Statfor’s Caesar; Karl-Theodor von und zu Guttenberg a Prince of the North?

Karl-Theodor von und zu Guttenberg
A CGG member sent me an article from Statfor that stated the following:
Fast-forward to 2010 and you have most of the EU expectantly gazing at Berlin, hoping that it saves Europe from its current crisis…
The most potent analogy here may be that of the Roman Republic. The Roman Senate had provisions by which, in times of emergency (such as when Hannibal threatened at the gates), it could bestow dictatorial powers on an individual. The EU may be nearing such a choice, albeit with the EU in the position of the Roman Senate, and Germany playing the role of Caesar. The offer may be too tempting for Germany to ignore. (Germany and Iran: Reconciling History Strafor. Thursday, February 11, 2010)
Those of us now part of the Living Church of God have taught for decades that a European leader (who in all probability has some German descent) will rise up to be the final King of the North, who is called the Beast in the Book of Revelation. It is interesting that a respected secular source is starting to wonder the same thing in these times. (It probably should be mentioned that the head of CGG himself does not seem to believe that anymore; see quotes from him in the article on the Church of the Great God.)
Earlier this week, a broadcaster and member of the Council of Elders for the Living Church of God called me and asked me to look more into Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg’s background.
Here is some of what Wikipedia has reported about him:
Karl-Theodor Maria Nikolaus Johann Jacob Philipp Franz Joseph Sylvester Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg (born 5 December 1971)[2][not in citation given], known as Karl-Theodor Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg or simply Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, is a German politician of the Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU), currently serving as the Minister of Defence of Germany in the second Merkel cabinet (since 28 October 2009)…he was appointed as Federal Minister for Economics and Technology in the first Merkel cabinet on 10 February 2009. After taking office as a cabinet minister, he quickly became one of Germany’s most popular politicians.
Guttenberg served his military service at the Gebirgsjägerbrigade 23 in Mittenwald and left the army as a Reserve Sergeant. He studied political science and law at the University of Bayreuth and in 2007 earned a doctorate in law with a dissertation on constitutional law in the United States and the EU…
He was elected to the Bundestag in 2002 as the representative of Kulmbach. Guttenberg was reelected in the 2005 election, and won his constituency with 60.0% of the votes. In 2009 he was again reelected with 68.1% in his district, achieving the highest percentage vote of all direct representatives in Germany.
In the Bundestag, he has been particularly active as a foreign policy expert, and has chaired the CDU/CSU parliamentary group on foreign policy.
FWIW, I (COGwriter) also left the military as a reserve sergeant. Anyway, because Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has at least a partial military background and is now Defense Minister, he could be a candidate as both biblical (Revelation 13:3-4) and non-biblical (especially Catholic) prophecies tell of a military leader to rise up in Europe. That leader also has interest in economic control per Revelation 13:16-17.
PCG’s Gerald Flurry has also written about Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg:
Long-time Trumpet readers know that we have drawn particular attention to Edmund Stoiber. Because of the urgency of the time, I have strongly felt that this prophesied leader will come onto the scene shortly. In the May/June 2009 Trumpet magazine, for example, I wrote, “You need to watch the September 27 election this year in Germany. It could very well produce the political leader of the Holy Roman Empire.” Then again…, I said, “As I write this article, Germany is just weeks from electing a new chancellor. That election and events to unfold from it are going to bring devastating consequences to this world.”
I believe we may have witnessed a fulfillment of that prediction.
An impressive man appeared in the front line of German politics when he was appointed as Germany’s minister of economics just February of last year. Then, right after Germany’s election, Angela Merkel rocketed his political stature overnight by giving him the senior portfolio of defense minister in her new coalition cabinet.
His name is Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg…Guttenberg recently passed Chancellor Merkel in favor as the most popular politician in Germany.
(Gerald Flurry for a while was leaning towards Germany’s Edmund Stoiber–former minister-president of the state of Bavaria and former chairman of the Christian Social Union. He then seemed to be learning towards who would actually become German Chancellor in 2009. But now he has changed now to think more towards Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. I questioned Gerald Flurry’s speculations on Edmund Stoiber years ago as I felt he was in error then; see Teachings Unique to the Philadelphia Church of God. And although Gerald Flurry seems to be claiming he has a fulfilled prophecy, his emphasis before was on Edmund Stoiber. Also notice what Gerald Flurry wrote about him in Nov-Dec 2008, “Edmund Stoiber. Stoiber is the best friend the pope has in Germany, so he is not out of the running for making a comeback as the leader of Germany and of Europe”.)
