LCG, Jews, Protestants, Etc. to Celebrate Pentecost

Jesus taught, “narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:14),. Pentecost pictures that only a few will find the way in this age–but implies that others will later.

Striaght Path in Tobago
A “straight and narrow way” in Tobago


Tonight beginning after sunset, until tomorrow at sunset is the Holy Day known as Pentecost.  1,977 years ago, the disciples of Jesus were meeting together to observe this day (Acts 2).  On that day the Holy Spirit was given and the New Testament Church began.

Of course, since it was also originally observed by Jews and other Israelites, it would make sense that the early Christians kept it (as they kept Passover and other such days).

Observant Jews still keep it as the following news article shows (though they call it Shavuot):

The long lost significance of Shavuot (Shavuos)

Jewish Community Voice, NJ – Jun 4, 2008

However you pronounce it, Shavuot has been around for a long, long time, and it seems that many Jews tend to overlook its timeless significance. In order to glean some of this festival’s original meaning, imagine popping something into the oven and never being able to look at it until the timer goes off. Is that how you’d want to make your mychel, your “oneof a-kind dish?” Of course not! You’d want to check on it at least once (and in most cases several times) in order to see that it’s coming out as you’d hoped and to do this or that to it, to “potchke” around with it.

Well, anyway, on one level, that’s sort of how Shavuot functioned in the ancient Jewish calendar of festivals. Seven weeks and a day after the ceremonial Omer sacrifice was made on the second day of Pesach- originally a planting festival- Shavuot would auspiciously mark the harvesting of one of the season’s first crops, typically barley, or perhaps some other kind of grain indigenous to Israel. This initial harvest would give an early indication as to how all the crops were faring and, accordingly, if the Almighty was favoring the people that year with a bounteous harvest. That’s the agricultural reason behind why the Omer period in its entirety was traditionally marked with solemnity, because no one wanted to inadvertently anger G-d before the crops were known to be growing properly.

Being as how most of us are so far removed from the annual agricultural cycle and how we often take for granted how dependent we all still are on G-d’s graciousness when it comes to basic needs such as health and sustenance, it’s easy to grasp how the profound significance of Shavuot might be lost on increasingly urbanized Jewish societies.

But what then of the spiritual side of Shavuot? What about its historical linkage to the receiving of the Commandments at Mt. Sinai? After all, no stream of Judaism can downplay the centrality of Torah to Jewish life in every new generation, defining Shavuot as indeed one of the most significant holy days of the year!                                                                                  

Many Jews believe that the ten commandments were given on Pentecost.

Additionally, some Protestants do observe Pentecost as well, as the following news article shows:

Christians prepare to celebrate the church’s birth

While not as prominent as Christmas or Easter, Pentecost is among the faith’s most significant holidays and the focus of global prayer.
Los Angeles Times May 26, 2007
Sunday is Pentecost, the most important day in the Christian calendar after Easter and Christmas.

Unlike those two well-known holidays, Pentecost — commemorating the arrival of the Holy Spirit — is not widely observed, even by many Christians…

Still, for hundreds of millions of believers around the world, Pentecost will be celebrated with praise and worship…
To understand Christianity, scholars say, one must understand Pentecost because it provided the connection between God and humankind after the ascension of Jesus Christ.

Christian authors Norman Shawchuck and Rueben P. Job describe the connection in “A Guide to Prayer for All Who Seek God”: “God in Christ became incarnate in ordinary disciples. The faithful continue to receive this gift of God-dwelling-within to provide direction, courage, comfort, hope, companionship and peace.”…

MacConnell, founder of the Spirituality Center on the campus of Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles, says she is grateful for Pentecost…

Pentecost emboldened ordinary people to go out and take risks and give their lives for their faith, she said.,1,5598510.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-california

Catholics also keep it, though they were about a month early this year (see Pentecost is Not Supposed to be in May for 2008).

The Living Church of God believes that the New Testament church began on Pentecost in 31 A.D. and that its observance in the Book of Acts shows that the early disciples clearly did believe that they were to continue to observe practices (Sabbaths, Holy Days, etc.) that the Jews did.

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