
Greetings from Charlotte, 

The Spring Holy Days will be here in about three weeks. We all need to be examining ourselves and preparing for this period that pictures the important initial steps in God’s plan of salvation for human beings: the death of Jesus Christ for our sins and the importance of putting sin out of our lives. This week Mr. Meredith and Mr. Ames are taping Tomorrow’s World television programs. Mr. Meredith recorded program #333, “When Will Christ Return?”, which is scheduled to air on June 22 and will offer the booklet Fourteen Signs Announcing Christ’s Return. Mr. Ames recorded program #332, “The Bible—Great Mysteries Revealed,” which is scheduled to air on June 15 and will offer the Bible Study Course.  

We are also working on Festival assignments for the ministry for the Feast of Tabernacles. Wayne Pyle reports that for the January-March period of 2008, we have received the highest count for GOTOs that we have ever received since these counts began to be tracked in 2002.  For the January-March period of 2008 we received 1,704 GOTO requests worldwide, with 1,603 of those requests coming from the U.S. and Canada. 

Church Administration 

First Day of Unleavened Bread Sermon DVD (UBE08-1) 

Attention Video Recipients: Please note that the recently-mailed DVDs of the First Day of Unleavened Bread sermon (UBE08-1) were incorrectly labeled, in part. The DVD labels show Mr. Rod McNair as the presenter of the sermon when, in fact, Mr. Rod King presented it. The CDs of this same sermon were correctly labeled.  

Living Leadership Course—Last Several Lessons (22-24) 

It was decided at the last Council of Elders meeting to leave it to the Pastor’s discretion how to deal with the last several lessons of the Living Leadership course (22, 23 and 24). Most Pastors are covering the LLC lessons in a lecture/discussion format apart from Church services, while others are covering the material in sermons. Since the material in lessons 22, 23 and 24 deals with legal and Church government matters, the Pastor can make the determination if, how and where to address these matters.    

Williamsburg, Virginia, Public Bible Lecture 

A public Bible lecture by Area Pastor Ken Frank, titled “Can We Trust the Bible?,” conducted in Williamsburg, Virginia, on March 22 concluded a series of lectures in the mid-Atlantic area of the United States over the past few months. The series included presentations in the Washington, DC, Baltimore and Winchester areas. The total attendance in Winchester was 45, with 12 subscribers, including one man who drove nearly 100 miles to attend. Some of the new attendees once belonged to our former affiliation; others were new to Church of God teaching. Ample refreshments, a literature display and tender loving care from the brethren encouraged most of the new folks to stay around a good while after the lecture. Some of them expressed interest in attending with us again next Sabbath. 

New Zealand Update 

Mr. Kinnear Penman, New Zealand Area Pastor, reports on activities in his area during February: The big effort during the month was the mailing of Armageddon and Beyond booklets offered in the semi-annual letter. More than 1,250 copies were requested by subscribers. A total of 2,110 pieces of mail containing 3,419 items of literature were mailed. Of these, 69 were sets of Bible Study Course lessons. Exactly 400 responses were received to the Tomorrow’s World program and 181 (45%) were first-time callers. More than 200 new subscribers were added to the mailing list. I made four initial GOTO visits which resulted in one person being invited to attend services. 

Philippines Update 

Our local elder, Mr. Valeriano Martin, serving in the Luzon area under Mr. Basilio Osillos, died on March 9 at age 75 from the effects of a stroke. Mr. Osillos conducted the burial ceremony on March 17. Cards and letters of encouragement may be sent to Lolita Martin, widow of Mr. Martin, care of Mr. Basilio Osillos at P.O. Box 170, Q-Plaza Post Office, Cainta, Rizal 1900 Philippines.  

News from Nigeria 

Mr. Oladele Akin-Ogundeji, leader of our small congregation in Nigeria, West Africa, sent us the following interesting report of a meeting he had with a subscriber: “It was when we met and had the over four-hour Bible study that it dawned on him that there is a huge difference between the truth and what he has been learning from his regular church and popular Christianity. He showed through his comments that he would make a thorough study of the 24 lessons of our Bible Study Course and take action on what he has seen to be the light, God’s truth… He also realized that he has to get a better translation of the Bible as the one he is currently using, the New Living Bible, is grossly in error. He also disclosed that the vernacular (Yoruba) translation of the Bible is misleading. In the main, the Yoruba translation of the Bible reflects the Anglican doctrinal orientation, having been translated hundreds of years ago by the first Nigerian, indeed African, Anglican bishop.” 