Getting back to Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg’s background, here is more of what Wikipedia has reported about him and his title:
Guttenberg is Catholic, while his wife is Protestant (Lutheran)…Guttenberg is a member of the prominent Franconian noble House of Guttenberg, known since 1158 and imperial barons since 1700. The preposition von means “of”, while the preposition zu (literally, “to”) historically denotes possession…Karl-Theodor’s mother, Christiane Gräfin und Edle Herrin von und zu Eltz genannt Faust von Stromberg (now Christiane Henkell-von Ribbentrop), is a member of the Eltz family, which has strong ties with Croatia. She is the daughter of Jakob von und zu Eltz, a former President of the Association of Winemakers in Rheingau who became active in Croatian politics after Croatian independence, and is related to the princely family of Liechtenstein and is also a descendant of the Habsburg-Lothringen imperial family, including Maria Theresa of Austria…
Guttenberg was born in Munich. He resides at his family castle in Guttenberg, Bavaria (district of Kulmbach), a village whose history is closely associated with the House of Guttenberg, and in a mansion in Berlin. The castle has been in the possession of the Guttenberg family since 1482.[12] The Guttenberg family owns most of the land in Guttenberg and has the right to appoint the local parish priest, in return for their financial support of the church. The family has had this right for several centuries…
As a Freiherr, his conventional form of address, by tradition, is Baron, in both German and English, and in his hometown of Guttenberg, Bavaria, Guttenberg is by courtesy styled as Baron (when addressed: Herr Baron, “My Lord Baron”)[13] and simply referred to as the Baron. In an interview, the Mayor of Guttenberg told journalists: “His correct title is Reichsfreiherr[14]….[14] Baron of the Holy Roman Empire.
Here is some information on his title (from a different Wikipedia article):
Reichsfreiherr (translated as Freiherr of the Empire) has no title or rank other than Freiherr. After the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire, the titles of the empire should have come to an end, but by the decision of the Vienna Congress (1815), the titles continued officially. Before the dissolution of the empire (1806), all German Freiherren were Freiherren of the Holy Roman Empire, in short Reichsfreiherren. However nobody before 1806 used the word Reichsfreiherr for a Freiherr. After 1806 the new German Kingdoms like Bavaria, Wuerttemberg etc. could name (e.g. Bavarian) Freiherren. However these Freiherren were not Freiherren of the Holy Roman Empire, a.k.a. the “Reich”. They were e.g. Bavarian Freiherren. Therefore some of the older baronial families (e.g. Reichsfreiherr von und zu Guttenberg) began to style their title from Freiherr to Reichsfreiherr in order to distinguish themselves from the new generation of barons.
The “House of Habsburg” is perhaps best known for being an origin of all of the formally elected Holy Roman Emperors between 1438 and 1740. Here is a photo of the crown of that empire:
Crown of the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne
One other recent news item about Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg provided some information about his spouse, “Stephanie, his glamorous wife, a great-granddaughter of Otto von Bismarck, the founder and “Iron Chancellor” of the 19th-century German empire” (
Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is right now considered to be the most popular politician in Germany. A German news article last month referred to him as, “Germany’s other skyrocketing celeb du jour, Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg” ( And the German news service Abendzeitung called him “der Politstar” which translated into English means “the Political Star” ( Another news report I saw reported that he has met with members of the Obama administration (
Here is an electronic translation of part of a German language article discussing leaders in Germany:
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg: The best by far Kunduz expert in the cabinet survives after his Opel-Waterloo, at that time as minister of economics, including the new Office of Defense even the wildest twists so far, without prejudice, and even surpassed, the Chancellor of sympathy for each Olympiad. The Baron with well-fitting clothes and manners, the wonderful talk a lot without saying anything, must soon fly between meetings of the inquiry more often to Afghanistan and see what there is “reasonable” and what not. (Article in German at
In June of 2009, EuropeanVoice reported:
Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has all the hallmarks of a spoilt aristocrat: wealth, looks, a castle and a long and distinguished lineage…The speed of Guttenberg’s ascent has been breathtaking. A year ago he was a relatively unknown member of parliament. It was only in November, when he became secretary-general of Bavaria’s embattled Christian Social Union, the sister party to Merkel’s Christian Democrats, that he popped up on the radar. A few months later came the call from Berlin, asking him to become economics minister…Guttenberg carefully cultivates his public image and also knows to steer clear of any brazenly baronial behaviour…Despite his privileged upbringing, Guttenberg seems to switch easily from the castle to less exotic settings. He was recently photographed in a baseball cap at an AC/DC concert and met his wife at the Love Parade, a techno music festival in Berlin…He is described as well mannered and courteous by colleagues from his days at the newspaper Die Welt, where he worked as a freelancer. He would always take time to listen to others, “and despite climbing up the ladder, he remains open to criticism,” said one former colleague. Guttenberg knows how to work the media. (
While Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg may not necessarily be the one who will be the final King of the North, there are several things about him that are of interest. In my view (COGwriter) they include:
- Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is a leader from middle Europe.
