Ukrainians and separatists accused of war crimes; Orthodox Patriarch refers to Putin as ‘Cain’ and under Satan’s action
Kviv Patriarch Filaret Denysenko
Amnesty International says that both the Ukrainians and pro-Russian separatists have committed war crimes, and that Russia also may have:
September 10, 2014
MOSCOW—Amnesty International said on Wednesday it had documented evidence of war crimes by both sides in the conflict between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine.
The human rights group’s secretary-general, Salil Shetty, told a news conference in Moscow that some separatists, backed by Russian troops, and Ukraine’s Aidar battalion had committed human rights abuses in the five-month-old conflict.
Citing satellite imagery as well as witness accounts, Shetty said Russia’s involvement in the violence in eastern Ukraine made it a side in the conflict which could make it liable if war crimes are established.
“We have repeatedly raised the issue of war crimes and in our most recent reports we have documented evidence of war crimes from both sides,” said Shetty, repeating the allegations in the Russian capital, where authorities have denied their involvement in the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Shetty said the organization had requested meetings with President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov but neither had agreed to meet him or answered the allegations.
Russia has denied it is a party to the conflict and has dismissed accusations that it has sent soldiers and weapons to support the separatists.
Shetty said human rights abuses, including beatings and abductions, had been carried out by separatists “who we now know have been backed by Russian forces” and by Ukraine’s Aidar Battalion, a volunteer territorial defense group.
The fighting in Ukraine has hurt many as well as impacted the economy there.
There has long been some tension between the Ukrainian Orthodox and the Russian Orthodox churches. The Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill is a political ally of Vladimir Putin (see Russia’s Putin attempting to unify some of the Orthodox? and Russian Orthodox Church Claims it Can Show the Way for Europe, Others Believe it Has Sold Out), and this has caused additional tensions. In the past, the Vatican (see Vatican credits Russia’s Putin for ‘defending Christianity’ and confirms a meeting and Moscow Patriarchate pleased Putin to meet Vatican, while Vatican works many sides for its ecumenical plans and Russia’s Putin and Pope Francis both kiss Marian icon) indicated that Vladimir Putin has been a positive leader from a religious perspective.
Now, the Patriarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox has spoken out against Vladimir Putin:
September 8, 2014
Putin ‘possessed by Satan,’ says head of Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Peter Kenny and Henri Rose Cimatu
The head of Ukraine’s Orthodox Church has accused President Vladimir Putin of being possessed by Satan while the Dalai Lama in a less strident critique accused the Russian leader of being “self-centered.”
Patriarch Filaret, who heads the Ukraine Orthodox Church, compared Putin to Cain in the Bible, the son of Adam and Eve who killed his brother, while not naming the Russian president by name.
“With great regret I have to say now publicly that among the rulers of this world upon the fact of baptism, belonging to the Orthodox Church, appeared a real new Cain – not by name, but by deeds,” he said.
“These matters indicate that the above mentioned governor as the first in the history fratricide Cain, came under the action of Satan.”
The statement was published on the church’s website in Russian, Ukrainian and English.
“He calls himself a brother to the Ukrainian people, but in fact according to his deeds, he really became the new Cain, shedding the brotherly blood and entangling the whole world with lies,” said the patriarch.
Here are statements from the website of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by Patriarch Filaret:
Statement of the Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine Filaret
And Cain said to Abel his brother: [let’s go to the field]. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? He said: I do not know; Am I my brother’s keeper?
Genesis 4: 8-9
Dear brothers and sisters, all people of good will!
With great regret I have to say now publicly that among the rulers of this world upon the fact of baptism, belonging to the Orthodox Church, appeared a real new Cain – not by name, but by deeds.
These matters indicate that the above mentioned governor as the first in the history fratricide Cain, came under the action of Satan.
From the Holy Scriptures, we know that two great sins, murder and lie are in close unity with each other, as the ruler and the inspiratior of both is the devil. Therefore, anyone who indulges in these sins, according to the Savior, has the devil as his father, “your father is the devil; and you want to fulfill the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies “(John 8:44).
