Continuing Church of God and the Feast of Tabernacles, 2025

The Continuing Church of God observes God's Holy Days (click here for you can click here for the calendar of Holy Days), sometimes called festival or feast days, throughout the world.

Information on them is in the free online book: Should You Keep God's Holy Days or Demonic Holidays?

The longest festival is called the Feast of Tabernacles (see The Feast of Tabernacles: A Time for Christians?) also called the Feast of Booths. The Jews call it Sukkot.

Christians realize that this festival helps picture the millennial Kingdom of God.

The Feast of Tabernacles begins at sunset on October 6th and runs through (including the Last Great Day) sunset October 14th in 2025.

Some website links to outside sources are in this post, but this does not mean that they are endorsed by the Continuing Church of God. They are provided as additional sources of information–and hopefully some of that information may be helpful to you and your family as you begin to make plans for the 2025 Feast of Tabernacles.

Remember that Jesus said to seek first the kingdom of God in Matthew 6:33. To seek first the kingdom of god means that worldly things are not to come first. yet many do not heed Jesus’ words—but all should!

Furthermore, from a Christian perspective, we also realize that this pilgrimage period we call the FEAST pictures a foretaste of the millennial kingdom of god. we should all seek to observe it during this age.

Please make every effort to obey God and attend in person this year. And if that is REALLY NOT POSSIBLE (but for almost everyone should be), then at least watch services online each day.

USA and Canada

In North America, we are looking to observe the Feast of Tabernacles in perhaps Hershey (Pennsylvania) or Oklahoma City or the Lake of the Ozarks or?

Congregants should already be saving second tithe so they can afford to go and observe the Feast of Tabernacles joyfully, as God’s word declares they should.

Do not put it off as time marches on fairly quickly.

You do not need to stay at the hotel services are to be held at in order to attend the Feast of Tabernacles here. However, many will find staying at the meeting hotel convenient.

Here is the expected schedule for services for the USA site:


Monday, October 6, 2025. Services: 7:30 pm.

Tuesday, October 7, 2025. Services: 2:00 pm.

Wednesday, October 8, 2025. Services: 9:30 am.

Thursday, October 9, 2025. Services: 9:30 am.

Friday, October 10, 2025. Services: 9:30 am.

Saturday, October 11, 2025. Services: 2:00 pm.

Sunday, October 12, 2025. Services:  9:30 am.

Monday, October 13, 2025. Services: 9:30 am.

Tuesday, October 14, 2025. Services: 2:00 pm.

More information on this site is expected to be added once it is available.

For other information about this Feast site, contact Dr. Bob Thiel, email


We do not expect a full feast site in Australia in 2025. Possibly, those there will connect online with those of New Zealand.


We are encouraging people in the United States and Canada to attend the site in the USA.

That said, we may have one or two video festival sites in Canada.

That said, notice the following report from Nadjia Fontaine related to 2024:

The Feast went well for the faithful who attended/participated. Being able to use Skype to bring scattered brethren together was a joy.  But having been at Feast sites, it was not the same.  While the Holy Spirit that joins us is not hindered by time and space, our physical ability to sense and channel it can be hindered by distance.  The physical proximity of gathering for the Feast, and for eight days or more in succession and sometimes for extended periods on those days (sometimes all day), I believe amplifies and strengthens our connectedness and ability to tap into the Holy Spirit.  Sort of like exercising our spiritual antennae.  God knew what He was doing commanding us to gather for the weekly and annual sabbaths.

Whether or not you attended in 2024, you should plan and resolve to attend in 2025 if at all possible. The Apostle Paul wrote:

23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:23-25)

21 I must by all means keep this coming feast in Jerusalem; but I will return again to you, God willing (Acts 18:21).

Will YOU try to insure that BY ALL MEANS you will keep the coming Feast of Tabernacles next year as we see the day approaching?

Again, although we may have video sites planned in Canada, we strongly recommend that Canadians should be attending the USA site or one of the many international sites if possible. Canadians normally have no problems being able to cross into the USA, so we are encouraging attendance in Galveston.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

We expect to have a feast site in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

For more information on the site in the Congo, contact Moise Nshimiyimana, Phone number+250788415438 P.o box 2493 Kigali.

His email is:


We have scattered members across Europe and the British Isles. We anticipate that CCOG members there will watch services online in 2025.


We plan to have a site in Gambella, Ethiopia. Those there came to us from a Church of God, Seventh-day background and are relatively new to keeping the Feast of Tabernacles. The same goes from those in South Sudan who also are likely to attend.

The Ethiopians and South Sudanese are quite poor and there can be health risks here (as well as anywhere in Africa we have sites). If you want to go, please contact Evans Ochieng, email or Koang Deng; Koang Deng lives in Ethiopia.

