Germany proposing a type of burqa ban
Two Women Wearing Burqas
Following the lead in Belgium and France, some in Germany want to at least partially ban the burqa (sometimes spelled burka) that certain Muslim women wear:
19 August 2016
Federal Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere has come out in favor of a ban on full-face veils in certain areas of public life, making a partial concession to his state-level colleagues in the Christian Democratic Union.
De Maiziere presented the “Berlin Declaration” on Friday morning alongside other conservative interior ministers following a meeting in Berlin on Thursday night to hash out the final details of the plan.
“We unanimously reject the burqa,” de Maiziere told public TV network ZDF on Friday morning. “It does not fit in our open country.” He added that CDU interior ministers have pledged to draw up legislation that would force people to show their faces where “it is necessary for living together in our society.”
According to de Maiziere, these situations included driving a car, visiting public authorities, in schools and universities, working in public service and appearing in court. He added that the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the CDU’s coalition partner in the federal government and some states, would agree with much of the Berlin Declaration. …
The commonly used phrase “burqa ban” is something of a misnomer in a German context: The burqa, a loose cloak where the eyes are also covered with a mesh, common in Afghanistan and Pakistan, is virtually unknown – though the niqab, where the eyes are visible, is occasionally seen in Germany.
The new debate about full-face veils was triggered after de Maiziere announced new security measures last week in the wake of three violent attacks that took place in Germany – all carried out by men not wearing a full-face veil.
August 19, 2016
Germany could become the next European country to ban face veils under a proposal announced on Friday by officials in the ruling coalition.
The officials intend to have the face veils banned in public places where identification is required — such as registry offices, schools, kindergartens and government offices — saying that they did not fit in with Germany’s society.“Full-face veils, as mentioned, we reject this. Not just the burka, any full-face veils that only shows eyes of a person,” said Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere at a press conference held by members of the Christian Democratic Union and their allied Christian Social Union, which govern in a coalition.
“It does not fit into our society for us, for our communication, for our cohesion in the society…. This is why we demand you show your face.”
Historically, when Europe takes steps against Islam, it also tends to take steps to be closer to the Church of Rome. And yes, I feel this type of ban is more likely in more nations in Europe than in Australia (though politics is a tricky thing).
What many people do not realize is that in places like Turkey young women are PAID by Islamic groups based outside the country to actually wear the burqa. And thus, many poorer young women wear burqa there as a source of income. So while certain Muslims are trying to increase control and influence by doing that, many in Europe and elsewhere have realized that these signs of Muslim influence are not what their countries should put up with.
France also recently banned ‘burkinis’ (also spelled burqini)–full body swimsuits–the Muslim women use. They have so far warned or fined 10 women for violating that law:
August 19, 2016
Ten Muslim women have been warned or fined for wearing burkinis – or full body swimsuits – on a French beach after three seaside towns banned the Islamic garments since the end of July following a series of Islamist terror attacks.
All of the women flouting the new laws were caught by police officers in the Riviera resort of Cannes and forced to leave the beach. Four were fined the equivalent of £32, while all received “warnings” that will now technically form part of their criminal records.
Woman in a burqini carrying a towel (Giorgio Montersino)
While I do understand why facial covering burqas would be subject to a ban, telling women that they cannot have much of their bodies covered while swimming, in my view at least, is wrong.
As far as the Muslims in Europe go, notice some items I posted about this back in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2015:
The reality is that the Muslims will force Europe to wake-up and re-establish themselves. Historically, when Europe has been strongly opposed to Islam it has had greater ties to the Vatican.
This is what will occur. The Bible shows that a European military leader will line up with a religious leader from the city of seven hills (Rome) and ultimately defeat the forces of Islam. (Thiel B. Muslims: European Wake-Up Call. COGwriter, August 9, 2009)
The reality is that the Muslims will be a major factor to get Europe to wake-up and re-establish itself. Historically, when Europe has been strongly opposed to Islam it has had greater ties to the Vatican.
This is what will occur. The Bible shows that a European military leader will line up with a religious leader from the city of seven hills (Rome) and ultimately defeat the forces of Islam. (Thiel B. Anti-Islamic PVV Gaining in the Netherlands. COGwriter, March 4, 2010)
A divide between Islam and the nominally-Christian Europe is going to become more and more real. Though there will be apparent cooperation (cf. Psalm 83; Daniel 11:27), the two will turn against each other (Daniel 11:40-43). (Thiel B. France Begins Burqa Ban. COGwriter, April 11, 2011)
Yet, there are changes happening in Europe. And according to the Bible, more economic (Revelation 13: 14-17) and political ones must come to pass (Revelation 17:12-13). A currency change from the Euro is a possible, but not biblically-required, change.
As far as the anti-Islamists go, the Bible shows that a European military leader will line up with a religious leader from the city of seven hills (Revelation 17) and ultimately defeat the forces of Islam (Daniel 11:40-43), despite having earlier made one of more deals with the Islamists (cf. Psalm 83:3-8; Daniel 9:27; Daniel 11:27).
Irrespective of one or more temporary political deals with those of the Islamic faith, the anti-Islamic sentiment that Geert Wilders and others have tapped into in Europe is real. And according to the Bible, it will be resolved in ways differently than Geert Wilders and others like him publicly state (Daniel 11:40-42). (Thiel B. Political Turmoil in the Netherlands. COGwriter, April 23, 2012)
Will the refugee problem break apart Europe?
Well, it is likely to be a factor that will result in the UK splitting from the continental Europeans.
But what about the continental Europeans, will they split up or unite closer?
Well, although the Bible states that they will have unification problems (Daniel 2:41-43), it also shows that they will reorganize and put in a dictator, the Beast of Revelation (Revelation 17:12-13; see also Must the Ten Kings of Revelation 17:12 Rule over Ten Currently Existing Nations?). A Europe will arise with a powerful militaristic leader (Revelation 13:4; see also Europa, the Beast, and Revelation) who will enter with peaceful sounding words (Daniel 8:25; 9:27; 11:21-24; see also The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27), yet he will be the prophesied King of the North. …
Although there is a pontiff who currently is endorsing the acceptance of these migrants into Europe (see Pope Francis tells tens of thousands of European Catholic facilities to accept one migrant family per church/monastery), expect changes to come.
Islamic migrants into Europe will cause problems, but ultimately will result in a dictator rising up in Europe.
Not only will that not end up well for Islam (Daniel 11:40-43; see also Is the Future King of the South Rising Up?), it will also not end up well for the UK or the USA (Daniel 11:39; see also the article Anglo – America in Prophecy). (Thiel B. Will ‘Islamic Invasion’ by migrants break up the European Union? COGwriter, September 13, 2015)
The above items were posted based upon my knowledge and understanding of biblical prophecy. And astute readers will realize that the Brexit vote confirmed what I wrote in September 2015–the immigrant situation was a factor in the UK voting to leave the European Union on June 23, 2016.
As I mentioned in an earlier article about burqas many years ago (see Belgium To Ban the Burka?), Europe is starting to get fed-up with Islam (see also Anti-Islamic PVV Gaining in the Netherlands and Switzerland Votes to Ban Minarets).
A divide between Islam and the nominally-Christian Europe is going to become more and more real.
The call for a burqa ban in Germany, the burkini ban in France, and reactions to Islamic terrorism should be making this clearer to those who will watch as Jesus said in Mark 13:33-37.
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