By COGwriter
The following article is heavily based on articles from the old Radio Church of God (Neff L. We Are Called to a BETTER Resurrection. Good News, October 1959 and Luker DG. The First Resurrection Is a Better Resurrection! Good News, July 1967) and have been updated with using the New King James Version of the Bible (unless otherwise noted) as well as with various additions and significant edits.
Has God required more of some to gain a better resurrection? Is immortality the only reward of the saved? JESUS CHRIST said, "Children, how HARD it is to enter the Kingdom of God! (Mark 10:24, RSV.) Today it often IS hard to enter the Kingdom of God! Will it be easier for those in the world tomorrow? Do you understand God's Plan of Salvation through the three resurrections? If you had a choice, in which resurrection would you choose to be? This article explains which resurrection God has chosen for us, and why it is a better resurrection! Consider the following sentiment:
Have you ever said that? Have you ever thought or silently wished that God had waited to call you? Some have! And that is why many fell away (see also The Falling Away: The Bible and WCG Teachings). Some feel the going is too tough in this age of unbelief, doubt, scorn and ridicule. Some may have wished this because of severe trials and tests. Some who have unconverted mates or relatives have wished that God had waited to call them until He was ready to call the whole family! Others have felt that they are unable to find any to marry because there are relatively few available spouses in the true Church of God in North America and Europe. Some are concerned because there will be coming persecutions (cf. Daniel 11:28-35; see also Persecutions by Church and State). Brethren, if you have wished you were not called then you do not fully understand what it means to be called in this age just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ! You could not truly understand the fantastic, almost unbelievable goal and purpose set before you and then wish God hadn't called you! Notice something from the Book of Hebrews:
Notice also the following:
Well, if you do know, is it better for you to have known? Yes! (Possibly some of you do not understand God's plan and do not realize that He is going to call everyone to the knowledge of the truth and give everyone an equal chance for salvation--for details, see also Universal OFFER of Salvation, Apokatastasis: Can God save the lost in an age to come? Hundreds of scriptures reveal God’s plan of salvation). God's PlanPeter was inspired to write:
God wants all to come to repentance! And Paul added that God "... will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth" (I Timothy 2:4). It is God who calls us to the knowledge of the truth and God who grants us repentance (John 6:44, 65; Roman 2:4). God is in absolute control and He is working out a plan. That plan involves adding spirit-born sons to His own divine Family! All human beings who have ever been born or ever will be born will have their chance to come to the knowledge of the truth. All will someday understand that they were born physically to be "born again" into the Kingdom of God as spirit brings. This is the real purpose in life — to qualify for the Kingdom of God. Matthew 6:33 says, "... seek you first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness..." Most human beings have lived and died without ever knowing their real purpose in life. So when will they have a chance to know God's plan and purpose and qualify for eternal life? At the time of the second resurrection, during the Great White Throne Judgment! Today's War Against SatanIn this age Christians must fight in a spiritual warfare against the wicked spirits. Notice:
But in the world tomorrow EVERYTHING will be different! Jesus Christ, and those of us born into the family of God, will be ruling this earth! Peace will come. Satan and his demons will no longer deceive the nations! There will be no more religious confusion. Notice:
Yes, in that happy day there will be no more persecution from relatives or neighbors. Everyone will know the ways of God! But why has God allowed Satan and his demons to fight against Christians today? Why this ADDED warfare? God has required many of us to go through more trials today to receive eternal life than will be required of those to be born in the Millennium! WHY? Notice the examples of Abraham, of David, and of the prophets. Abraham looked far beyond what many of us do today. He had more prophetic vision than most of us today. These righteous of old went through many TERRIBLE THINGS in their lives of obedience to God. Notice :
