EU Looking for a New Military Structure Without UK
European Union Coat of Arms
Europe wants to somewhat promote its mythological roots:
Five EU countries call for new military ‘structure’EUobserver – Nov 16, 2012Five leading EU countries, but not the UK, have said the Union needs a new military “structure” to manage overseas operations.The foreign and defence ministers of France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain issued the call in a joint communique after a meeting in Paris on Thursday (15 November)…
The communique also calls for more “pooling and sharing” of EU defence hardware in the context of crisis-related budget cuts.It identifies “space, ballistic-missile defence, drones, air-to-air refuelling, airlift capacities, medical support to operations [and] software defined radio” as pooling areas.
The reference to new “civilian-military structures” comes after the UK last year blocked the creation of a new operational headquarters (OHQ) in Brussels for EU military missions…Meanwhile, the UK’s role in future EU defence co-operation was a big topic at the Paris meeting.
French foreign minister Laurent Fabius said the UK can join the group-of-five at any time: “The text which we have developed is open to all of our colleagues, especially Great Britain.”
French defence minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said the communique is designed to “create a movement” ahead of an EU summit on defence in 2013.
For his part, Polish foreign minister Radek Sikorski …called for an “ambitious” EU budget for 2014 to 2020 to help with defence co-ordination.
Speaking in a separate interview in UK newspaper The Times also on Thursday, Sikorski blamed British “nostalgia” for past greatness as a reason why it is pulling back from EU integration and why it wants to cut the EU budget.
While the UK may be invited, the time will come when the UK will be even more on the outs with the EU (it already is to a degree, but it will be even a less “equal” partner later).
The fact that the EU keeps wanting an EU-wide military is consistent with biblical and Catholic prophecies. Despite EU budget and other problems it will come to pass.
Perhaps I should add that the EU Coat of Arms looks a lot like the EU Flag. The EU flag was based upon a certain Catholic view of Mary and is supposed to be somewhat dedicated to her (Vatican News: EU Flag is Marian).
As, supposedly, is the EU Coat of Arms. And so, likely to a degree and for a time, will be Europe’s military once it emerges as the Beast power of Revelation 13:1-4.
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