Dear Fellow Ministers,
All of us profoundly appreciated God’s guidance and blessing on the recent Ministerial Conference as most of you know! And all of us going out from here experienced a wonderful Pentecost in some of your local areas. My wife and I very much enjoyed being in Kansas City with Mr. and Mrs. Millich and the other elders and leaders in that area. We had 358 brethren in attendance on Pentecost and it was an inspiring occasion—with a great deal of warmth, joy and feeling of inspiration. I am sure most of you experienced the same wherever you observed Pentecost in various places around the world.
My immediate purpose in writing this is to strongly encourage all of you to make every effort to get out soon to visit all of the prospective members who have been calling and writing to request visits! I asked one of our staff just the other day about the “Go To(s)”—as we call them—and she mentioned that there was a tremendous volume of these during the entire month of May. They are still coming in at a fairly good clip even in June, so we really need to visit these people who have taken the time and effort to call or write us. Remember, fellows, that if we let these requests “go cold,” many will lose their interest, some will feel that we “don’t care,” and it may result in a much smaller number of people coming into God’s Church than would otherwise occur.
During the conference, I exhorted all of our ministers to “learn to delegate”—as I have had to do—and use more of the leading local elders and others to help visit the brethren and even the prospective members. In this way, by organizing the situation carefully, we can respond to the requests these people have made in person—or occasionally by phone, if need be. But in some way, be sure that they do get a response soon! Please pray with me about this as it is of great importance. God is beginning to bless the Work more than ever before, and we need to be inspired and do our part with enthusiasm and zeal.
We are all in good health here at Headquarters and pressing ahead in doing the Work as best we can. Please remember us in your prayers, and we will do the same for you. Please encourage the brethren not to “let down” in their prayers or tithes and offerings during the “lazy days” of summer! We all need to drive ourselves toward the goal even as the Apostle Paul did (Phil. 3:14). Thank you for all your help and service to God’s people! And may God continue to bless and inspire all of us as we give ourselves to Him in His service.
Roderick C. Meredith
Greetings from Charlotte,
I trust everyone had a profitable and inspiring Pentecost! As you just read, Mr. and Mrs. Meredith traveled to Kansas City where they met with 358 brethren, Mr. and Mrs. Ames were in Orlando where they met with the combined Florida congregations, Mr. and Mrs. Apartian flew to Montreal and Mr. and Mrs. Rod McNair were in Asheville, North Carolina. I traveled to Springfield and Joplin, Missouri, for the Sabbath and to Claremore, Oklahoma, for Pentecost. All reports coming back are very positive—see a few of them below. This week we are doing final edits on the Living Leadership Course, preparing CDs from the Ministerial Conference and discussing strategies for our websites. Several ministerial families who are transferring this summer are making pre-move trips this week to locate housing. They would appreciate your prayers.—Douglas Winnail
Pentecost Weekend in Montreal and Quebec
My wife and I were in Montreal on the Sabbath prior to Pentecost. To our delight, there were 42 in attendance for services—a growth since our last visit. That Sabbath afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Secours drove us to Trois Rivières, halfway between Montreal and Quebec City, where we met Mr. and Mrs. Yvon Brochu. After an enjoyable dinner together, the Secours returned to Montreal and we departed with the Brochus for Quebec City to celebrate Pentecost the next day.
We had quite a Feast in Quebec City! I was able to give the sermon both in the morning and in the afternoon, and also conducted a “question and answer” session during our collective lunch with the 32 brethren present. We were happy to see three long-time members from our former association at our Pentecost services. After hearing my answers to their questions, dissipating unfounded rumors against the Living Church of God and me, they let us know that they would be back.
Both the Montreal and the Quebec City congregations are growing solidly, partly because of the excellent work being done by their respective ministers, Jacques Secours, Yvon Brochu and their wives. There is much potential for growth in French Canada. We hope a door for preaching the Gospel on radio or television in French will soon open before us!—Dibar Apartian
Pentecost in Barbados
Mr. Gaylyn Bonjour reports, “Leona and I had the great pleasure of traveling to Barbados for the Sabbath of June 3 and for the Day of Pentecost. The spirit of unity was clearly evident and we were impressed with the depth of love and hospitality shown to us. It truly reminded us of Psalm 133:1, ‘Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.’”