Did you notice that? Here is one answer to this enigma. Here is why God has required more of some than others! Those called and chosen in this age — and all past ages — are called to a BETTER resurrection! God has not required more of some and less of others to gain immortality, but HE has called some to HIGHER OFFICES in a better resurrection. These have required more training, more experience and more overcoming to qualify for higher offices. Remember the gifts and the calling are of God! God does at times call some to higher office than others. Have you ever thought that one resurrection might be better than another? The first resurrection of which this refers, is to immortality and RULERSHIP in the Kingdom of God. The second resurrection is one to MORTAL life. To a life of trial and testing. And yet, there is in it a possibility to attain immortality. The third resurrection is one to utter destruction. It is for those who have sinned WILLFULLY, who have committed the unpardonable sin, to those who have had their opportunity and have rejected it. A Higher CallingGod has in general called those of this age to higher positions in His kingdom, than those who come after. Notice in your Bible, how God millenniums ago selected the man to rule over Israel. Later He added the twelve apostles to rule various tribes. Now He is calling or inviting others to fill lower positions under these men. God usually calls those with the highest office first. He is calling us to positions of authority above many of those who will come in the ages to follow. But, of course, we do not wish to become arrogant about that or our calling. Particularly since Jesus said:
Others too will have opportunity to rule in the Kingdom of God, but, many in a lesser way. Think of the billions of people who have either lived and died before us, or who will live after us in the millennium. And yet, how FEW in comparison He has called in this age. He is now calling out just a few to serve in these higher places. On the other hand, some who are called now, may not overcome as they should and not attain to the high office that God has called them to. Possibly some who follow after, who do overcome more will be over them in authority. God has provided a better, a higher calling for us:
Those of past ages are not complete without us. The bride of Christ is being selected in this age and we can be part of the marriage supper of the Lamb to His wife (Revelation 19:7). The others that come after will have their reward, they will also be a part of the family of God; however they are involved with this. This may have much greater significance than you realize. Notice also that verse 40 says God has provided "some better thing for us." This chapter is telling us that many before us by their faith (demonstrated by works —James 2:17, 18, 22, 26) have already qualified for the "better resurrection" but that they have not yet received the promise. They are dead in their graves waiting for us to qualify! ARE you qualifying? Maybe some of these facts about the first resurrection will help you to strive harder! A Resurrection to Eternal LifeThe first resurrection leads to eternal life! Did you realize that? Notice:
Notice something else the Apostle Paul wrote:
Those verses show that "the dead in Christ" — all true Christians who died before Christ's return — "shall rise first." They shall be "raised incorruptible." They will be immortal. They will be spirit-born Sons of God! Then we (true Christians) who will still be alive at Christ's return will be changed "in the twinkling of an eye" from physical, mortal, corruptible flesh to incorruptible, immortal spirit beings! We will have received the gift of eternal life! If you will build Godly character now in this present physical life, you will be given a glorified, powerful, Spirit body which will not die which cannot be destroyed! This will happen at the first resurrection. Remember that the second resurrection is a resurrection to physical life not spiritual life. Those in the second resurrection will be flesh and blood human beings who have not yet qualified for God's Kingdom. They will have to fight the greatest enemy of all to overcome — their own human nature. They will have to build the same Godly character then that you and I do now! They probably will have to fight the downward pulls of human nature a lot longer than most of us now living. How would you like to battle your human nature for 100 years before qualifying?! There may only be about one tenth or so of that much time left for us! We have only a relatively few years left before Christ comes. Wouldn't you rather fight the battle now and be in the first resurrection — the one to eternal life? If you don't you could be in the third resurrection and suffer eternal death. Kings and Priests of GodThose in the first resurrection will live and reign with Jesus Christ for a thousand years as kings and priests of God! This is what God revealed to the apostle John:
We shall rule on this earth as kings and priests of God:
Think about that! Meditate on it! You will be ruling over people in the World Tomorrow. It does not depend at all on your ethnic background either. YOU will be helping, guiding, correcting, blessing, teaching people! Notice what God reveals through Isaiah about how we will teach them:
