UN reports Russian troops are fighting in Ukraine, despite Kremlin denials
Russian T-90A Main Battle Tank
The United Nations is reporting that Russia is more involved militarily in Ukraine than it wants to admit:
Evidence Grows of Russian Military Involvement in Ukraine
June 1, 2015
GENEVA—U.N. human rights monitors say there is growing evidence of Russian military involvement in the war in Ukraine. The U.N. human rights monitoring mission in Ukraine has just launched its 10th report on the situation in Ukraine, covering the period from February 16 to May 15.
Russia denies its soldiers are fighting in eastern Ukraine, and it says those fighting with pro-Russian rebels are volunteers. Since Ukrainian armed forces captured two Russians last month, the Kremlin has refused to acknowledge them as members of the regular Russian army.
But U.N. Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ivan Simonovic said monitors who interviewed the Russian soldiers in private on May 21 reached a different conclusion.
“There is increasing evidence that active servicemen from Russian Federation may be operating in Ukraine,” said Simonovic. “In these cases, we have to be very cautious because the same persons who were visited are subject … to national Ukrainian criminal investigation and they are charged with terrorism … and, of course, those people are between a rock and hard place because also the Russian Federation is closely watching what they are saying or not saying.”
Heavy weapons, fighters
Simonovic said there also are reports of sophisticated heavy weaponry and fighters being supplied from the Russian Federation.
The report finds more than 6,400 people have been killed and nearly 16,000 wounded in eastern Ukraine between mid-April 2014 and May 30 of this year. It said this is a conservative estimate and the actual numbers are likely to be higher. It also says 1.2 million people are internally displaced and hundreds of thousands of others have sought refuge in Russia and other countries. …
The report says human rights violations have continued in Crimea since Russia annexed the peninsula on March 4, 2014. It notes that arrests, ill-treatment, torture, and intimidation are perpetrated against political opponents, primarily the Crimean Tatar community. http://www.voanews.com/content/growing-evidence-of-russian-military-involvement-in-ukraine/2803192.html
There is no doubt that Russia wants Ukraine. It is trying to figure out the best way to do that and currently it seems to believe that more covert operations are in its best interest.
Because of press reports in Russia, it seems that Vladimir Putin and other Russian leaders are getting the Russian people prepared for more direct military conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Europe, however, is heavily involved with trying to resolve the situation between Russia and Ukraine. Europe wants Ukraine as part of its European Union, while it also wants to get along with Russia and lift sanctions. The USA wants Ukraine part of the European Union.
But many simply do not realize how bad Vladimir Putin wants Ukraine. The Bible shows, that for a time, there will be cooperation between Russia and Europe (cf. Revelation 13:4,8), but that will end. The Bible also shows that the time will come when the “kings of the Medes” will get together and that ultimately that Russia will turn against Europe (Daniel 11:44-45; Jeremiah 50:41-43; 51:11; Isaiah 13:1-8). Medes were in the areas of Russia and Ukraine. For now, we are seeing some ‘sorting out’ in that part of the world. Those in all the Ukrainian region need our prayers–the situation is tense, and more are likely to die.
Neither the European Union nor the Eurasian Union are the real answer, though they could, for a time, end direct conflict. What is needed is the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the kingdom of God.
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