2018 schism between the Eastern and Russian Orthodox; Was the Sabbath an issue in the 1054 schism?
Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill
Consistent with what Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church said last month, his church essentially declared a schism between the Eastern and Russian Orthodox churches:
The Russian Orthodox Church has compared Ukraine’s moves for independence to the Great Schism of 1054 that split western and eastern Christianity, and warned they could lead to an irreversible rupture in the global Orthodox community.
Ilarion said Constantinople’s decision to back the Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s independence drive was illegal and that the Russian Orthodox Church would disregard it.
“We are hoping common sense will prevail and that the Constantinople Patriarchate will change its relations to existing church reality,” he said. 10/15/18 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ukraine-church-russia/russian-orthodox-church-breaks-with-constantinople-in-row-over-ukraine-idUSKCN1MP24G
The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church has ruled that further Eucharistic ties with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople are impossible, Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk said after a session of the Holy Synod in Minsk,Belarus, on Monday.
“The decision was taken at a session of the Holy Synod to fully break contacts with the Patriarchate of Constantinople,” he said.
The Russian Orthodox Church does not accept these decisions and won’t abide by them,” he said. “Schism is schism, and leaders of schism remain leaders of schism. While the church that has started relations with the dissenters after recognizing them, has thus expelled itself from the canonical field of the Orthodox Church,” he said.
“This is the main reason why we have to stop contacts with the Patriarchate of Constantinople that has filly identified itself with schism,” he stressed. 10/15/18 http://tass.com/society/1026077
If Monday’s decision is a lasting one, the loss of the powerful and wealthy Russian church will be a serious blow to the global church. It also marks an important new facet for the rift between Russia and Ukraine, who have become bitter enemies since the annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbass. …
Ukraine’s government had lobbied strongly for autocephaly as part of a larger break from Russian influence in the country’s affairs.
“Autocephaly is part of our pro-European and pro-Ukrainian state strategy,” the Ukrainian president, Petro Poroshenko, said in a statement last week. He also called Moscow’s loss of control over the Ukrainian Orthodox Church “the fall of the ‘third Rome’ as the most ancient conceptual claim of Moscow for the global domination”.
Russia’s Orthodox Church already had a tense relationship with the religious authorities in Istanbul. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/15/russian-orthodox-church-cuts-ties-with-constantinople
This rift has been brewing in the Orthodox world between the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) for some time.
Politics, more than theology, seems to be the main cause for it.
That being said, the Orthodox consider the split between them and the Church of Rome in 1054 as the “great schism.”
Perhaps this would be a good place to mention that it was the Sabbath-practices by the Orthodox which was one of the reasons that caused its schism from the Roman Catholic Church.
In the fifth century, the historian Socrates noted:
For although almost all churches throughout the world celebrate the sacred mysteries on the sabbath of every week, yet the Christians of Alexandria and at Rome, on account of some ancient tradition, have ceased to do this. The Egyptians in the neighborhood of Alexandria, and the inhabitants of Thebais, hold their religious assemblies on the sabbath, but do not participate of the mysteries in the manner usual among Christians in general (Socrates Scholasticus. Ecclesiastical History, Book V, Chapter XXII. Excerpted from Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, Volume 2. Edited by Philip Schaff and Henry Wace. American Edition, 1890. Online Edition Copyright © 2005 by K. Knight).
Rome actually fasted on the Sabbath. Notice, according to Victorinus, bishop of Pettau (circa 304), as to the reason those associated with Rome fasted:
On the seventh day…we are accustomed to fast rigourously…We must fast even on Friday in order that we not appear to observe the Sabbath with the Jews (Cited in Bacchiocchi S. Anti-Judaism and the Origin of Sunday, p. 74).
However, this was not the case in Asia Minor, where Constantinople was located, as many continued to observe the Sabbath:
R.L. Odom has persuasively brought out that the Roman insistence on making the Sabbath a day of fast contributed greatly to the historic break between the Eastern and Western Christian Church which occurred in A.D. 1054 (Cited in Bacchiocchi Anti-Judaism and the Origin of Sunday, p. 67).
The polemic work Against the Calumnities of the Greeks of Cardinal Humbert of Rome, provides additional evidence in this regard. The Cardinal argues that the Latins in no way resemble the Jews in their observance of the Sabbath, since on that day they “do all sorts of work, even as in the preceding five days and fast [on the Sabbath]. …” He proceeds then to show the Greeks that they are the ones who judaize since they observe the Sabbath in an identical manner of the Jews…the document date (ca. A.D. 1054)…the lengthy quotation from “the most blessed Pope Sylvester” (A. D. 314-355)…Cardinal Humbert cites to dissuade the Greeks from the observance of the Sabbath (Cited in Bacchiocchi Anti-Judaism and the Origin of Sunday, pp. 74-75).
