Latin Was NOT the Language of the Original Catholic Church

Agora of Ancient Smyrna

Ancient Smyrna was Greek


In its latest weekly update, LCG had the following news item:

The Pope Moves “Back to the Future.” Nearly 40 years ago, the Catholic Church effectively banned the Latin Mass to make people feel more a part of the liturgy. In recent years, the Pope has made the Latin Mass an “option” for Catholic parishes. Now, the Latin Mass “is to be reintroduced into every Roman Catholic parish….” When asked if the Latin Mass would be celebrated in many parishes in the future, the Pope’s senior spokesman stated, “Not in many parishes, all parishes.” This move will achieve the Pope’s wish for the Latin Mass and the “revised” (modern-language) Mass to exist side by side (Sunday Telegraph, June 15, 2008). But how long will it be before the Latin Mass totally replaces the “side-by-side” Mass? The current Pope Benedict XVI is focused on returning the Catholic Church to a more conservative time—a time when the Pope had greater power and influence over the church as a whole, and Europe in general. The Scriptures reveal that at the time of the end harlot daughters will return to their mother church. In addition, this church will grow in power and influence on the world scene (see Revelation 17). The Pope and his Vatican counselors are preparing the Roman church for a much greater role in the future (v. 18). Reinstituting the Latin Mass will force people to worship under the church’s power, while they are kept ignorant by not understanding the church’s teachings.

And while all of that is true, I would like to point out that the original “catholic church” was the Church of God in Smyrna. And the type of writings and church services that came from that area were NOT in Latin, but were in Greek. And that was also true for the Church of Rome–until probably the third century, pretty much all theological literature for the first and second centuries was in Greek.

Tertullian is called “the father of Latin theology”–yet he lived in North Africa (not Rome) and began to write just prior to and later into the third century.

The New Testament itself was written in koine Greek.

Thus Catholics who feel that they need to go back to the traditional language of the church would pick Greek, instead of Latin.  Catholics and many others who are looking for the original church really need to review church history more than they have.

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The Smyrna Church Era was predominant circa 135 A.D. to circa 450 A.D. The Church led by Polycarp, Melito, Polycrates, etc.
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There are Many COGs: Why Support the Living Church of God? This is an article for those who wish to more easily sort out the different COGs. It really should be a MUST READ for current and former WCG members or any interested in supporting the faithful church. It also explains a lot of what the COGs are all about.

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