Greetings from Charlotte,
While the U.S. capital city has been buried in snow this week and much of the country has endured freezing temperatures, the Work of God continues to move ahead. Mr. Meredith has finished another co-worker letter and is working on a new television script. Mr. Ames reports that 157 new people along with 54 brethren attended the Tomorrow’s World Bible Lecture last Sunday in Kingston, Jamaica (see brief report below). He is also planning to do another TW Bible Lecture in Atlanta, Georgia, at the end of February. Mr. Wayne Pyle reports that responses to the telecast for the last four weeks have averaged over 5,400 per program. Mr. Charles Ogwyn reports that the number of people requesting contact with the Living Church of God continues to increase every month. In January 2010, 246 people made an online request for a visit (an 11.3% increase over January 2009) and more than 125,000 people visited our website—which is very encouraging. I will be in the Los Angeles, California, area this coming weekend for a Church visit and to conduct a mini-conference for Church leaders there. Your prayers for these activities are greatly appreciated.
Church Administration
Passover 2010
Important Notice to All Pastors: Passover services should not start before sunset. This year the Passover will be observed on Sunday, March 28, a little less than seven weeks from now. You should already have begun preparations, including hall arrangements, for your congregations to properly observe this solemn Feast. Let us know as soon as possible if any of the congregations you serve will need additional Passover Service supplies (bread trays and/or wine trays or glasses) or even a copy of the Passover Service CDrecording.
Additionally, let us also know of any scattered members who need to receive the
Passover Service CD and
letter instructions to observe it at home (this is the same Passover CD that we have been using since 2006). Please direct your requests to Dorothy McNair at the Church Administration Department by e-mail at
dmcnair@lcg.org or by phone at 704-844-1960, ext. 2248, as soon as possible to ensure timely delivery.
Tomorrow’s World Special Presentation in Kingston
Mr. Richard Ames’ Tomorrow’s World special presentation in Kingston, Jamaica, last Sunday, February 7, was a resounding success. In spite of unusual problems encountered in preparation for the event (which we believe were orchestrated by the adversary), 157 subscribers attended the lecture, in addition to 54 members. We also had a record attendance for services on February 6, with a total of 103 people! We are thankful to God for blessing His Work and answering our collective prayers. Mr. and Mrs. Ames are scheduled to return to Charlotte today.
Vanuatu Living Youth Camp
The Living Youth Camp 2009 in Vanuatu was held at the Living Church of God centre at Orap on the island of Malekula. It was held over three days, December 9 to 11, and brought together 44 youths and 20 staff. Daily activities started with a morning Bible study. Topics covered on the three days were God’s Law, God’s Holy Days and Repentance. Physical activities included team sports and swimming. The educational side of the camp covered basic management and a health education program that was presented by World Vision assisted by the Wan Smol Bag theatre group.
Throughout the camp, the youth were “fueled” by enjoyable meals prepared by parent helpers. The camp ended with the beginning of the Sabbath and, during Sabbath services, the campers presented special music that they had prepared. With happiness and joy, the campers returned home feeling somewhat sad that the camp seemed to have been all too short. They all hope to return next year.—Christophe Tarey
Feast of Tabernacles 2010
International Registration
We are currently working on getting our computer system ready as we gear up for International early registration. We will be announcing the early registration date soon. As we gear up for this, we want to begin highlighting each week some of our International Feast sites, for your interest. Please note: Anchorage, Alaska will be included in the early International registration.
This week, we feature the descriptions of the sites in New Zealand and Vanuatu:
Nelson, New Zealand
Nelson is a new site for the Feast in New Zealand. This is a small city at the top of the South Island and presents itself as the “sunshine capital.” It is situated on beautiful Tasman Bay, close to the Marlborough Sounds, with a backdrop of mountains and within a half-day’s drive of several national parks. Airport, restaurants, shopping and entertainment are close at hand. We will be meeting at the Tahuna Conference Centre which will have ample room for many visitors. We look forward to having you with us.
Visitors to New Zealand would likely fly into Auckland or Christchurch. From Auckland, Nelson is accessible by a direct flight or by road. A road trip would take you down the beautiful North Island with a car-ferry trip from Wellington across to the South Island. From Christchurch, Nelson is an easy drive directly up the east coast or across the Southern Alps and up the west coast. Either drive is spectacular along very good roads. Allow half a day for the coast route and a full day for the mountain route. For more information, contact the Festival coordinator, Mr. Kinnear Penman, at
kpenman@lcg.org.nz (+64 9 268 8985).
Orap, Vanuatu
The Feast of Tabernacles will again be held near Orap Village, which is home to the majority of members in the country. This is on the island of Malekula, an hour’s flight north of Port Vila, the capital. There is good air-service to Vanuatu from New Zealand, Australia and Fiji and there are daily flights from Port Vila to Norsup (the airport on Malekula). Visitors will be met at Norsup and transported to the Feast site. Vanuatu is a safe destination. It is suitable for all ages and would be an enjoyable and educational experience for children. Our members welcome guests. Most speak French with also an ability to understand English. Several speak English. Services will be held in the Church’s tabernacle. The few “live” sermons during the Feast will be in Bislama, which is the local pidgin. It is reasonably understandable by English speakers. Those sermons presented by DVD will be in either French or English, with translation provided where necessary.