We will be their teachers! As spirit beings we will have the power to manifest ourselves as human beings. They will see us and hear us. Whenever necessary we will appear to them and say, "This is the way, walk ye in it"! We will teach generation after generation God's way of life! Do you want to miss out on the opportunity to live and work with Christ a thousand years? He is coming soon to rule this earth, to bring God's government, to establish peace, happiness and prosperity! You can have a direct part in all this. God has called you to be in the first resurrection — to be a king! Pleasures for EvermoreMany think that being a spirit being in God's Kingdom will not be much "fun." Some members have asked if we will be able to see one another as spirit beings! Some don't really desire to be a spirit being because they think they are going to lose all the pleasures we enjoy as human beings. If only we could realize that this physical life is on a much lower scale than spiritual life. God, who is Spirit, gave us physical life and physical pleasures. What God has given us is only a small type of what He enjoys! Even a happy marriage and the right kind of love between husband and wife is only a type of the greater, deeper spiritual love, joy and happiness that God does experience. God's Word says:
Yes, YOU will like it. Consider:
Those who trust God now will be in the better resurrection. God will not withhold any good thing from you! Think about that! Notice, now, some passages from the Apostle Paul:
Notice that David knew that he would be as God when he was resurrected into God's Kingdom:
Yes, deification. Yes, you will a resurrected child of God as part of God's family. Although some Protestants have denounced deification as a cultic idea, early Christians taught this. In the early second century, Ignatius of Antioch wrote:
Polycarp of Smyrna, who knew Ignatius, wrote:
Polycarp is teaching that what happened to Jesus will also happen to true Christians. And that is also what New Testament writers taught. Theophilus of Antioch also taught the humans were to become God:
Now, notice something that Job said to God:
Think about that. God can do everything. God can do all things. When you are deified, you can too! No purpose of YOURS will be withheld from you. We have the most amazing potential! Of course, to be trusted with such awesome power, we need to learn many things. And that is part of the purpose of your life, your trials, and your opportunities. Believe that ALL things work together for good for those who will properly respond to God's calling (Romans 8:28). But God is Eternal and Humans BeganBefore going further, it should be noted that some who deny the doctrine of deification have pointed out that God is eternal and humans had a beginning. Yes, they are right that the Bible clearly teaches that God is eternal:
God has existed eternally and that humans were created (Genesis 1:26-27) and thus humans had a beginning. So, there will always be certain differences between the Father and His children. But that is not a legitimate argument against the doctrine of deification. For example, while the differences differ, there will always be differences between a human father and his children. But the children will still be part of the family of the father and are still human as their father is human. Yet, the human father will always be older than his children and in other ways different from them. God will always be older than His children and in certain ways different from them. But that does not make His children not His offspring. God the Father is greater than His children (cf. John 14:28) and always will be. Yet, He still wants godly offspring:
Godly offspring have always been part of the plan of God! Consider further that Jesus was to be the "firstborn among many brethren" (Romans 8:29). Jesus also will have more authority over the creation:
But although Jesus will always be preeminent over Christians, the destiny of humanity is still to partake of the heavenly calling of ruling over the creation (Hebrews 2:5-3:6; Romans 8:21-22). Christians will be like Jesus. The Apostle John was inspired to write:
While the Father and Son will be over us in terms of authority and longevity (they existed forever and we were all born at some point in time), we will be like them! Ruling the Universe is Part of the Your DestinyIf you respond properly to God (either in this age, or if applicable, the age to come), then ruling the creation, the universe is part of your destiny. Notice:
As joint heirs with Christ, resurrected converted humans are to rule the universe:
Ruling the universe is part of the destiny that God has in store for YOU if you will remain faithful to Him. Now, you might not think you want to rule the universe. But God knows your strengths and talents. Notice something that Jesus said:
A place for YOU means that Jesus is promising a place that will be best for you. For your abilities. Do not worry that you cannot be a happy and contributing member of the Kingdom of God. God is faithful to finish the work He has begun in you:
Those in the first resurrection are the first who will be partakers of God's grace, God's favor. And that will 1100 years earlier than other, the rest of humanity (cf. Isaiah 65:20; Revelation 20:5)! And YOU can make it if you trust God:
Consider that God's plan for you shall last forever:
The good for you will be forever. Consider:
Brethren, can you focus on the invisible? As Christians we often must as we are to "walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7). Of course, we are not the only ones. Others did this before us and they, too, will be in the first resurrection:
There is something better. And we will attain at the first resurrection. Eternity will be BetterThe Bible shows that Jesus, Himself, came to make things better:
Christians have a hope for the better:
God created all that He did so that eternity would be better. It will be better forever (cf. Jeremiah 32:38-41). The apostle Paul also realized that eternity would be better. And that it was worth everything to be part of it:
Paul said that the physical pleasures of this life are like rubbish compared to what spiritual life will be like. He was willing to give up anything, even his own life, to be a spirit being in God's Kingdom! How about you? Have you come to that point yet? Do you desperately want to be a spirit being in God's Kingdom? Are you sick and tired of your rotten human nature? Have you come to abhor yourself so much that you cry out daily for God's Kingdom to come? We certainly don't want to be selfish and just think of ourselves. We must serve and help others. Consider also something else from Paul:
That does NOT mean to be an 'independent' Christian. It means that others cannot save you and that you have to accept Jesus and be willing to give up your life in order to live God's way. And as far as God's good pleasure, His plan is to provide you with pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11). While he was in a Roman prison waiting to die Paul wrote his second epistle to Timothy, which states:
Paul knew he had qualified. He knew he would receive a crown of righteousness at the time of Christ's return when the "dead in Christ" would be resurrected. Paul made it because he knew what his purpose was and came to desire that purpose more than he desired anything on earth! Paul knew that being born into God's Kingdom as a spirit being would be the most fantastically thrilling event that could ever occur. He realized that spiritual life is much superior to physical life. But notice that this reward was not just for Paul, "but also to all who have loved His appearing." And the plan for those who receive the reward is to make eternity better (see also The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN Why Did God Create Anything? Why did God make you?). Jesus Christ, Us, and the Marriage SupperJesus Christ is the only one who has experienced both spiritual life and physical life. Paul was inspired to write this about Christ:
The phrase "made himself of no reputation" could also have been properly rendered from the Greek as "emptied himself." In other words, one member of the Godhead, "emptied himself" or gave up divine power and glory to become a human being. That is what Jesus did. God lived on this earth as a human and experienced temptations, trials and tests. He also enjoyed many of the pleasures of physical life — but did not not experience marriage when in the flesh. Marriage and physical love between husband and wife is only a type of a much more glorious and pleasurable relationship — the deep, close, intimate, spiritual love that we will have with Jesus Christ when He returns (cf. Ephesians 5:22-32). Brethren, Jesus Christ was willing to forsake the love, joy and pleasure of a happy physical marriage in order to help us qualify for the most important marriage of all! Read about it in Revelation 19:
Christ has already qualified to be part of this marriage supper, since He is the Lamb. You, too, should be striving to qualify with all your might! After Jesus Christ had finished the work which His Heavenly Father had given Him to do on this earth, notice what He said:
He wanted to be back with His Father as a glorified spirit being! He did not want to remain in the flesh! Christ prayed for Himself — that He would receive divine power and glory again — and He also prayed for us:
Christ prayed that we would be with Him and also inherit glory, honor, and power! Brethren, I hope you can begin to see that life in God's Kingdom as perfect spirit beings will be a lot greater than this present physical life. Lived according to God's laws, even this present physical life can and should be a happy, full and abundant one! God intended it to be so. But we need to realize that we were born physically to be born again spiritually into God's Family. And we need to understand that eternal, spiritual life will be even happier, fuller and more abundant with pleasures for evermore! To attain unto the marriage supper, you and I must be in the first resurrection — the best resurrection! Church of the FirstbornLat's go to Hebrews 12:
Jesus called Abel "righteous" (Matthew 23:35)--and Abel is also mentioned in Hebrews 11. Abel will be part of the first resurrection. Notice that Hebrews 12 mentioned the "Church of the firstborn." In ancient times it was the custom for the firstborn to receive the greater share of the father's estate. God is to make us heir of all things. And yet who will receive the greater share? The Firstborn! They will have greater opportunity for service. Most will be in higher positions of authority in God's Kingdom. The one who has the highest office, CAN MORE EFFECTIVELY HELP MORE PEOPLE. They will, thus, make eternity even better. In this place the word "firstborn" is somewhat misleading. The word in the Greek is plural. In other words if we were to translate it correctly in English, we would say the "firstborn ones." There are more than one who will be first-born. At the resurrection MANY SONS will be born at once. These all will be the FIRST BORN ONES. They will have an earlier opportunity for service in the Kingdom of God. They will have a greater opportunity of serving than those that come afterward. In ancient time God called the firstborn of each family to serve Him (Exodus 13:2). The firstbor, in essence, failed and God had to call others (the Levites per Numbers 3:12) to do this service. In the millennium, God will again use this same principle of using the firstborn for His SPECIAL service in governing the world. Ruling Is ServingWhen we first come into the Church, we often think that we do not want to rule in God's Kingdom. All we want is to be given eternal life. How SELFISH we are! Yes, selfishness is a motivation. We want to receive the benefits of eternal life, and yet we probably do not want to serve others. The higher the position in God's Kingdom that we might attain, the more we will be able to SERVE and HELP others. You should want to qualify for the highest office possible in God's Kingdom. If you are faithful over a few things in this life, God will make you ruler over many things in the one to come. In a business or corporation of this world, the one at top should have the best training and background. The one who is a janitor, or a door-keeper does not need the training or the experience of the president of the company. In like manner so is the Kingdom of God. Those who have overcome most, who have had the greatest experience, who have proved themselves more effectively than the others will have the highest position. The one with the most experience is Jesus Christ. And He will be the King over that kingdom. The others who have high positions will be those who have the best experience, who have overcome more, and who have grown more spiritually. Now maybe you can begin to realize why some must go through more in this life than others. They have been invited or called to a higher office in God's kingdom. God has not put a different price on immortality, but He does require more of some than of others to qualify for the high position that He has called them to. Think how much more experience those in the first resurrection will have than those who will come after. They will have 1,000 years more experience in ruling in God's Kingdom than those to come later. Marvelous Prophecy About Our ChurchRepeatedly in Revelation chapter two and three God says,"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." The seven churches mentioned represent the seven "eras" or "stages" of God's true Church from the time of the apostles to the end of our present age. Let's notice the specific promise and reward to the Philadelphian era of God's Church:
Brethren, please hear and understand! These blessings are for you! The Continuing Church of God now best represents the Philadelphian portion of God's church (for details why, check out The Philadelphia Church Era). God has given us the open door of the internet and the printing press right now to preach and publish the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God and to warn the world of the coming Great Tribulation — "which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth." Philadelphian Christians can escape the Great Tribulation because we have been called now. We can also help others escape by being faithful and doing our part in God's Work today! If we will catch the vision, do our part in God's Work and overcome our sins, we have the very special promise that we will be "pillars" (strong supports, mainstays, leaders) in the very temple of God Almighty for all eternity! Read about that fabulous city where you can live and work:
As a pillar, you can be at the very Headquarters of the universe working with God the Father, Jesus Christ, Abraham, David, Paul and many, many others — if you are in the first resurrection! Historically, we have refered to a strong person in the Church as a PILLAR in the Church. And so it is in this case too. Those of this Church have been called to be at the temple in Jerusalem, the headquarters on this earth of the Kingdom of God. Our calling and office will be at Jerusalem. That will be our abode, our dwelling place. Just as God in heaven has His dwelling place so will we be at Jerusalem where we can be with Jesus Christ personally. A pillar is willing to stand alone if need be. Scattered ones in the Philadelphian remnant often have to wait and trust God to establish congregations near them. Being a pillar sometimes can involve being a foundational part of a new group, or standing alone in a separated area. And that could be part of your training for that reward. Of course, we should fellowship on the Sabbaths when we can (Hebrews 10:24-25). God’s Holy Days, like the Feast of Tabernacles, are another opportunity for that (cf. Leviticus 23:2; Romans 12:1). Revelation 