Or in other words, the Roman Catholics were upset that the Orthodox (the Greeks) considered the Sabbath a festal and not a fast day and that this is one of the reasons why they separated from each other.
While the Orthodox tend to point to 1054 for the split, the Romans tend to have a mixed view:
In an attempt to quell the disturbance, the pope sent a three-man delegation, led by Cardinal Humbert, to visit Patriarch Cerularius, but matters worsened. The legates presented the patriarch with the pope’s reply to his charges. Both sides managed to infuriate each other over diplomatic courtesies, and when the smoke cleared, a serious rift had developed. This was not, however, the actual break between the two communions. It’s a popular myth that the schism dates to the year 1054 and that the pope and the patriarch excommunicated each other at that time, but they did not.
Orthodox bishop Kallistos Ware (formerly Timothy Ware) writes, “The choice of Cardinal Humbert was unfortunate, for both he and Cerularius were men of stiff and intransigent temper. . . . After [an initial, unfriendly encounter] the patriarch refused to have further dealings with the legates. Eventually Humbert lost patience, and laid a bull of excommunication against Cerularius on the altar of the Church of the Holy Wisdom. . . . Cerularius and his synod retaliated by anathematizing Humbert (but not the Roman Church as such)” (The Orthodox Church, 67).
The New Catholic Encyclopedia says, “The consummation of the schism is generally dated from the year 1054, when this unfortunate sequence of events took place. This conclusion, however, is not correct, because in the bull composed by Humbert, only Patriarch Cerularius was excommunicated. The validity of the bull is questioned because Pope Leo IX was already dead at that time. On the other side, the Byzantine synod excommunicated only the legates and abstained from any attack on the pope or the Latin Church.”
There was no single event that marked the schism, but rather a sliding into and out of schism during a period of several centuries, punctuated with temporary reconciliations. The East’s final break with Rome did not come until the 1450s (Catholic Answers. Eastern Orthodoxy. NIHIL OBSTAT: Bernadeane Carr, STL, Censor Librorum, August 10, 2004 . IMPRIMATUR: +Robert H. Brom, Bishop of San Diego, August 10, 2004 http://www.catholic.com/library/Eastern_Orthodoxy.asp viewed 02/01/08)
Notice that Cardinal Humbert was sent to Constantinople, but made matters worse. However, it partially was because of his position in his “Against the Calumnities of the Greeks” paper that the Orthodox found Carindal Humbert so offensive–and part of why Cardinal Humbert was upset was because the Orthodox refused to change Saturday into a fast day (the Latin Church finally got rid of that itself in the Middle Ages–even though Cardinal Humbert was insistent about it in 1054).
How many Orthodox realize that offenses related to Saturday observance were a major factor in “the Great Schism”?
Perhaps if the Orthodox would study more into their history they will realize that the faithful in Asia Minor (including the Apostles Paul and John) did keep the seventh-day Sabbath and so should they.
Anyway, this current schism essentially places much of the world’s Orthodox outside of Constantinople as about half of world’s Orthodox were Russian Orthodox.
This schism has many ramifications, including what will happen in the Balkans and what will happen with the ecumenical movement.
The World Council of Churches has tended to support the Russian Orthodox as has Pope Francis.
Pope Francis has warned people against committing “sins against unity”:
“In a Christian community division is one of the most serious sins, because it does not allow God to act,” the Pope said in his Aug. 27 general audience address. “What God wants is that we be welcoming, that we forgive and love each other so as to become more and more like Him, who is communion and love.”
Addressing the thousands of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square, the Roman Pontiff explained that as Catholics “we affirm in the Creed that the Church is one and that she is holy.”
“One because she has her origin in the Triune God, mystery of unity and full communion. Holy since she is founded by Jesus Christ, enlivened by his Holy Spirit, and filled with his love and salvation.”
We continue to refer to the Church as “one” and “holy” despite the fact that “we know by experience that it is also composed of sinners and that there is no shortage of divisions,” he said, recalling how the night before he was arrested Jesus “asked for the unity of his disciples: ‘that all be one.’”
“We trust in his desire that unity will be one of the characteristic features of our community,” the Pope continued, noting that “While we, the members of the Church, are sinners, the unity and holiness of the Church arise from God and call us daily to conversion.”
Observing how “We have an intercessor in Jesus, who prays…for our unity with him and the Father, and with each other,” the Bishop of Rome drew attention to the sins that often cause division.
“Sins against unity are not only schisms,” he said, “but also the most common weeds of our communities: envies, jealousies, antipathies … talking bad about others. This is human, but it is not Christian.” (Harris E. Pope: division is among greatest sins of Christian communities. CNA, August 27, 2014. http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/pope-division-is-the-greatest-sin-of-christian-communities-12972/)
According to the Apostle Jude, it is a requirement, and not a sin, to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” Jude 3, NKJV) or to “fight hard for the faith which has been once and for all entrusted to God’s holy people” as the NJB puts it. Compromising part of the true faith for the sake of unity is the sin here.
