Afghanistan: Clashes, terror, quagmire, and death
Afghan Taliban Militants
Voice of America (VOA) reported:
June 3, 2017
KABUL, AFGHANISTAN — Streets in the center of the Afghan capital Kabul were closed Saturday as authorities tried to prevent a repeat of a demonstration that degenerated into clashes between protesters and police and left four people dead.
A rally against the government Friday following Wednesday’s devastating truck bomb attack in Kabul saw hours of angry confrontation between protesters and police, who fired into the air to drive back crowds trying to cross security cordons and reach the presidential palace.
At least four people were killed and 15 wounded in the gunfire, drawing condemnation from human rights group Amnesty International and leading the United Nations envoy in Afghanistan to appeal for calm.
Protests banned
A small group of protesters remained near the blast site in the center of town, sheltering from the sun in open tents.
But otherwise security authorities in Kabul banned protests and demonstrations, citing the risk of attacks on large gatherings of people.
Although Saturday is a normal working day in Afghanistan, large parts of the city were blocked off, with armed checkpoints set up and armored vehicles patrolling the streets.
The unrest has heaped pressure on the government of President Ashraf Ghani, which has faced increasing public anger over its inability to ensure security in the capital following a string of high profile suicide attacks.
Truck bomb worst of many attacks
Wednesday’s truck bomb, which killed more than 80 people and wounded some 460, was one of the worst since the U.S.-led campaign to oust the Taliban in 2001 but in other respects it scarcely differed from a long series of previous attacks.
In the first three months of the year at least 715 civilians were killed, after almost 3,500 in 2016, the deadliest year on record for Afghan civilians.
This past week brought the quagmire in Afghanistan to mind by many writers. In CCOG’s Letter to the Brethren: June 1, 2017, I mentioned that my prayers go out to the families of those affected by the terrorism in places like Afghanistan.
As far as the situation in Afghanistan, notice what former White House Director of Communications under US President Ronald Reagan, Pat Buchanan recently wrote:
June 2, 2017
Wednesday, a truck bomb exploded near the diplomatic quarter of Kabul, killing 90 and wounding 460. So terrible was the atrocity that the Taliban denied complicity. It is believed to have been the work of the Haqqani network.
This “horrific and shameful attack demonstrates these terrorists’ compete disregard for human life and their nihilistic opposition to the dream of a peaceful future for Afghanistan,” said Hugo Llordens, a U.S. diplomat in Kabul.
The message the truck bombers sent to the Afghan people? Not even in the heart of this capital can your government keep civilian workers and its own employees safe.
Message to America: After investing hundreds of billions and 2,000 U.S. lives in the 15 years since 9/11, we are further from victory than we have ever been.
President Obama, believing Afghanistan was the right war, and Iraq the wrong war, ramped up the U.S. presence in 2011 to 100,000 troops. His plan: Cripple the Taliban, train the Afghan army and security forces, stabilize the government, and withdraw American forces by the end of his second term.
Obama fell short, leaving President Trump with 8,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, and Kabul’s control more tenuous than ever. The Taliban hold more territory and are active in more provinces than they have been since being driven from power in 2001. And Afghan forces are suffering casualties at the highest rate of the war.
Stated starkly, the war in Afghanistan is slowly being lost.
Indeed, Trump has inherited what seems to be an unwinnable war, if he is not prepared to send a new U.S. army to block the Taliban from taking power. And it is hard to believe that the American people would approve of any large reintroduction of U.S. forces.
The U.S. commander there, Gen. John Nicholson, has requested at least 3,000 more U.S. troops to train the Afghan army and stabilize the country while seeking a negotiated end to the war.
Trump’s conundrum: 3,000 or 5,000 more U.S. troops can at best help the Afghan security forces sustain the present stalemate.
But if we could not defeat the Taliban with 100,000 U.S. troops in country in 2011, we are not going to defeat a stronger Taliban with a U.S. force one-seventh of that size. And if a guerrilla army does not lose, it wins.
Yet it is hard to see how Trump can refuse to send more troops. If he says we have invested enough blood and treasure, the handwriting will be on the wall. Reports that both Russia and Iran are already talking to the Taliban suggest that they see a Taliban takeover as inevitable.
Should Trump announce any timetable for withdrawal, it would send shock waves through the Afghan government, army and society.
Any awareness that their great superpower ally was departing, now or soon, or refusing to invest more after 15 years, would be a psychological blow from which President Ashraf Ghani’s government might not recover.
What would a Taliban victory mean?
The Afghan people, especially those who cast their lot with us, could undergo something like what befell the South Vietnamese and Cambodians in 1975. It would be a defeat for us almost as far-reaching as was the defeat for the Soviet Union, when the Red Army was forced to pull out after a decade of war in the 1980s.
For the USSR, that Afghan defeat proved a near-fatal blow.
And if we pulled up stakes and departed, the exodus from Afghanistan would be huge and we would face a moral crisis of how many refugees we would accept, and how many we would leave behind to their fate.
Fifteen years ago, some of us argued that an attempt to remake Afghanistan and Iraq in our image was utopian folly, almost certain, given the history and culture of the entire region, to fail.
Yet we plunged in.
In 2001, it was Afghanistan. In 2003, we invaded and occupied Iraq. Then we attacked Libya and ousted Gadhafi. Then we intervened in Syria. Then we backed the Saudi war to crush the Houthi rebels in Yemen.
