Germany’s Merkel is in Argentina making deals with Mexico and Argentina
Buenos Aires
Germany’s Chancellor is in Argentina:
June 8, 2017
BUENOS AIRES (Alliance News) – Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived in Buenos Aires on Thursday at the start of a three-day visit to Argentina and Mexico for talks which are set to focus on global trade, climate protection and migration.
Merkel’s trip to Latin America comes as she attempts to build an international alliance aimed at countering US President Donald Trump’s climate policy and anti-free trade stance in the run-up to next month’s Group of 20 summit of major economies in Hamburg. The chancellor is to chair the summit.
8 June 2017
As German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives in America’s back yard, German G20 goals are on the menu in Argentina and Mexico. But Donald Trump’s specter looms large as ever.
As far as the German government is concerned, the rumors are not true. Berlin insists that this trip is not about forming any kind of alliance against US President Donald Trump’s protectionist economic rhetoric. Officially, Angela Merkel’s stops in Argentina and then Mexico were simply the last countries left on the list to visit prior to the G20 summit in Hamburg.
Yet few other countries would be as threatened as Mexico by protectionist policies from the Trump administration. Not to mention the prospect of a border wall, a foreign and domestic policy nightmare for Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto. And while steak-loving Germans may scoff around a quarter of Argentina’s beef exports, President Mauricio Macri also fears that economic tremors originating in Washington could become devastating earthquakes on reaching Buenos Aires. …
The upcoming G20 meeting will not have to try quite so hard to stress the “shared values” that were absent at the recent G7 gathering in Sicily on more levels than merely Washington’s climate opt-out. Still, every economy around the table – from China to Japan to the EU and certainly Latin America – will be watching every move Trump makes. And they’ll be watching how Angela Merkel – as G20 host – responds.
The G20 meetings are set for July 7-8 in Hamburg, Germany. European leaders want to take advantage of opportunities they believe that the US President is giving them and are taking steps now.
In the past, Donald Trump indicated that since the USA is Mexico’s largest export market, he can do as he wants (presuming US court approvals), yet leaders in Mexico and Europe have a different view.
What will happen with Latin America and Europe?
Notice something I wrote about in October 2008 in an article titled What’s Ahead for Latin America?:
What’s ahead for the Spanish and Portuguese speaking peoples of Latin America? Do current and historical world conditions give some clues to the fate of Mexico in prophecy? What about Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela in prophecy? What about Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama? Might Belize and Guyana be in a separate category? What about Suriname and French Guiana?
Do you realize that the Bible does gives clues as to what will happen to these peoples?
In all of these lands, the people are either of European heritage, indigenous, or a mixture of indigenous and European. But either way, most people in all of the nations of Latin America have some type of ethnic tie to Europe. And the vast majority of the people in Latin America speak some type of a European language.
The ancient Romans developed a system of laws, courts and administrative skills to manage their empire. Today, that Roman law forms the basis of legal codes in France, Italy, the European Union, and in the Latin American countries. Roman law also undergirds Roman Catholic canon law (Civilization Past & Present, Wallbank, 6th edition, pp. 87–88). European and Latin American legal systems much more closely resemble each other than they do of the American and British systems (the US American system is based on the British system).
Most of the peoples in Latin America are Roman Catholic. And this is true of nearly every nation there. Religion, thus, is a major cultural tie to Europe.
Certain parts of Latin America are also politically quite connected to Europe. French Guiana is actually part of France and uses the Euro as its currency. Suriname still maintains close ties to the Netherlands. There exists certain legal connections between those of Portugal and Brazil which ties those nations relatively closely. Guyana used to be part of the British Commonwealth (however, because of ethnic reasons, I suspect that in the end it may decide to be more closely aligned with the rest of Latin America and continental Europe than with the UK). Most of the Spanish-speaking nations have ties to each other as well as Spain.
Because of the cultural, ethnic, language, legal, and religious ties between Europe and Latin America, the two regions will likely cooperate more in the future. These ties will be primarily economic, but also may include some type of military cooperation.
While the world generally considers that Mexico and the rest of the Latin American nations are “developing”, the fact is that they have truly been developing. Several are not only becoming economic powerhouses, they have been able to do this without the massive debt accumulations that many other nations have (like the U.S.A.). And while not all of Latin America is poised for major economic activity on the world scene, once major players such as Mexico, Argentina, Brazil (Portuguese: Brasil), and Chile develop a bit more, they will have an impact not only on the entire world, but also on the other Central and South American countries that they also trade with.
With the U.S.A. and its Anglo-Allies ultimately basically out of the picture, the future power of Europe will make Europe an economically attractive trading partner (and because of its military abilities in the future, it is likely to be an attractive military partner) to those in Latin America.
Notice that the Bible says that all trading nations will become wealthy trading with Babylon (the restored European Empire):
For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury (Revelation 18:3, NKJV).
Thus, the resource (Mexico and Venezuela are major oil exporters), and even agriculturally (Chile and Argentina are leading exporters of agricultural products), rich Latin American countries, including Brazil (which is also one of the world’s most successful rising manufacturing nations), appears to be prophesied to attain wealth from the coming restored European Empire. (Thiel B. What’s Ahead for Latin America? COGwriter, October 22, 2008)
While Venezuela and Brazil have their own issues, they will eventually have improvements.
Consider also something else that I warned about in 2008:
In the spirit of accommodation and personal interest, many of the “standards” of the European Union will be adopted by the USA, Canada and Mexico, as well as by nearly all of the countries of the world. The Arab nations will most likely agree with many of the standards as they seem to be destined to form a brief end-time alliance with the Europeans (The Arab World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy).
However, over time, it will become increasingly clear that the British will be in more agreement with the Canadians and Americans and that the European Union in more agreement with the Mexicans than the EU will have with the English-speaking nations.
Trade wars and/or serious trade disputes will most likely arise.
The Brits will ultimately decide that they are more supportive of the Americans and Canadians. They will be so much more supportive that they will end up in a trading agreement with them (with the Australians and New Zealanders probably also becoming part of that agreement).
The EU will decide that Mexico and the rest of Latin America are in more agreement with it and thus make some type of serious trading agreement with most (or all) of Latin America. The Vatican will also have influence here as Latin America is highly Roman Catholic.
The Europeans and Americans, however, will continue to have military agreements, though many will be tense about them.
Eventually, the Europeans (possibly under the cover of pretending that they are involved in a “NATO-like” exercise in North America) will eventually launch a surprise attack against the United States in fulfillment of both biblical and Catholic prophecies. The Mexicans will most likely be allied with the Europeans for this to happen. (Thiel B. A Combined EU & North American Trade Block Coming?, March 3, 2008)
Notice the following news report that came out after Donald Trump took office:
European leaders have said Brussels should take advantage of a more protectionist U.S. leader, who has already withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, to step up negotiations with would-be partners.Mexico faces the prospect of a renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and possibly higher U.S. import duties.
Europe, in general, and Germany, in particular, are trying to move to fill in areas where Donald Trump has indicated he wants to change trade terms. This is giving Europe opportunities that it would not otherwise have. (We have a BNP video related to Europe and trade: Trade Wars: Are COG warnings coming to pass?)
Expect more issues to arise.
Expect more cooperation on trade, and even military matters, between Europe and Latin America.
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