3:12 also teaches that we who overcome are to have the NAME of God upon us. God names things what they are. If we have the NAME of God, then we will BE GOD. Here is another of the many, many places indicating that those who attain to the resurrection will be a part of the very family of God. We also will have the name of this CITY of God — that is — the New Jerusalem. Does this make any sense to you? The city of the New Jerusalem you may think, is that city which God is preparing in heaven. Yes, that is true, and yet a city is more than the buildings and the streets which it contains. A city is composed ALSO of those PEOPLE who live there. At the beginning of Revelation 3:12 God says that we will no more go out of the temple of God. We then will be residents of that city. It is impossible for us who are now mortal to fully realize the great high calling to which God has called us. Revelation 21 pictures the which follows the 1,000 year (millennial) period, and the 100 year period (Isaiah 65:20). This is after the old heavens and the old earth are destroyed and a new heaven and new earth are made. The New Jerusalem comes to this earth, and God the father comes to dwell on the earth. In this verse the angel tells John, "Come, I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife." Now remember that we of this age are called to be a part of that BRIDE — those in the FIRST RESURRECTION. But what does the angel show John? A woman? No — he shows him the CITY the New Jerusalem. Why does he do this? He does this because the bride of Christ not only lives with Him in the New Jerusalem, but also RULES from that city! Here is where the saints of this age, those who overcome, and are a part of the bride of Christ, will be centered. In the previous, the millennial, age, the Philadelphians are to be at the temple in Jerusalem. The headquarters of the world. During the time of the new heavens and the new earth, we will be at the very headquarters of the UNIVERSE. What a GLORIOUS OPPORTUNITY and JOY to look forward to! To be at the very headquarters of the universe, at the same place where God the Father, where Jesus Christ and many of the Holy Angels will dwell. A High CallingGod has called many of us who were the foolish, the weak, the lowborn, and the despised:
So, don't think you have to be one the world thinks is important to be called by God to be in the first resurrection. For information on being called, check out the following free online book: Is God Calling You? This is calling is also referred to as an exceeding "HIGH CALLING" in the Lamsa translation. He has called us to confound the wise. He will confound them through us in the ages to come. In Philippians, Paul wrote:
A high calling. Paul also wrote:
Think how great a responsibility God has offered to us, the firstborn! By serving in a greater position of authority, we will be able to help and to serve MORE PEOPLE MORE EFFECTIVELY. Because of the JOY that was set before Him, Jesus Christ endured the death and torture (Hebrews 12:2). Maybe you too can now see better the JOY that is set before you--faithful ones from the Old Testament did (Hebrews 11:4-40). God will not require of you more than you are able to bear. You CAN endure to the end! The way may seem difficult and hard at times. And yet you need not fall!
If you do the things Peter mentions in this chapter, you will never fall. You will endure to the end. You will be in that BETTER resurrection. You too will be a pillar in the temple at Jerusalem, Palestine. You too will be an eternal resident of that Holy City the New Jerusalem. Here is a link to a related sermon: The Better Resurrection. |
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The Bible does not use the term "second resurrection." But it does teach a resurrection of all the dead who have never known the truth. This resurrection comes after the resurrection of the saints, called the "first resurrection" in Revelation 20:6, and is, therefore, generally called the "second resurrection."
When does the second resurrection take place? Exactly who will be in it and what will it be like? How long will those in this resurrection live? Let's answer these questions!
The apostle John was given a vision into the future by God.
John wrote:
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. 5 But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years. (Revelation 20:4-6)
We see that the second resurrection takes place shortly after the millennium -- the one thousand-year rule of Christ and His saints on this earth. That answers the question, when?!
Related to that second resurrection, the apostle John further wrote:
11 Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. (Revelation 20:11-12)
The answer to the question who will be in the second resurrection is, "the dead, small and great" who never were judged by God by the things which were written in the books of the Bible, according to their works.
When does God begin to judge a person from the Bible? From the time he understands what it says and means! Notice:
17 For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17)
The house of God is the Church of the God (1 Timothy 3:15).