If you can speak (like give sermonettes) that would be helpful.


We have hundreds with us in Ghana. They came to us from a Church of God, Seventh-day background and are relatively new to keeping the Feast of Tabernacles.

The expected location is RAMSEYER RETREATS CENTER IN KUMASI. Here is the email address of our leading Pastor Samuel Ofosu Gyeabour


A site in far eastern India is planned for, probably Lamdan, which is in eastern India:

We plan to have the Feast at a place called Lamdan.
It is a training institute for mountaineering.
In the past we had activities such as basic training for climbing mountains (like Mt Everest:), swimming, rafting, trekking, rock climbing, rapelling and living in tents, including paragliding.

For more information, contact me


We expected to have ten Feast sites in Kenya.

2- Mombasa 
4- chilani 
5- Bomet 
7- Mao 
8- Molo 
9- Njoro
10- Kiromuok 

However, we also plan to have Takitech groups, Taach Arwet, Segemian Nkaroni (Rono's Local) and North Rift (Pastor Cheruiyot). So, 15 sites.

For more information on the sites in Kenya, contact Evans Ochieng, email


We plan to have multiple sites in Malawi. According to Pastor Evans Ochieng, "it is cheap."

Brother Sambandele and Khuleme will take care of Mwanza. Deacon Wahela, chiphangwi will be at Migowi.

If you want to go, please contact Radson Mulozowa email or Evans Ochieng, email

Pastor Sosten Libungwa is hoping to have sites in addition to those:

We have organized only 4 feast sites,The first place will be at Migowi my home church which will be attended by  5 Churches namely Migowi Church,Naminjiwa Church,Mpasa Church, Likhulura Church and Nambazo Church,another feast site will be organized in eastern region,it's centre of feast site will be in Zomba,churches that will attend the site is  4 ,namely Mayaka Church, Jali Church  Ntaja church and  Chimbalanga church,another will be in lowershire where you visited,,the churches that will attended the feast site  is 4 ,Nchalo church branch,Ngombe  church,Crown Church and Mchacha church,another feast site will be in Nsanje district,this will be attended by only 2 churches due to distance to travel to Chikwawa district namely Bangula and Kafisa of you can see all our feast site shall be full,other brethren from Thyolo will also attended at Migowi feast site,

His email is

If you can speak (like give sermonettes) that would be helpful.


We expect to have one or two sites in Mozambique.

If you want to go, please contact Radson Mulozowa email

New Zealand

A Feast of Tabernacles site is planned for New Zealand--the location to be determined.

For additional information, contact Ritchie White, email


We expect to have a site in Panama. This will likely be about 2-3 hours away from the international airport there. More details are expected to be posted once they become more available.

For further information please contact George 'Doc' Buchanan. His email address is:


A site is planned for the Philippines and has been arranged:

Dear Dr. Thiel,

Happy to inform you that The Continuing Church of God - Philippines, has found a place where to put God's name in this year's Feast of Tabernacles.

The place is one of the Villas of a resort compound in the municipality of Lila, province of Bohol, a part of the Visayas Islands.

The island of Bohol is widely known tourist destination for its famous Chocolate Hills, that sits on two municipalities, an approximately one-hour ride from said feast site.

We already have sent our reservation fee and subsequently received a confirmation.

Please see facebook link below.

Happy Sabbath.

Warm regards,


For further details, contact Joe Lumpay, email is

Puerto Rico

We may have a very small Spanish language site in Puerto Rico--if not then Carlos Aponte is looking at the Dominican Republic.

For more information, contact Carlos Aponte. His email is


We expect to have a feast site in Rwanda in 2025, presuming we can get a structure built that government will recognize.

For more information on the site in Rwanda, contact Moise Nshimiyimana, Phone number+250788415438 P.o box 2493 Kigali.

His email is:


We expect to have a site in Utegi, Tanzania. For more information, contact Martin Wanga, email

Internet and Other Areas

We do have some type of services available via the internet for those who cannot get to the festival sites. Sermons, offertories, and some other items are expected to be at the Sermons link at the website and probably more will be in this article.

Please obey God and keep the Feast of Tabernacles as He would want you to (see also How to Keep God's Festivals).

Online Possible Sermons and Sermonettes from the Feast of Tabernacles in 2025

Here are some messages to consider for 2025:

Sermonette: Islam and Prophecy

Sermonette: Doctors Say Don't Eat It

Sermonette: Little Things can Kill!

Sermonette: Spiritual Aspects of Matthew 25

Here are messages made for 2024:

Feast of Tabernacles Opening Night Message 2024

Behind the Work 2024: Languages for the Kingdom.

Who is your watchman?