This site is nota “tourist destination.” It is a natural local village peopled by subsistence farmers. There is no television. Radio and cell-phone coverage is limited. There are no supermarkets, though local markets, village stores and what grows on the land will provide necessities and plenty of organic fruits and vegetables. Fresh fish and meat will round out the menu. Does this sound Millennial? For more information, contact Festival coordinator, Mr. Kinnear Penman, at
kpenman@lcg.org.nz (+64 9 268 8985).
Living University
We are now one month into the semester for Living University and the semester is off to a strong start. We currently have several applications in process for
on campus study in Charlotte for the 2010-2011 academic year. Those who are interested in attending our
on campus program, but who have not yet applied, are encouraged to do so. We still have a couple of “slots” for this Fall. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Scott Winnail at 704-708-2292 or, by e-mail,
swinnail@livinguniv.com. For more information on the
on campus program, application process or tuition and fees, visit our website at
The Importance of Doctrine: The Apostle Paul commended Christians in Rome because they “obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine [teaching] to which you were delivered” (Romans 6:17). He also urged the young evangelist Timothy, “take heed to yourself and to the doctrine… for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you” (1 Timothy 4:16). However, Paul warned repeatedly that “in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy…” (1 Timothy 4:1-3). He also warned that as the end of the age approaches, former believers will “not endure sound doctrine” but will “have itching ears” and follow various teachers—turning their ears away from the truth to fables (2 Timothy 4:1-4). In order to avoid being misled and deceived, we need to study the Scriptures carefully so that we know what the Bible really teaches—as the Bereans did (Acts 17:10-12). We also need to exercise the spiritual discernment that comes from nourishing and using the gifts of the Holy Spirit—which God gives to those who obey His doctrines and teachings (2 Timothy 1:6-7; Acts 5:32).
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
News and Prophecy—February 11, 2010
Italian-Iranian Relations Growing. Although the Italian Prime Minister recently made a visit to Israel with multiple government ministers, Italian trade relations with Iran continue to grow. Italy has repeatedly pushed for looser trade sanctions between the EU and Iran. More than 1,000 Italian firms are actively involved in trade with Iran and operate within its borders. Italian firms provide the Iranian military with products: heavy trucks and earth-moving equipment, swift boats, and satellite technology that could be used to develop spy satellites. Italy also purchases oil and gas from Iran (DEBKA, February 1, 2010). Multiple EU nations (including Italy and Germany) are supporting trade, infrastructure development and even military development within Iran. Could it be that the EU is biding its time until it has the political, financial, and military ability to take a bolder step forward to broker a peace deal that will include Europe, the Middle East and perhaps other nations? Bible prophecy indicates that such a deal will exist for a time, before the Beast Power takes total control of the Holy Land for 3.5 years before Christ returns (Psalm 83:5-8, Daniel 9:27, Luke 21:24, Revelation 11:2).
Breaking the Pride of America’s Power. Financial woes often result in massive budget cuts for businesses and nations. U.S. President Obama’s new budget aims to terminate the “lunar” program and cut back on other rocket launch facilities in the U.S. (Reuters, February 1, 2010). At the same time, the India Space Research Organization is seeking funding in order to support a seven-day manned space flight to orbit the earth (set for 2016). India has already completed an unmanned mission to the moon and plans another in 2013. They also have plans for a Mars mission in 2030 (CBC.ca, January 27, 2010). The U.S., known for decades as the world leader in space operations, appears to be giving up that prestigious status. God warned that, at the time of the end, He would break the pride of Israel’s power because of our disobedience to His commandments (Leviticus 26:14, 19). That appears to be happening more and more each day!
Welcoming Paganism. In a move designed to support “religious freedom,” the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, recently designated an outside worship location to the “earth religions” represented among the U.S. Air Force cadets. These earth religions include Pagans, Wiccans, Druids and other earth-centered believers. “Earth-centered spirituality encompasses many beliefs… that recognize multiple gods and goddesses and observe holidays tied to the seasons.” One sergeant, identifying himself as a Pagan, noted, “Being with nature and connecting with it is kind of the whole point.” “The school also has worship facilities for Protestant and Catholic Christians, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists” (AP, February 1, 2010). Freedom of religious expression is now a movement that is welcoming and highlighting a broadening array of “acceptable” options. Western society is actually fostering a renewal of paganism. Recent and current films highlight Wicca and witchcraft (e.g., the Harry Potter phenomenon), Druids, mother-earth-goddess worship, aliens, humans from another planet (Avatar), and even the re-emergence and re-popularization of the Roman pantheon (Percy Jackson and the Olympians). Satan appears to be “pulling out the stops” in terms of assisting humanity, especially the Israelite-descended nations, to move more rapidly away from the real God and “back to paganism.” God clearly likens Israel’s return to paganism to spiritual adultery (Ezekiel 16:31-59). He also warns that if His people fail to turn from their pagan ways, very difficult times will come upon them. Christians today must be wary of a society that is increasingly paganized, lest we become desensitized to the sin that God so vehemently condemns and become accepting of it.—Scott Winnail and James Ginn
COGwriter 2010
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