Mr. Clyde Skeete, our local deacon in Barbados, also reported that they had a very uplifting Feast of Pentecost with Mr. and Mrs. Bonjour. He added, “On the Sabbath, 67 brethren were in attendance. Mr Bonjour’s sermon was entitled ‘In the Process of Time’. After services the brethren enjoyed the fellowship as well as some snacks together. We observed the feast at the Southern Palms Hotel where 72 brethren attended the morning service. At noon 46 brethren and eight children enjoyed a delicious luncheon with the Bonjours.”
Pentecost in Tanzania, as reported by Jerome Chembe
“We had a wonderful Pentecost Feast with the brethren in our congregation [Dar es Salaam]. On the weekly Sabbath, the brethren came to my home and watched the telecast on the Internet... The Feast of Pentecost was well attended and I was very encouraged by the members’ response, which made me realize that we are now growing in understanding of the importance of keeping the Holy and Biblical Feasts.”
Australasia Update, by Bruce Tyler
“I am in Adelaide this Pentecost weekend and am looking forward to meeting the brethren again. It’s just been a week since arriving home in Brisbane from the Ministerial Conference as well as visiting the brethren in both Thailand and Sri Lanka. Our son and office manager, Rob, was ordained into the ministry during the conference in Charlotte. Rob will be able to serve a lot more effectively in the Church office, as well as in the church here in Adelaide particularly. Mr. Michael Gill reports on a new TV station in Sydney. Please pray that this new door will open so that more people in our largest city will hear the good news of God’s soon-coming government.”
Festival Planner 2006: The Festival Planner 2006 has been printed and will be mailed to the brethren very soon. We will also be sending several samples to representatives of the convention bureaus where our Feast sites are being held.
Jamaica Feast Site: The Sunset Jamaica Grande resort has informed us that they have extended the dates for bookings/payments to June 30 (when 50% of the total cost should be made) and to August 30 (for final payment).—Paul Shumway
NEWS FROM HQ—compiled by Rod McNair
· Information Technology: We now have more than 5,000 people on the Tomorrow’s World Internet newsletter list and 1,400 on the LCG Internet newsletter list.
· Purchasing: We strive to do the Work more effectively in all aspects. For our normal operations, we normally buy about 16,000 blank CDs at a time. Through our vendor, we have now been able to reach a new “level” of buyer status, where our last order actually went down in cost from the previous order—by about $600! CDs typically cost about 23 cents per unit; cassette tapes cost about 40 cents. This is a significant saving and, of course, every dollar counts!
· Facilities: Mr. Crockett informed us that we had a “small blessing” last week. One of our air conditioners for the office building went out and had to be repaired. The age of the building is such that we were expecting that one of them might have had to be replaced, which would cost about $5,000. Thankfully, the technicians were able to find the leak and fix it with a cost of about $500. Compared to replacing the whole unit, that is a small—but significant—blessing!
· Acrobat Reader: The ministry is encouraged to keep their (free) Acrobat Reader version updated. This can be done easily simply by going to http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html and downloading the free Acrobat Reader program. Every year or so, Adobe (the company that produces Acrobat) creates an updated version of the Reader. If you don’t have the current upgrade, sometimes files or forms from Headquarters may not open properly. If you are having a problem opening some files or forms (from CAD, Finance, Risk/Insurance), that may be the reason. The first thing to do is to go to www.adobe.com and make sure you have the latest version. If you are having any problem with Acrobat Reader, please contact rmcnair@lcg.org.
Mr. Pyle reports, “This weekend we witnessed the finest start-up of a local commercial TV station since the Tomorrow’s World television program began seven years ago. At 10:00 o’clock Sunday morning, local time, our new Phoenix TV station, KAZT-TV, began proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to 1.4 million Arizona households. As soon as the first booklet ad for United States and Great Britain in Prophecy was presented by Mr. Meredith, eight minutes into the program, the phone calls instantly started to pour in.” As of Monday (June 5, 2006), we have received 90 phone calls from KATZ-TV, and we expect the total response nationwide to reach 2,700 for the program.