Information on Sabbath Services Locations and Times 

From time to time, members traveling need to obtain Sabbath services locations and times. If you need this information, feel free to call Headquarters. We will give you the contact information of the local Pastor, whom you can contact directly.  However, please plan ahead and make sure you that call us well in advance, early in the week of your intended visit.  Our Pastors are often traveling, and it may not always be possible for you to get in touch with them on Friday, just before the Sabbath. 

South Carolina Singles and Family Weekend 

As previously announced, the Anderson, South Carolina, congregation is sponsoring a Singles & Family Weekend during the weekend of the Last Day of Unleavened Bread—Saturday, April 26. Holy Day services and accompanying activities will be held at the Greenville Hilton in Greenville, South Carolina. If you need further information or want to register by phone or e-mail, you may contact the event coordinator, Manuel Burdette, at 864-638-7719 or e-mail him at manuelburdette@charter.net. We strongly request that all planning to attend register (even if you are just planning to attend Holy Day services) by the end of March so we can firm up commitments.  

Feast of Tabernacles 2008 

Ministerial Feast Site Assignments

The Festival Office is currently working on ministerial Feast assignments. We thank all our Pastors and Elders who responded to our survey. We strive to take your needs into consideration as much as we can within the overall needs of the Work, as we make manpower plans for this year’s Feast.  We will keep you posted as we work out the details of Feast assignments. 

International Registration Update

We are now processing approvals for overseas transfers.  Please be patient as we confer with our international coordinators, to make sure the sites are ready to receive transfers.  Please also wait to make housing and travel arrangements until you have received an e-mail notifying you that your transfer has been approved. Thank you for your consideration!  

If you have not yet registered and would like to transfer to an overseas site, please do so at your convenience.  As a reminder, online registration for United States and Canadian sites will begin on May 4.  Watch for more information in The World Ahead and on the MyLCG website, www.cogl.org.

The international Feast site featured this week is Ocho Rios, Jamaica. 

Ocho Rios, Jamaica 

For the third consecutive year, the Feast of Tabernacles in Jamaica will be held at the Sunset Jamaica Grande Resort & Spa in the North Coast Resort Town of Ocho Rios. The town is located in St. Ann, known as “The Garden Parish” because of its beautiful tropical foliage, lush vegetation and mountainous coastline.  

Services will be held in the beautiful Windsor Ballroom at the Sunset Jamaica Grande Resort & Spa. The Resort offers 740 rooms, seven restaurants, a 70-ft water slide, laundromat and a well-appointed gym—you name it, and it’s there!  The rooms are equipped with internet service, ironing boards and hair dryers. The all-inclusive daily rates in U.S. dollars at the Sunset Jamaica Grande Resort & Spa are: single occupancy, $160; double occupancy $205; triple occupancy $285; children $35. A two-night deposit is required by June 30 and final payment by August 31. For further details and reservation forms, contact the Kingston Living Church of God office by phone at (876) 929-1650; fax at (876) 920-9078; or by e-mail at kingstonlivingcog@hotmail.com

Human Resources 

Employment Opportunity: Secretary/Administrative Assistant (Repeat Announcement) 

The office of Legal Affairs and Risk Management is looking for someone to provide secretarial and administrative support in a very busy administrative office.  Duties include: research; organize, maintain and archive files, working-copy binders, and unique information databases; schedule and/or track events, deadlines and required filings (for multiple organizational units); interface with and assist field personnel; track contractual agreements; request documents and certifications; produce correspondence and otherwise relieve administrator of minor to moderately complex administrative and business detail by performing a variety of tasks.  Ideal candidate is very organized and detail oriented, able to work under pressure with moderate supervision, has good communication skills and is familiar with standard business concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular field, which could include: Business Management, Law, Banking, Insurance, Nonprofit Management, or Contract Administration.  This is a position of trust and has a high level of confidentiality involved.  An ideal applicant has a college degree and/or equivalent work experience (a minimum high school diploma with 2-4 years of administrative experience in a field will be considered).  Experience as an administrative assistant or executive secretary (or similar) would be helpful, but is not required.  A more complete job description is available upon request. Résumés / CVs may be sent to Human Resources via e-mail at humanresources@lcg.org, or by fax to 704-844-1973. 


