‘Is the Petro-Yuan signalling the death of the Dollar?’
Consider the following:
Is the Petro-Yuan signalling the death of the Dollar?
April 3, 2018
While the dollar has served as a powerhouse within the oil market, the Yuan is positioned to succeed it. According to Al Jazeera, China’s appetite and need for crude are increasing annually. With 9 million barrels needed daily, being capable of paying in Yuan instead of the dollar.
The balance of power in the oil market is rapidly turning east with this and recent collaborations. Previous co-operation between Russia and Saudi Arabia alongside China’s push for yuan-denominated futures. These changes will change the geopolitical landscape within the Middle East and Chinese economic pre-eminence.
Is Petro-Yuan rising above the Dollar?
In using its currency for futures, China is directly challenging the established markets. The likes of WTI and Brent Crude are dollar based indexes that have held the market for decades. But China still has a distance to cover before taking on the petrodollar, according to Al-Jazeera. https://gooruf.com/uk/news/2018/04/03/petro-yuan-signalling-death-dollar/
So, the ‘petro-yuan’ has been introduced, the introduction looks like a financial success, it is intended to increase the acceptance of the Chinese yuan, and thus also decrease the need to use US dollars in international trade.
Notice the following machine-translation of a German article (the original in German is shown below):
Trade wars, Petro-Yuan, Debt – Gold $ 32,000 / Silver $ 500
3 April 2018
For a long time now, US debt has gotten out of hand: federal, state, corporate, private, mortgage and auto loans, and so on and so forth – they are all exponential. In addition, there will be US budget deficits, which will be in the trillions of dollars for the foreseeable future, plus a trade deficit of $ 600 billion in 2017, …
It is certainly no coincidence that this trade war started shortly before the introduction of the yuan oil trade. Ultimately, all of this will lead to the fall of the dollar, a massive shift in power from west to east and significantly higher gold prices.
The fact that the Silk Road countries bought large quantities of gold in this century is not surprising either. …
The US blames everyone else
The whole world lives beyond their means, but the US is the worst culprit. So what will the US do about it? Adjust spending and reconcile with revenue – not at all. That would be too simple. Instead, you accuse the whole world: The mistakes made by the others and they should be punished. That’s exactly what Trump is doing right now.
Handelskriege, Petro-Yuan, Schulden – Gold 32.000 $ / Silber 500 $
Seit langer Zeit läuft die Verschuldung der USA aus dem Ruder: Schulden des Bundes, der Bundesstaaten, der Unternehmen, der Privaten, Hypotheken- und Autokredite, und so weiter und so fort – sie alle ufern exponentiell aus. Hinzu kommen US-Haushaltsdefizite, die sich auf absehbare Zeit im Billionen-$-Bereich bewegen werden, obendrein ein Handelsdefizit von 600 Mrd. $ für 2017, …
All das sind verzweifelte Maßnahmen eines Landes, das im endgültigen Niedergang steckt. Es ist sicherlich auch kein Zufall, dass dieser Handelskrieg kurz vor der Einführung des Ölhandels in Yuan begonnen wurde. Im Endeffekt wird all das zum Niedergang des Dollars, zu einer gewaltigen Machtverschiebung von Westen nach Osten und zu deutlich höheren Goldpreisen führen.
Dass die Seidenstraße-Länder in diesem Jahrhundert große Mengen Gold gekauft haben, überrascht ebenfalls nicht. …
Die USA beschuldigen alle anderen
Die ganze Welt lebt über ihre Verhältnisse, doch die USA sind der schlimmste Übeltäter. Was werden die USA also dagegen unternehmen? Die Ausgaben anpassen und mit den Einnahmen in Einklang bringen – keinesfalls. Das wäre allzu simpel. Stattdessen beschuldigt man die ganze Welt: Die Fehler haben die anderen gemacht und dafür sollen sie bestraft werden. Genau das macht Trump gerade. https://www.goldseiten.de/artikel/370676–Handelskriege-Petro-Yuan-Schulden—Gold-32.000–~-Silber-500-.html?seite=1
So, notice that US debt, Donald Trump, gold, and trade issues are being brought up. And that China is believed to be taking some of its steps because of Donald Trump and his trade comments.
As regular readers of this COGwriter Church of God News page realized, there are many who want to dethrone the USA dollar. The ‘petro-yuan’ is part of the plan to do that (watch also US Dollar being challenged by Gold-Petro-Yuan). While, of itself, the petro-yuan will not do that, it is one more thing chipping away at the USA dollar–with the massive deficits of the USA being, prophetically, a larger problem for the USA (cf. Habakkuk 2:6-8).
In case you have any doubts about Chinese intentions, notice the following:
Just days after initiating its ‘petroyuan’ futures contract, and hours after an unprecedented announcement that China will pay for oil in yuan, The Global Times, the unofficial mouthpiece of the Chinese government, printed a remarkable story from ‘one of its editors’ highlighting the ‘petroyuan’ and its potential to topple the US Dollar as global reserve currency. …
The evident enthusiasm for the new yuan-denominated crude contracts in the past few days will have pleased the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) and China’s regulators. They aim to establish a third global crude benchmark in the country. …
The widespread pricing and trading of crude oil in the yuan, or the “petroyuan,” is likely to shake people’s confidence in the US dollar, and theoretically back up the value of China’s yuan in the global market place.
One clear objective for China’s regulators is to seek ways to internationalize its currency to boost its own economic prominence and reduce its longstanding reliance on the dollar.
As the world’s largest crude oil importer, China would naturally benefit from using its own currency over that of an economic rival and strategic competitor.
At the same time, China’s Belt and Road initiative, which seeks to create trade networks across the Eurasian continent, the Middle East and Africa, will almost certainly invigorate the yuan’s march toward wider usage and the currency’s globalization.
However, the dollar will not cede its present dominance in oil markets any time soon. Instead, China is likely to build confidence in the yuan gradually, through steady measures of reform and opening-up, more robust economic growth, proactive foreign engagement and liberalization of its monetary policy. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-01/chinas-unofficial-mouthpiece-proclaims-petroyuan-propel-currency
The Bible teaches that in the end time, the highly indebted nation will be taken over (Habakkuk 2:2-8)–no nation is more indebted than the USA–and on a per capita basis, the UK is one of the most indebted. They will be taken over and conquered during the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21; Daniel 11:39; watch also Do these 7 prophesies point to the end of the USA?).
We are getting closer to the start of the Great Tribulation (see also When Will the Great Tribulation Begin?) and final time of the Gentiles that Jesus spoke of (Matthew 24:21; Luke 21:24).
US President Donald Trump will not be able to stop it–though as I wrote when he was elected, the Great Tribulation will NOT start during his first term. But he has impacted many things that will help lead to it.
Gentile nations, and not just China, are taking steps that the Anglo-American nations will one day regret.
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Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse This 188 page book is for people truly interested in prophecies related to Donald Trump and the United States, including learning about several that have already been fulfilled and those that will be fulfilled in the future. The physical book can be purchased at Amazon for $12.99 from the following link: Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse.
Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse-Kindle Edition This electronic version of the 188 page print edition is available for only US$3.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Donald Trump and America’s Apocalypse-Kindle Edition.
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