China Buying USA Food, In Depression Will Chinese Eat While Americans & Brits Starve?
The Chinese have become the biggest importers of USA agricultural production:
China now top U.S. ag export marketReuters – May 20, 2010China bought more than $10 billion in U.S. farm goods in the first six months of the year to become the country’s No 1 agricultural export market, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said on Thursday…Vilsack declined to comment on the likely size of U.S. corn sales to China.
China also relies on wheat (see Drought, Wheat, & China).
Some see a possible depression coming:
City fears of ‘Great Depression Mark II’Leading City experts have started raising the prospect of “Great Depression II” amid worries that the European economic crisis could trigger a deeper bout of chaos.
In the “Great Depression” most Americans and Brits had skills in growing food. This is no longer the case. Furthermore, modern crops have gotten more complicated as so many seeds are hybrids that they will not actually grow the type of foods most in the USA and UK are used to having. The coming food problems will also get worse once one or more genetically-modified crops suffers from some type of pestilence. The USA, to cite one example, could lose virtually all of its wheat or corn because of the dependence on genetically modified versions (which is especially true for crops like corn and soy). Prophecy for famines will be fulfilled (Matthew 24:7-8).
Notice also the following:
The Geopolitics of Food Scarcity…
No country is immune to the effects of tightening food supplies, not even the United States.
If China turns to the world market for massive quantities of grain, as it recently has done for soybeans, it will undoubtedly look to the United States, which dominates world grain exports. For US consumers, the prospect of competing for the US grain harvest with 1.3 billion Chinese consumers with fast-rising incomes is a nightmare scenario. It would be tempting for the United States to restrict exports, but this is not an option with China which now holds well over one trillion US dollars. Like it or not, US consumers will share their grain with Chinese consumers regardless of how high food prices rise.,1518,606937,00.html
The time is likely coming when the USA will have to provide grain to China when some Americans will be starving from food shortages. The USA and UK are under massive debt loads, and at some point in time will likely have political leaders who will believe that exporting food to places like China will be needed even though part of their citizenry will die from food shortages.
While we are not there yet, this time is coming soon.
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