Gentleness is Godliness:  We understand from the Scriptures that Christians have been called to become kings and priests—civil and religious leaders—in the Kingdom of God.  In this world, leaders often feel that in order to appear as a leader, they must exert control over others to show who is in charge.  Jesus said this human tendency to “lord it over” others will not be tolerated in the kingdom (Matthew 20:25-28).  God is looking for individuals who want to serve others, and who are able to serve and lead in a gentle—but not weak—manner.  David records how God dealt gently with him (Psalm 18:35).  Solomon states that patience and gentle words can persuade difficult people (Proverbs 25:15).  The Apostle Paul mentions that instead of feeling entitled to make demands and issue orders because of his rank, he dealt gently with the brethren (1 Thessalonians 2:6-7).   Paul also urged Christians to be humble, gentle and patient when dealing with others (Ephesians 4:1-2).  Bible prophecies indicate that while Jesus Christ will return and rule with a “strong hand,” He will gather His flock as a shepherd and “gently lead those who are with young” (Isaiah 40:10-11).  Anyone who hopes to lead in the Kingdom needs to remember that gentleness is a trait of Godly leaders. 

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail

The following announcement was inadvertently omitted from this week’s World Ahead: 

Announcement of Transfer: 

Mr. Darrell Lovelady will be moving from Chicago-Milwaukee area to become the Pastor of the Los Angeles, San Diego and surrounding churches.  

Mr. Harold Way will be moving from the San Diego area to Kansas City to become the Associate Pastor working with Mr. Rand Millich. 

The dedicated service of Mr. Lovelady and Mr. Way and their families to the brethren in these areas is much appreciated.  They are both looking forward to getting to know and serve the brethren in their newly assigned areas.  

Mr. Mario Hernandez will become the Co-Pastor of the San Diego Church. 

Mr. Phil West will move from the Kansas City area to become the Associate Pastor of the Chicago-Milwaukee area churches (under Mr. Rand Millich). 

The moves will take place this summer.


News and Prophecy—March 27, 2008 

Hoofbeats of the Black Horse of Revelation? Soaring food prices are putting humanitarian aid at risk, according to a March 1, 2008 article in the Washington Post. Because the cost of grain and other key foodstuffs has risen 41 percent in the last six months, the U.S. Agency for International Development plans to cut emergency aid to some of the world’s neediest nations. “We’re in the process now of going country by country and analyzing the commodity price increase on each country. Then we’re going to have to prioritize,” said USAID director Jeff Borns. Facing a projected budget shortfall of $200 million by December 2008, USAID will cut aid to nearly 40 countries and regions, including Ethiopia, Honduras, Iraq, Somalia and Sudan’s Darfur region. Other international relief agencies say USAID cuts will imperil already strained efforts to combat global hunger in regions where record-high food prices have made it impossible to sustain aid operations. Catholic Relief Services reports that U.S. food aid will drop by 400,000 tons this year. Of the 800 million people who relied on food aid in 2007, the U.S. provided for half of them. Prophecy is marching on, “…behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand…. ‘A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine’” (Revelation 6:5-6). 

Record Rates of British Abortions. This past year, more than 3,000 “late term” abortions were performed in Britain—a 44 percent increase in the last 10 years. Late-term abortions are performed during or after the 20th week of pregnancy—well into the 2nd term. One-third of women seeking late-term abortions last year had already had a previous abortion. Additionally, the most likely age for a mother to have an abortion performed was 19 (The Sunday Telegraph, March 9, 2008). God warned Israel of impending judgment because of their hedonistic behavior… “and I pronounced them unclean because of their ritual gifts, in that they caused all their firstborn to pass through the fire, that I might make them desolate and that they might know that I am the LORD.... Are you defiling yourselves in the manner of your fathers, and committing harlotry according to their abominations?” (Ezekiel 20:26, 30). Today’s society lusts and follows after detestable things. It calls evil good and good evil and endorses a woman’s “right to choose” to terminate her own child’s life. Nations that have led the world in greatness are now leading the world in sin. But the time is coming when Christ will return, and sinful nations will repent of their sinful ways, and God will once again pour out His blessings on them (Zephaniah 3:20). 

More Than 25 Percent of American Teen Girls Carry STDs. Only about half of teenage girls surveyed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention [CDC] say that they have not had sex. Of those who have had sex, about half are infected with at least one sexually transmitted disease (Reuters, March 11, 2008). Twenty-six percent of girls age 14-19 reported having an STD; 15 percent of those infected have more than one STD. Twenty percent of those reporting just one sexual experience had at least one STD, according to Dr. John Douglas, director of the CDC’s Division of STD Prevention. “Therefore, any given sex act with any given partner, a person who’s not infected has a greater risk of coming into contact with infection and getting infected.”  The actual STD rate may be even higher than reported, as the study did not survey syphilis, gonorrhea or HIV infection.  Infections found in the study included Chlamydia (which damages female reproductive organs), Trichomoniasis (caused by a parasite) and genital herpes. God wants us to teach His children, “But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints…. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them” (Ephesians 5:3-7).—Don Davis, Daniel Bennett, Scott Winnail