While there are certain ceremonial similarities (as well as differences) between the Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, if people really wish to become “the people of the book” they need to reject all non-biblical doctrines and not enter into greater unity with groups that promote non-biblical doctrines (as well as look into many of their own doctrines).
As far as unity matters go, notice a news item from this past Summer that came to a wrong ‘guarantee’ conclusion:
27 June 2018
In his greeting for the 70th anniversary of the institution, he defines it as “an exceptional space for dialogue between Christians of various confessions”. The appeal to help Christians in the Middle East and North Africa, threatened to disappear. The WCC support for Moscow Patriarchate over Kiev in Ukraine. …
Addressing the WCC secretary, the Norwegian Lutheran theologian Olav Fykse Tveit, and the entire Central Committee, the Russian Patriarch recalled that the Council is “a major international organization and unique platform for dialogue between Christians of various confessions. For the years of its work, the World Council of Churches has done much to develop inter-confessional dialogue, to promote justice in society and peace among nations. “. Kirill recalled how “the entry of the Russian Orthodox Church in the WCC in 1961 helped to open for it new opportunities” and how “our special concern were joint efforts in overcoming the confrontation between East and West and struggling for peace and justice in international relations.”. …
in conclusion of Kirill’s message, is the gratitude to the WCC “for the firm position expressed by the Secretary General in his appeal to the state authorities of Ukraine, in defence of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church” – meaning the one faithful to Moscow, the only one considered “canonical” – “which is currently the subject of discrimination and persecution”. The WCC support for Moscow’s legitimacy in Ukraine, together with the support of Pope Francis and the leaders of the Catholic Church, should guarantee the Russians sufficient pressure to prevent the recognition of Ukrainian autocephaly (Kiev Patriarchate) by Constantinople , the most “burning issue” in inter-Orthodox relations in recent months. http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Patriarch-Kirill-praises-the-World-Council-of-Churches-44279.html
Now there is a major schism. Theological-political alliances alluded to above did not stop it.
As I have been writing for sometime, I believe a split/schism will be temporal, based upon scriptures in Revelation 13.
There are also a couple of interesting Catholic prophecies some may wish to consider:
Anna-Katarina Emmerick (October 1, 1820): The Church is in great danger…The Protestant doctrine and that of the schismatic Greeks are to spread everywhere. I now see that in this place (Rome) the (Catholic) Church is being so cleverly undermined, that there hardly remain a hundred or so priests who have not been deceived. They all work for the destruction, even the clergy. A great destruction is now at hand…
(April 22, 1823): I saw that many pastors allowed themselves to be taken up with ideas that were dangerous to the Church. They were building a great, strange, and extravagant Church. Everyone was admitted in it in order to be united and to have equal rights: Evangelicals, Catholics, sects of every description. Such was to be the new Church (Dupont, pp. 66, 71).
Yves Dupont (reader and reporter of Catholic prophecies): prophecies are quite explicit about the election of an anti-pope…Many prophecies predict an anti-pope and a schism. (Dupont, pp. 34,60-61)
Essentially, these Catholic writings call the Eastern Orthodox schismatic, but also warn the Church of Rome will accept error in its attempts at ecumenical unity.
That would seem to be consistent with scriptures such as those in Revelation 17.
Some Eastern Orthodox look forward to this reconciliation, but also expect an antipope near then:
Helen Tzima Otto (20th century): We have been told time and time again through the prophets that the Great Monarch and Papa Angelorum…will convene the 8th Ecumenical Council, which will reunify all Christians…The Emperor will spend three years waging wars against the non-Christian nations…{later will be} the end time schism of the Roman Catholic Church of the End Times and the rise of an antipope. (Tzima Otto, pp. xxv, 103, 122)
Saint Nelios the Myrrh-Gusher (died 1592): During that time the Eighth and last Ecumenical Synod will take place, which will satisfy the contentions of the heretics…(Tzima Otto, H. The Great Monarch and WWIII in Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Scriptural Prophecies. Verenikia Press, Rock Hill (SC), 2000, p. 111).
Apparently the “non-Christian nations” will be those that do not desire to be part of the ecumenical church that is to form. There, by the way, was supposed to be an “Eighth ecumenical council” a couple of years ago, but the Russian Orthodox had issues, so it ended up being something else.
But it is likely such an ecumenical council like this will happen someday.
As far as what is likely to bring temporal unity, the Bible tells of ‘signs and lying wonders’ (2 Thessalonians 2:8-12)–and those are something that will happen and be factors in the coming unity between the Vatican, Protestants, and the Orthodox.
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