- He has a military background.
- He is considered to have some economic expertise.
- He is an extremely popular politician.
- He is considered an expert on foreign policy.
- He is currently “Minister of Defence” for Germany.
- He is some type of Catholic.
- Because he is married to a Lutheran (and she apparently did not convert prior to marriage), he apparently is not super strict about being Catholic (some other news reports I have seen also seem to confirm this in other ways as well).
- His wife also has political connections.
- He seems to have ecumenical tendencies, and that is what the “Great Monarch” of Catholic prophecies and the final Beast of Revelation would likely have.
- He is a descendant of the Habsburg line of rulers (the Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire were from the Habsburg line).
- Charlemagne was a Frank-German leader and “Holy Roman Emperor”. Certain Catholic prophecies indicate that the “Great Monarch” will be a descendant of Charlemagne.
- His blood line crosses into various countries in Europe (at least Germany, France, Austria, Liechtenstein, and Croatia).
- His has the right to select the priest for his parish. Hence, the idea that political leaders should be involved with religion is something he was raised up believing. A leader combining church and state is prophesied in Daniel 11:37-38 and Revelation 13.
- The understanding that his title means “Baron of the Holy Roman Empire” is interesting as the Book of Revelation describes a power that would resemble a re-emergence of “the Holy Roman Empire” and Catholic prophecy specifically tells of a time when “The Great King will be crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the reigning Pope” (Birch DA. Trial, Tribulation & Triumph: Before During and After Antichrist. Queenship Publishing Company, Goleta (CA), 1996,, p. 555).
- The fact that he is the most popular political leader in Germany suggests that he has a certain charisma that would be consistent with that which is expected for the final Beast leader.
- Because one of his relatives was involved in a plot against Hitler in 1944, he may be perceived as less of a threat than others with a German background.
- He is considered to be a smooth talking attractive leader.
- Some of his entertainment actions suggest that beneath his exterior he may have certain “vile” tendencies (cf. Daniel 11:21).
- He has risen to powerful positions quite quickly. And may do that again.
Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg seems to be a person of interest to watch. The Bible tells of a time that a leader called a “prince” will confirm a seven-year treaty, which he will break in the middle (Daniel 9:26-27). Within that 3 1/2 year time period, this “prince” will somehow become a king, as he will be the final King of the North who will stop sacrifices (Daniel 11:31).
Perhaps I should mention that I am convinced, that ultimately according to biblical prophecies, most Lutherans and Catholics will compromise and merge into a faith that will call itself “Catholic”.
There are also some Catholic prophecies that tell of a time of changes and a new religious order:
Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser (Born in the 17th century, in Germany) …until the days of the Son of Perdition…there will be an ecumenical council which will be the greatest of all councils. By the grace of God, by the power of the Great Monarch, and by the authority of the Holy Pontiff, and by the union of the most devout princes…this will be believed and accepted by everyone (Dupont, Yves. Catholic Prophecy: The Coming Chastisement. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), 1973, p. 40).
St. Francis de Paul (1470):…the Great Monarch…He shall be a great captain and prince of holy men…They shall obtain dominion over the whole world, both temporal and spiritual…This religious order shall be the last and best in the Church: it shall proceed with arms…He shall be the great founder of a new religious order different from all the others… By force of arms he shall take possession of a great kingdom. He shall destroy the sect of Mahomet…There will be one fold, one shepherd. He shall reign until the end of time. On the whole earth there will be twelve kings, one emperor and one pope. (Culleton, R. Gerald. The Prophets and Our Times. Nihil Obstat: L. Arvin. Imprimatur: Philip G. Scher, Bishop of Monterey-Fresno, November 15, 1941. Reprint 1974, TAN Books, Rockford (IL), p. 157-161).