We in God's true church are now being judged according to our works (our obedience to all His laws and precepts)! Our judgment began when God first called us to the knowledge of the truth and it will continue until the day we die, or are "changed" (the flesh still dies) at Christ's return! Judgment, then, takes place over a period of time.
Those who have lived and died without having this period of time to know the full truth and be judged according to their works, will be given that chance during the Great White Throne Judgment.
Most of the kings, leaders and rulers who have ever lived will be resurrected then — great and important men in the eyes of this world! And the billions they have ruled over will also be in that resurrection!
What will that resurrection be like and what will life be like during that judgment time? At the time of the second resurrection, people will be rising out of their graves, out of the sea or from wherever they died, back to physical life again on a beautiful earth (Revelation 20:13)! It doesn't matter how or where they died -- God has the power to give them another physical body, breathe life into it and place them in a dry, safe, place! You can imagine how shocked some are going to be when they find they are not in "heaven" or "purgatory" but on earth!
Ezekiel saw and heard the way it is going to happen:
7 So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them. 9 Also He said to me, "Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, 'Thus says the Lord God: "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live."'" 10 So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army. (Ezekiel 37:7-10)
This is the time of the second resurrection! It is a resurrection to physical life. What a fantastic event this will be! Wouldn't you like to be there and have a hand in helping those people?! Some of them will be your own children, friends or relatives!
How long will they live and what kind of world will they live in? God reveals this in the book of Isaiah:
20 "No more shall an infant from there live but a few days, Nor an old man who has not fulfilled his days; For the child shall die one hundred years old, But the sinner being one hundred years old shall be accursed. 21 They shall build houses and inhabit them; They shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. 22 They shall not build and another inhabit; They shall not plant and another eat; For as the days of a tree, so shall be the days of My people, And My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. 23 They shall not labor in vain, Nor bring forth children for trouble; For they shall be the descendants of the blessed of the Lord, And their offspring with them. 24 "It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear. 25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, The lion shall eat straw like the ox, And dust shall be the serpent's food. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain," Says the Lord. (Isaiah 65:20-25)
What a wonderful, happy, peaceful, productive life they will have! Families will be together. No broken homes! Everyone will work and enjoy life! There will be peace, happiness, and safety everywhere! Verse 20 indicates that everyone who is resurrected, those who died young and those who died old, will be resurrected and live a full 100 years more. No new babies will be born during this period. After the 100-year period all who have qualified will be born into God's Family as spirit beings and live forever! If they do not qualify after this period of time they "shall be accursed." They will be destroyed in the lake of fire and remain dead forever! This will happen at the third resurrection.
Those of us in the first resurrection will help those in the second resurrection.
In relation to knowing and obeying God's Word there are three general categories of people on earth today -- those who know and obey, those who do not know and consequently do not obey, and those who know but will not obey!
The first resurrection is for those who have lived, known and obeyed God before and up to the second coming of Christ. They are called "saints" in the Bible. When people qualify during the millennium they evidently will be changed immediately from "flesh" to "Spirit."
The second resurrection is for those who have lived and died prior to the second coming of Christ without ever knowing the truth of God. This will include by far the vast majority of all human beings who have ever lived — billions and billions! If you are wondering how there will be room for them all on earth then read the question box article in the September, 1965, GOOD NEWS magazine, on page 23 (2nd Question).
But those in the first resurrection will have been spirit beings for 1100 years before others will.
1100 MORE YEARS of joy and blessing.
And of course, those who reject God's ways will experience the second death:
14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:14-15)
The second death will some to those who will not obey Obviously, we should not want that.
The Bible shows that God has given us the Spirit of power to overcome and qualify for the FIRST resurrection!
A better resurrection!
And we who are Philadelphian will be pillars in the temple of God to help make eternity better for all.
And that includes us, ourselves, too!
Here is a link to a related sermon: The Better Resurrection.
Thiel B. The Better Resurrection. COGwriter (c) 2019 1022