Transforming Faith. The Apostle Paul urged New Testament Christians, “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:1-2). The word “transformed” comes from the Greek metamorphoo which means a complete and total change—as when a caterpillar undergoes a metamorphosis into a butterfly! Jesus told potential Christians that they must repent (metanoeo) which involves learning to think differently and turn with sorrow from a past course of action. As we regularly study and meditate on the word of God and ask God to help us change, we will develop the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5). As we make conscious decisions to think, talk and act as Jesus would—as we crucify the old self—Jesus Christ will be able to live His life in us (Galatians 2:20). This is the transforming faith that enables us to come out of the darkness of this age and be lights to the world (Ephesians 5:8-10).
Have a joyous Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
Germany Supports God Reference in EU Constitution. In comments last week, “German chancellor Angela Merkel has spoken out in favour of a reference to God in the EU constitution… It is the first time Berlin has spoken out in favour of a Christian reference in the EU constitution, and could potentially reopen one of the most bitter debates surrounding the drawing up of the document four years ago.” Germany now joins the company of Spain, Italy and Poland, all of whom have strongly supported the God references in the constitution (EU Observer, May 27, 2006). Revelation 17 clearly identifies a great church that will ride hold over the coming European beast power. Last week’s comments by Ms. Merkel, chancellor of one of the leading EU nations, will no doubt facilitate the passage of future legislation making possible the powerful and influential future role of that church in EU affairs.
Rim of Fire Awakening? “From January 3, when a huge quake occurred between Fiji and Tonga, to May 23, when a temblor shook Kamchatka, in Russia’s Far East, there have been 33 earthquakes on the Rim that have measured 6.0 or more on the Richter Scale…Twenty-nine of the quakes have taken place on the western side of the Rim, in an arc running from Kamchatka, Russia to New Zealand. Six of the total involved quakes were bigger than 7.0, topped by a 7.9 behemoth off Tonga on May 3. Six took place in Kamchatka and three near Tonga” (AFP, May 26, 2006). The Rim averages nearly 20 7.0 or greater quakes annually, so some scientists are not concerned with the apparently heightened activity. What is unique is that most volcanic activity occurs along fault lines only a couple hundred miles long, not multiple thousands of miles. Scientists are unsure of what to make of these recent trends (AFP, May 26, 2006). One thing that is certain is that as more major quakes along established fault lines occur, the fault lines become weakened. It could be that we are witnessing the early signs of “earthquakes in various places,” something God says are just “the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:7-8).
Providing For Your Personal Safety. We are living in increasingly dangerous times. As society becomes ever more lawless (Leviticus 16:1), we must take precautions to help ensure the safety of ourselves and our families. A recent case in point involved an attack on a Birmingham, Alabama attorney, on May 31, 2006. The suspect allegedly took the attorney, Ms. Gregory, at gunpoint and in broad daylight, from the parking lot of her apartment building. She was forced into her vehicle and made to withdraw cash from three different ATMs. What could Ms. Gregory or anyone in her situation have done to prevent the ordeal into which she was thrust? According to some experts, points to help citizens prevent being victimized by this type of crime are: 1) Stay in well-lighted areas. 2) Be aware of who is near you. 3) Enter and exit your vehicle with minimum delay. 4) If accosted, try to escape immediately (Stratfor Terrorism Report, June 5, 2006). Each of us is responsible for analyzing these situations for ourselves and judging the best course of action, if any, under the circumstances, to best ensure our own safety. As God’s people, our best protection, of course, is being close to God. We should never leave home without putting that relationship first, through morning prayer and Bible study. If we ever find ourselves in a situation such as faced by Ms. Gregory, our ultimate safety and deliverance is in Christ’s hands. However, we should not tempt God by taking foolish risks with our personal safety. Those who are obedient to God are assured of His protection (Isaiah 54:14). However, God expects us to do our part by practicing Godly wisdom, while going about our daily routines in these dangerous times. “When the righteous rejoice, there is great glory; but when the wicked arise, men hide themselves” (Proverbs 28:12).—Scott Winnail, Don Davis
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