Father Laurence Ricci, S.J. (died 1775): …a valiant duke will arise from the ancient German house which was humiliated by the French monarch…Protestantism will cease and the Turkish empire will end. This duke will be the most powerful monarch on earth. At a gathering of men noted for piety and wisdom he will, with the aid of the Pope, introduce new rules, and ban the spirit of confusion. Everywhere there will be one fold and one shepherd.” (Connor, Edward. Prophecy for Today. Imprimatur + A.J. Willinger, Bishop of Monterey-Fresno; Reprint: Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford (IL), 1984, p.37)
Capuchin Friar (18th century): A scion of the Carlovingian race {a descendant of Charlemagne}, by all considered extinct, will come to Rome to behold and admire the piety and clemency of this Pontiff, who will crown him, and declare him to be the legitimate Emperor of the Romans, and from the Chair of St. Peter, the Pope will life the standard, the crucifix, and will give it to the new emperor (cited in Thiel B. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect. Nazarene Books, 2009).
It has long been my contention that such a leader will come from a Catholic background and compromise that religion for political reasons.
Furthermore, it appears that other Catholic private prophecies/writings warn that it is an antipope that supports a new religious order:
Oba Prophecy: It will come when the Church authorities issue directives to support a new cult, when priests are forbidden to celebrate in any other, when the highest positions in the Church are given to perjurers and hypocrites, when only the renegades are admitted to occupy those positions (Dupont, p. 115).
Yves Dupont (20th century): An anti-pope shall be set up in Rome (Dupont, p. 116).
Ted and Maureen Flynn (readers and reporters Catholic prophecies): Catholic prophecy warns us of severe problems facing the papacy in these end times…chaos will be within our midst. An Antipope will seize papal authority…It will be those who hold fast to the truths of the faith who will be labeled as the perpetrators of this horrible schism, according to some visionaries (Flynn, Ted and Maureen. The Thunder of Justice. MaxKol Communications, Inc. Sterling (VA), 1993, p. 255).
Priest Herman Kramer (20th century): This false prophet…usurps the papal supremacy…His assumed spiritual authority and supremacy over the Church would make him resemble the Bishop of Rome…He would be Pontifex Maximus, a title of pagan emperors, having spiritual and temporal authority. Assuming authority without having it makes him the False Prophet…Though he poses as a lamb, his doctrines betray him…His principles and dogmas to be accepted…it will comprise emperor-worship…with the persecution of true believers (Kramer H.B. L. The Book of Destiny. Nihil Obstat: J.S. Considine, O.P., Censor Deputatus. Imprimatur: +Joseph M. Mueller, Bishop of Sioux City, Iowa, January 26, 1956. Reprint TAN Books, Rockford (IL), pp. 318,319).
Priest E. Sylvester Berry (published 1920): The two horns denote a twofold authority – spiritual and temporal. As indicated by the resemblance to a lamb, the prophet will probably set himself up in Rome as a sort of anti-pope…Antichrist will establish himself in Jerusalem…with his ‘lying wonders’… (Berry ES. The Apocalypse of St. John, 1920. Quoted in Culleton RG. The Reign of Antichrist. Reprint 1974, TAN Books, Rockford (IL), pp. 199-200).
World events are lining up for the rise of the Beast and the False Prophet. Unless Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg falls completely out of favor, it is almost certain that he will be involved with the prophesied covenant/treaty (Daniel 9:27) which apparently will be a Middle East peace deal. If Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg establishes some type of new religious “Catholic” order–watch out for that–then it could very well be that he could be the final King of the North.
But even if he is not, we are certainly living in times where a powerful leader in Europe will rise up. Even Strafor has publicly realized that.
Some items for further related study may include:
Who is the King of the North? Is there one? Do biblical and Roman Catholic prophecies point to the same leader? Should he be followed? Who will be the King of the North discussed in Daniel 11? Is a nuclear attack prophesied to happen to the English-speaking peoples of the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand? When do the 1335 days, 1290 days, and 1260 days (the time, times, and half a time) of Daniel 12 begin? When does the Bible show that economic collapse will affect the United States?
Catholic Prophecies: Do They Mirror, Highlight, or Contradict Biblical Prophecies? People of all faiths may be surprised to see what various Roman and Orthodox Catholic prophets have been predicting as many of their predictions will be looked to in the 21st century.
2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect This is a link related to a book by Bob Thiel (COGwriter). This also has YouTube videos related to 2012.
2012 y el surgimiento de la secta secreta Nuevo libro del Dr. Thiel en Español.
Two Horned Beast of Revelation and 666 Who is 666? This article explains how the LCG views this, and compares this to Ellen White.
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe?
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