PCG Contends Germany & Vatican Behind Greek Riots
The Acropolis of Athens
In the lead article in the February 2009 edition of PCG’s Philadelphia Trumpet magazine, its Gerald Flurry wrote the following:
Did the Holy Roman Empire Plan the Greek Crisis?
Greece is in trouble. Thousands of rioters rampaged through Athens. Angry youths attacked the Athens courthouse with petrol bombs. Broken glass and burned-out wreckage lay in the streets.
These riots are a sign of a far greater upheaval that is threatening to engulf much of Europe…
Many of the people rioting are angry about the government’s handling of the economic crisis…
The Greek government can do little to fix the nation’s economy though. Greece’s fate was, in many ways, sealed seven years ago.
In 2001, Greece adopted the euro, as a member of the European Union. At that point, Greece’s succeeding economic boom and following bust became inevitable…
When the current European economic union was formalized, it became inevitable that countries like Greece would eventually face economic crises. Through the inclusion of Germany, the economic union allowed for European-wide interest rates that were much lower in countries like Greece than would normally have been possible. Low interest rates encouraged massive borrowing and artificially stimulated a boom. But as with all bubbles, eventually it popped. What Greece and other countries in southern Europe in particular are dealing with now is the aftermath.
The Holy Roman Empire
Romano Prodi was recently prime minister of Italy. He was eventually pushed from power by the Roman Catholic Church because he disagreed with the church on several issues. That illustrates the kind of power the Vatican exercises in EU politics. (The Catholic Church in Europe is very different than it is in the U.S.)
So the Vatican obviously approved of the EU plan to take more power for itself. The real power of the EU revolves around Germany and the Vatican—as it has throughout the history of the Holy Roman Empire…
Europe’s Financial Crisis
“Germany entered the euro with an overvalued exchange rate,” wrote Bernard Connolly…
The United States is currently trying to solve its debt-related problems by lowering its interest rates and making borrowing easier. This is treating the symptom: It may reduce the pain temporarily, but won’t fix anything in the long term. Nations like Greece, though, do not have even this option. They cannot change the interest rate to a level that suits them—they are stuck with whatever the ecb decides. And the ecb is most heavily influenced by Germany.
Greece isn’t the only nation caught in this trap. Spain’s economy has gone through a similar process to what Connolly described, and now the International Monetary Fund is predicting that its unemployment will reach 15 percent. Ireland and Denmark are also paying the price of overheating their economies.
Does this mean that it is over for a single European currency? Not at all.
As both the Trumpet and men like Connolly have been warning, Berlin has been planning for this crisis before it even adopted the euro. European elites knew it would eventually come. And they will soon present a solution…
However it happens, Germany is prophesied to come out on top in this financial crisis. Social unrest and riots will eventually force Europeans to succumb to a strong united government of Europe, led ultimately not from Brussels, but from Berlin.
Greece is just one of the first places to have trouble. But national economies across Europe are deteriorating, and soon, if trends continue, much of the Continent will be in trouble…
Watch Germany. Watch for Germany to be at the helm in a restructuring not only of EU member nations’ economies, but of the entire European Union itself! That union will be united and then guided by the Vatican.
So who is now the real super economic power in this world? Germany.
That too was carefully planned. The Germany-Vatican combine is gaining power that this world can’t even imagine!
And while Germany and the Vatican are interested in control, I do not have enough factual information to completely conclude that “Berlin has been planning for this crisis before it even adopted the euro”.
Gerald Flurry may himself wish to re-read Isaiah 10:5-7 as part of verse 7 states:
Yet he does not mean so, Nor does his heart think so…
Isaiah 10:7 indicates that not everything that Germany will do (referred to as Assyria in certain biblical prophecies) will be because it PLANNED all of it.
But PCG is correct with its overall view that an economic superpower supported by the Vatican is rising up in Europe. And there is little doubt that Germany wants dominance as it has sought it repeatedly in the past.
Perhaps I should also remind readers that there are a variety of Catholic private prophecies that predict there will be civil unrest in Europe that will lead to one many Catholics refer to as the Great Monarch (see Civil Unrest in Europe)–an individual who seems to be described in the Bible as “the Beast”.
The events in the world are lining up to fulfill biblical prophecies and the rioting in Greece may be part of that alignment.
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Joyce’s Photos of Areopagus Rock In the Book of Acts, Paul made his famous “Men of Athens” speech on Areopagus Rock (called Mars Hill in the KJV).
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