The Use of Amen and Why Acts Does Not End With Amen

by COGwriter

Some have wondered if it is appropriate to use the term 'Amen.'

Some have wondered why the Book of Acts does not end with 'Amen.

This article will provide answers to those questions.

Is Amen too Pagan to Use?

Some have claimed that the word Amen is pagan and should not be used.

Jesus ended the prayer He gave in Matthew 6 with the term “Amen.” In the “Received text,” the Greek word is άμην or άμήν, transliterated as into Latin characters as “amen” (anciently pronounced ah-min or ah-men). Nearly all the books of the New Testament end with the word “Amen.”

In the New Testament, the Greek word is used 153 times in the Textus Receptus. The Hebrew version of the word is used 30 times in the Old Testament. Since the vowels were not present in the original Hebrew, let's focus on the New Testament.

Some do not like the word “Amen.” Some claim it is pagan and that using it is calling out to, or praying to, an Egyptian sun-god.

However, “amen” stems from the Hebrew verb aman (anciently pronounced ah-main) meaning “to support, confirm, or rear up” (Harkavy, Students’ Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary). The Hebrew word aman (אמן) differs from the word for the Egyptian god Amon used in the Bible (ן‎ואָמ‎). Yet, some falsely claim that saying “Amen” is actually a prayer to that pagan deity.

Amen itself means “truly” (Harkavy). Christians can say truly or verily if they wish (cf. Romans 14:23c), but most use the term “Amen.”

Christ often used this word in the New Testament. In the King James Version, άμην is often translated as “verily.”

Basically, the word אמן/άμην signifies that you believe and agree with what was stated before.

Believe what you pray. Have the right attitude. Amen.

While some may say that saying Amen sounds too much like Amon (or that the sun-god’s name is also sometimes pronounced as A-men), we do not stop using words just because they have a similar sound in English as pagan deities.

For an example, one of the main Egyptian deities was Ra. People from certain parts of the USA pronounce the English word “raw” as “rah.” When one is speaking about something that is raw, one is not invoking a pagan deity. Ending prayers with Amen is also not invoking a pagan deity.

Interestingly, after I wrote all of that for the prayer booklet, my family and I actually visited an Egyptian museum in Northern California to do more research. And there, I was also able to confirm that the way we say ‘Amen’ is not the way that the Egyptian god is addressed. Those who claim otherwise apparently have not looked at this in sufficient detail and/or have dismissed Hebrew and Greek scriptures.

It is appropriate to end prayers with Amen.

More tips on and information on prayer are in the free online booklet: Prayer: What Does the Bible Teach?

Why Doesn't the Book of Acts End with Amen?

Unlike most of the rest of the New Testament, the Book of Acts does NOT end in Amen.

Some have wondered about that.

Here is the view from the late Dr. Herman Hoeh:

In the original inspired Greek New Testament every one of Paul's letters ends with an "Amen." Every one of the four gospels ends with an "Amen." The book of Revelation ends with an "Amen."

This little word "Amen," of Hebrew derivation, signifies completion. In the Authorized Version (most modern versions are incorrect, and in several instances carelessly leave off the proper ending found in the Greek) every one of the New Testament books ends with an "Amen" except three — Acts, James and-III John. In these three, and these three only, the word "Amen" is not in the inspired original Greek. It is purposely missing. Why?

Each missing "Amen" is a special sign. It indicates God wants us to understand that certain knowledge was not to be made known to the world — until now, when the gospel is being sent around the world as a final witness before the end of this age.

God purposely excluded from the book of Acts the final chapters in the history of the early true Church. If they had been included, the identity and whereabouts of Israel and of the true Church would have been revealed. It is part of God's plan that the House of Israel should lose its identity and think itself Gentile.

If the book of James had ended with the ordinary salutation, the nations of Israel would have been disclosed. Paul often ends his letters with names of places and people. See the last verses of Romans, Colossians, Hebrews, for example. This is the very part missing. purposely, from James.

And why was the short letter of III John missing an "Amen"? Let John himself tell us, "I' had many things to write: but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee" (verse 13). John reveals, in the letter, a pagan conspiracy. It was a diabolical attempt by Simon Magus and his false apostles to seize the name of Christ, gain control of the true Church, and masquerade as "Christianity." God did not permit John to make known, in plain language, the names of the leaders of that conspiracy, and the city of their operation. That is why John cut his letter short. The missing "Amen" is to tell us to look elsewhere in the Bible for the answer.

It is described, if you have eyes to see, in Revelation 17, Acts 8 and many other chapters of the Bible. The time to unmask that conspiracy is now (II Thessalonians 2), just before the return of Christ. (Hoeh H. Where Did the Twelve Apostles Go? Worldwide Church of God, 1973 version. Originally, Plain Truth magazine, May 1964)

It may be even more than that. It may well be that the Book of Acts has been continued over the centuries. Perhaps even you will be listed in it.

For more on church history, check out the free online book: Continuing History of the Church of God.

Concluding Comments

Since nearly every book in the New Testament ends with 'Amen" and a few do not, there appears to be something that God is telling us with that.

The fact that Amen is used numerous times in the Old and New Testaments, it is clearly appropriate for Christians to use.

Do not let people deceive you about this or other matters.

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Thiel B. The Use of Amen and Why Acts Does Not End With Amen. Cogwriter, (c) 2018 1012 .