Overcome preconceptions and give

CCOG Q&A: Prophetic Questions in Galveston

Sermonette: Earth's Core and Earthquakes.

Sermonette: Spiritual aspects of Matthew 25.

Sermonette: Doctors say not to eat it.

Sermonette: Little Things can Kill!

Sermonette: Are dead babies saved, lost, or awaiting the resurrection?

Offertory: Feast of Tabernacles Offertory.

Offerory: Last Great Day Offertory.

Here are messages made for 2023:

Feast of Tabernacles 2023 Opening Night Message.

Behind the Work 2023: Using Radio

The Millennial Kingdom of God

Wild Beasts and Prophecy

When Does the 6000 Years End? 2031? 2035?

Why Eternal Life?

Pursuit of Happiness

Last Great Day: God’s Plan is Great

Here are some made in 2022:

Here are some that were made in 2021 to be watched during the Feast of Tabernacles for those without live speakers:

For 2020, we also made the following messages:

2020 Feast of Tabernacles Opening Night Message

Offertory - Feast of Tabernacles

Behind The Work 2020: Into East Africa

And the following is for the Last Great Day:

Last Great Day Offertory

Last Great Day: God is impartial and has a plan for all

Here are some other past sermons for the Feast of Tabernacles:

Since offerings are taken up on the first Day of the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day, here are links to offertory messages:

Here are some sermonettes that you might wish to watched during the Feast of Tabernacles:

Here are links to sermons given in 2018 at the Feast of Tabernacles in Serbia and Alexandria, Virginia:

Here are links to sermons given in 2017 at the Feast of Tabernacles in New Zealand and two from San Diego:

Here are links to some earlier messages:

Here are links to three sermons given during the Feast in Gouda, Netherlands in 2016:

Here is a sermon by Steve Dupuie: Feast of Tabernacles 2016.

Here is a link to a ceremony from the 2015 Feast of Tabernacles: The Blessing of Little Children Ceremony.

Here are links to sermons given in 2015 at the Feast of Tabernacles in the USA and Canada:

Offertories: Here is a link to two other offertories Tabernacles Offertory: Sojourning Now for the Kingdom and Last Great Day Offertory: Render to Caesar, Render to God.

Here are some messages given in 2014 in the USA that some may watch:

For opening night, you could watch the short message that was prepared for this: Feast of Tabernacles Opening Night Message.
Feast of Tabernacles from Israel This was videoed in Israel to be played at the Feast of Tabernacles and is on the Feast of Tabernacles.
Behind the Work: Go Therefore and Make Disciples Highlights what has been happening in the Continuing Church of God and showing what it has been doing since the last Feast of Tabernacles.
Christian Pilgrims This was given in Orlando, Florida in 2014.
Messianic Jewish Beliefs This was given in Orlando, Florida in 2014.
The Temple, Prophecy, and the Work This was given in Orlando, Florida in 2014.
Human Nature: Where Did it Come From? This was given in Orlando, Florida in 2014.
The Future Kingdom of God This was given in Orlando, Florida in 2014.
Tradition and Scripture This was given in Orlando, Florida in 2014.
For the Last Great Day, we recommend that you watch the sermon given last year on that date (which only those in Orlando, Florida, heard on the Last Great Day in 2014): Shemini Azaret: The Last Great Day.

Others are expected to be loaded during the Feast of Tabernacles and be placed at the ContinuingCOG channel.

Other Sermons: There are also other sermons at which could be appropriate at the Feast of Tabernacles, though they were not specifically prepared for it. Here are a few that some might wish to view:

Again, there are others at the website.

May you have a great Feast of Tabernacles and learn what God would have you learn from this Feast.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Should You Observe God’s Holy Days or Demonic Holidays? This is a free pdf booklet explaining what the Bible and history shows about God's Holy Days and popular holidays.
Did Early Christians Observe the Fall Holy Days? Did they? Did Jesus? Should you?
The Book of Life and the Feast of Trumpets? Are they related? Is so how? If not, where not?
The Day of Atonement--Its Christian Significance The Jews call it Yom Kippur, Christians "The Day of Atonement". Does it have any relevance for Christians today?
Tithing Questions and Some Answers Addresses some non-biblical arguments against tithing. Should people tithe?
Are Second and Third Tithe Still Valid Today? Some in the COGs no longer teach payment of third tithe, is this biblically correct? This article also discusses second tithe.
The Feast of Tabernacles: A Time for Christians? Is this pilgrimage holy day still valid? Does it teach anything relevant for today's Christians? What is the Last Great Day? What do these days teach?
The Feast of Tabernacles: A Time to Learn the Law The Bible teaches that every seven years that the law should be read at the Feast of Tabernacles. This is what I did at the first Feast site were I gave an actual sermon (as opposed to a sermonette) in 2006.

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