Given the trillions sunk and lost, and the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, dead, how have we benefited ourselves, or these peoples?
The situation in Afghanistan is difficult. In April of this year, the Trump Administration authorized the dropping of the largest non-nuclear bomb ever used in combat (see M.O.A.B. Apocalypse? Trump triggering WWIII? ‘North Korea threatens pre-emptive nuclear strike’).
That did not stop the Taliban or other terroristic forces in Afghanistan.
The Taliban want to control Afghanistan. They do not just want peace in some section of that nation–they want the entire land.
When George W. Bush was president, the USA kicked the Taliban out of the top leadership of Afghanistan (they were out of controlling power by the end of 2001). Yet, the Taliban still remain in that nation. Islamists figured out some time ago that they can often outlast the USA if they wait long enough. When Barack Obama was president, his public statements about defeating the Taliban were overly optimistic.
I have warned for years that the situation in Afghanistan was not going as well as the USA has publicly declared or hoped.
For example, on March 9, 2013 (see Taliban suicide bombing in Afghanistan: Considered to be a warning?), I wrote:
Unless the USA keeps enough troops in Afghanistan (which it is not intending to do), the situation there will change to something that the USA has claimed that it does not want. The Taliban, other Islamic groups, and tribal leaders will pretty much insure that.
On October 26, 2014 (see USA and UK cease combat operations in Afghanistan: What’s next?), I wrote:
After Barack Obama pulled troops out of Iraq, a group called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant rose up. When ISIL fought the American trained Iraqi troops, those troops often dropped their weapons and fled. This resulted in ISIL taking over territory. It now calls itself as simply the Islamic State. The Islamic State is believed to pose the greatest threat to Iraq and the general region. It may well decide to use part of Afghanistan as a safe haven by 2015. …
The ceasing of combat operations by the UK and USA is not a victory in Afghanistan. It is a pause so that troops can be pulled out. It will not bring real peace to the region. At least some in Afghanistan will likely support the rise of a leader that the Bible refers to as the final King of the South.
Notice that the Islamic State did move more into Afghanistan by 2015:
The creation of an official Islamic State wilayat in Afghanistan galvanized the group’s outreach and recruitment throughout the first half of 2015. IS Emir Hafiz Saeed Khan quickly utilized his established militant net – works to recruit in Afghanistan’s eastern provinces like Kunar and Nangarhar, where many T.T.P. militants had settled following Pakistani military operations in North Waziristan Agency. 12 His deputy, Mullah Abdul Rauf Khadim, did the same in the southern provinces. The Islamic State quickly gained support among other disenfranchised Taliban fighters, intrigued by the allure of a new jihadist force and the appeal of the international group’s infamous brand. …
While worrisome, many Taliban defectors to IS appear to have been persuaded by the group’s generous resources, which supplied fighters with laptops, pickup trucks, and ample funds to support their families, rather than its rigid worldview and ideology. 16 More alarming were the reports of foreign fighters, many with ties to IS Khorasan leadership, who began entering Afghanistan in droves by early 2015. In January, some 200 foreign fighters with links to IS, and their families, were settling in Afghanistan’s south – east, including Paktika and Ghazni provinces. (The Islamic State in Afghanistan Examining its Threat to Stability May 2016
On October 15, 2015 (see VOA; ‘Obama to Reverse Course on US Military Posture in Afghanistan’), I wrote:
The USA did not defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan–it basically ‘kicked the can further down the road.’ After seeing what happened to Iraq after the USA ceased ‘combat operations’ this should make it clear that Afghanistan is not secure. Afghanistan needs the Kingdom of God.
All the fighting, killing, and terrorism in the Middle East and North Africa are getting political and religious leaders to rethink their approach to the region. But not to turn to the Bible.
The time will come when a confederation of nations from North Africa and the Middle East will form, which the Bible refers to as the final King of the South (Daniel 11:40-43). Political leaders outside of the region apparently will support this. Though this will not end well for the participants (cf. Daniel 11:39-43; Ezekiel 30:2-8).
On December 22, 2015, I posted:
There will be no lasting peace in Afghanistan until the establishment of the Kingdom of God. But, we likely will see a temporal peace before that (Daniel 9:27; see The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27).
The situation in Afghanistan is not encouraging.
There will be no lasting peace in Afghanistan–though a temporal peace is likely to affect it and elsewhere (cf. Daniel 9:27; see also The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27). As I have repeatedly written, Afghanistan needs the Kingdom of God.
As I also wrote in 2016, expect to see some shifts in Afghanistan as it likely will give some support to the final caliphate known as the King of the South of Bible prophecy (Daniel 11:40-43). Perhaps US actions may motivate it in that direction.
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The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27 This prophecy could give up to 3 1/2 years advance notice of the coming Great Tribulation. Will most ignore or misunderstand its fulfillment? Here is a link to a related sermon video Daniel 9:27 and the Start of the Great Tribulation.
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The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27 This prophecy could give up to 3 1/2 years advance notice of the coming Great Tribulation. Will most ignore or misunderstand its fulfillment? Here is a link to a related sermon video Daniel 9:27 and the Start of the Great Tribulation.
How Will Middle East Peace be Brought About? Can humans bring peace to the Middle East? Here is a link to a related video: Middle East Peace? When?
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