I wrote that since the USA owes Japan (the “land of the rising sun”) and China (the “middle kingdom”) massive amounts of money, it may be since Australia and New Zealand will be allies of the USA and UK, that Europe will give Australia over to China (and/or others in Asia) and New Zealand over to Japan (and/or others in Asia) to help satisfy the USA/UK debt. Both China and Japan have longed for more land and the proximity of the island nations of Australia and New Zealand to the Asian powers seems to make this a likely scenario. The fact that Australia has about 78% as much land as China and New Zealand about 71% of the land of Japan make them interesting candidates for takeover.
In 2009, I noticed some interesting Chinese prophecies from the Tang Dynasty (7-10th century). Notice one Chinese prophecy might hint that it involves dividing Australia and New Zealand with Europe. It states:
Population mouth takes territories south of the Yangtze river. The capital is moved again. The two divide up the territories, of which each maintains and defends (Pui-Hua R. Ancient Chinese Prophecies Till the End of the World. AuthorHouse, Bloomington (IN), 2008, p. 164).
This may be related to a deal that perhaps the Chinese will make in the future with Europe (there are some ancient Chinese prophecies that discuss arrangements with some from the West, as well as biblical prophesies indicating trade between them), as opposed to military conquest. It also may not be related to the taking of Australia or New Zealand, but perhaps might be. China is now heavily invested in Australia and may argue that it has rights to the land.
Furthermore, in recent years, the Chinese have been buying a lot of real estate in Australia, beyond purchases of mineral assets:
July 28, 2015
It is estimated that last year, the Chinese snapped a quarter of all new stock in Sydney and a fifth in Melbourne.
Chinese capital investments in Australia are on the rise and are expected to be boosted further by recent changes to currency regulations that make it easier for wealthy Chinese to invest in property overseas. Credit Suisse forecasts the Chinese will pump as much as A$60bn ($44.55bn) into Australian property over the next five years.
Notice the following additional Chinese prophecies which tie China in with some from the West.
Beautiful people come from the West. Korea, China and Japan are gradually at peace (Pui-Hua R. Ancient Chinese Prophecies Till the End of the World. AuthorHouse, Bloomington (IN), 2008, p. 85).
All negative forces are subservient…China now has a saint. Even if he is not that great a hero (ibid, p. 89).
Germany and all of Europe are west of China. The “beautiful people” mentioned may be from the Beast and his false prophet which apparently will impress peoples in places including Asia. The “saint” will likely be “the false prophet” also known as the final Antichrist. I suspect that Satan may have inspired these Chinese prophecies so that the Chinese will one day point to them for their justification for getting involved with the Beast power of Revelation 13 (see also Satan’s Plan). The Bible says that the whole world will worship that Beast power (Revelation 13:4,8) and that would thus have to include China.
But what about post-Brext trade?
Well, yes I believe that the UK and Australia will try to improve trade ties. New Zealand will also likely attempt to improve trade ties with the UK as well.
But I believe it will end up being too little, too late. They are still geographically close to Asia and have too many ties to Asia for the Asians to ignore, despite whatever deals they make with the UK.
Australia and New Zealand are not able to stop Asians militarily, and once the USA is out of the way (as the Bible prophesies in Daniel 11:39), this will not end well for Australia or New Zealand. The end will come to the USA, Great Britain, and Canada (see also Will the Anglo-Saxon Nations be Divided and Have People Taken as Slaves?).
While a post-Brexit trade agreement will likely benefit Australia and the United Kingdom, this will not prevent biblical prophecies from being fulfilled.
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