25 August 2011
Greetings from Charlotte,
This week, the east coast of the United States near Richmond, Virginia was rattled by a 5.8 earthquake for the first time in 67 years. This coming weekend, the eastern seaboard of the U.S. is bracing for a major hurricane packing winds of more than 100 miles per hour. At the same time these events are happening, major “financial earthquakes” threaten Europe, America and the global economy—as ancient biblical prophecies continue to come alive! Here in Charlotte, Mr. Meredith has been writing a Tomorrow’s World article and he chaired a Living University Board meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Ames have returned from the U.K., where they visited ministers, brethren and a number of congregations (see report below), and Dr. and Mrs. Wil Pierre have returned safely from a very positive trip to Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Mr. Mario Her nandez is currently visiting congregations in South America. Mr. Wayne Pyle reports that last week’s television program by Mr. Meredith entitled, “How to Watch World Events,” should draw more than 5,000 responses. The Tomorrow’s World Special Presentations last weekend in Peoria and Springfield, Illinois, by Mr. Rod McNair, resulted in a total of 47 visitors (see report below). This weekend I will be in New Orleans, Louisiana and Biloxi, Mississippi for TWSPs. Your prayers for these efforts to reach God’s chosen people are much appreciated.—DSW
Church Administration
Peoria and Springfield, Illinois: To answer the famous question known across the United States, “Will it play in Peoria?,” the answer for the Tomorrow’s World Special Presentations is a resounding “Yes!” Twenty-three guests and 28 members attended the Peoria Special Presentation on August 20 given by Mr. Rod McNair. At the next day’s presentation in Springfield, the Illinois state capital, the attendance was virtually matched with 24 guests and 25 members present. Brethren from Chicago and St. Louis joined the local members to add support for the Special Presentations. We are very grateful for the hard work that our staff at HQ accomplished for these presentations! We are now eagerly looking forward to this weekend when the follow-up presentations will give all those who a ttend the opportunity to really understand how they can determine where is God’s true Church.
Nearly 70 enthusiastic brethren from 16 countries joined together in welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Ames last Sabbath. Some diligent families drove more than five hours to be with us at this special celebration. Seeing (and hearing) the warm greetings, even before getting completely out of the car, Mrs. Ames said she already knew she was going to really appreciate them! Mr. Ames used the sermonette time to bring us up-to-date news of the Work, and then he gave a powerful sermon on prayer. Following the service, the ladies provided a sumptuous table overflowing with a large variety of delicious international snacks. Mr. and Mrs. Ames were kept busy in stimulating and animated conversation for almost two hours as the fellowship flowed!—Rick Stafford
Seventy-three brethren joined in a truly millennial setting on Sunday, August 21, for delightful fellowship, beach games, swimming, and a delicious picnic lunch at the beautiful “Spanish River State Park” near Boca Raton, Florida. The picnic was a very special opportunity for our growing congregation to strengthen friendships, as well as make new friends with the many new brethren whom God has been calling in this area. We are very thankful that God blessed us with good weather and with good food, but most of all we give thanks to God for the wonderful fellowship and the joyful service that were evident throughout the day. Many of the brethren commented that we had so much fun, that next time we need to “expand” our picnic into a “family weekend” and invite our brethren from around the country to join us! God-willing, we will be able to do this, and perhaps some of you will be able to join us in South Florida next year.—Wyatt Ciesielka
We have finished processing Festival Assistance requests, and notification letters (regarding whether we have been able to provide assistance, and, if applicable, the amount) are being sent to those who requested assistance.
The Age of Skeptics: The Apostle Peter warned that in the last days “scoffers will come” who would ridicule biblical ideas such as Jesus Christ’s promise to return (2 Peter 3:3-4). Today, skeptics publish books and articles that refer to people who believe in God and the Bible as people who believe in “The God Delusion,” and openly claim that “God is not Great.” This modern skepticism fosters an attitude of disrespect for authority figures such as parents, teachers, government officials, policemen and even religious leaders. Christians must be careful that these critical attitudes in society do not spill over into the Church and affect our attitudes toward the leaders and members of the Body of Christ. Peter also warned that false teachers would come who will “despise authority” and be self-willed and determined to do “their own thing” (2 Peter 2:1, 10). The Apostle Paul urged Christians to respect authority and be subject to government because God is the Author of structure and organization (Romans 13:1-2). Criticizing, disrespecting and ignoring authority only leads to confusion and chaos—yet, the Scriptures plainly state that God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). We need to be aware of the fruits that flow from the age of skeptics!
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
COGwriter 2011