“From everyone to whom much is given, much will be required, and who has been entrusted with more will be asked” – says the Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 12:48). A lot of power was given into the hands of the above mentioned ruler, but both the world and we are witnessing the fact that he drew this power not on good deeds, but on evil.
It was at his behest that the media in his country day and night in many languages ??spread cynical lie about Ukraine, sow enmity against the Ukrainian people, and against our desire to be independent and build our own sovereign state, they provoke bloodshed and murder in the Donbass.
He says outright and blatant lies: organizing and sending killers mercenaries to our country, speaks of “internal conflict”, to which he allegedly is not involved; sending to Ukraine his troops, he publicly states that these forces are not present there. At the time when in Ukraine the perished soldiers, defenders of the Fatherland are buried as heroes, the soldiers of his country, who died in the Donbas, are buried secretly, carefully concealing the truth about the circumstances of their death.
This ruler is cynically lying, saying that his country is not a party to the conflict in Ukraine – although he did everything in order to foment the conflict and maintain it.
Numerous victims are the consequence of his actions. In recent months, soldiers are killed every day and volunteers, who protect Ukraine from the aggressor, which loves to call himself our brother. The fighting affects millions of civilians and tens of thousands are forced to flee from war, hundreds were killed. Cities and villages of the Donbass turn into ruins.
Seeing this, and as the Patriarch, being responsible before God for the Orthodox Ukrainian people, I affirm that the greatest blame for all this lies on the abovementioned governor. In his will and power is to immediately stop the bloodshed and death, but it is for the sake of his pride he continues to multiply evil. He calls himself a brother to the Ukrainian people, but in fact according to his deeds, he really became the new Cain, shedding the brotherly blood and entangling the whole world with lies.
His lie is misleading some people, and they think that in fact this ruler protects traditional spiritual and moral values ??from the ravages of globalization….
I call on God’s blessing to Ukraine and our pious people!
Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine
September 5, 2014
Basically, Patriarch Filaret is indicating that the Ukrainians represent the righteous Abel and the Vladimir Putin represents the murderer Cain as the Ukrainians and Russians should be brothers.
Now it is true that Satan is a liar and murderer (John 8:44) and incites wars (e.g. Revelation 16:13-14).
That being said, for Patriarch Filaret to call the Ukrainians a ‘pious people,’ is not biblically accurate (e.g. Military Service and the Churches of God: Do Real Christians Participate in Carnal Warfare or Encourage Violence?). One would think he would be aware of the war crimes and other violent actions that happened in Kiev itself over the past 10 months or so as well as other issues. Not that the Russians are themselves more pious (sincerely devoted to a proper religion) than the Ukrainians.
It is just that those of Ukraine and Russia do really need to turn to God and practice the true biblical faith. As do all others:
30 Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, 31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead. (Acts 17:30-31).
Vladimir Putin himself made the news today:
September 10, 2014
MOSCOW (AP) — Russia will counter military moves by the U.S. and NATO with an array of new nuclear and conventional weapons, President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday as the military successfully test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile from a nuclear submarine. …
Putin accused the West of using the crisis in Ukraine to reinvigorate NATO, warning that Moscow will ponder a response to the alliance’s decision to create a rapid-reaction “spearhead” force to protect Eastern Europe. …
The comparative weakness of Russia’s conventional arsenals have prompted Russia to rely increasingly on a nuclear deterrent, with the nation’s military doctrine envisaging the possibility that Russia may use nuclear weapons first in response to a conventional aggression.
Russia wants the West to know it can cause destruction, so do not engage with Russia militarily. However, Russia’s actions have tended to reinvigorate NATO, and the long-term ramifications is that this means that Europe will end up with a much stronger military than it now has. Russia’s threat of a potential preemptive nuclear strike will give European politicians even more reasons to argue for a stronger military over there.
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