‘AI enabling Iran’s crackdown on women as authoritarian regime uses tech to enforce head covering’

Iranian model wearing hijab (Pixabay photo)


Iran is reportedly using Artificial Intelligence to try to force women to wear the hijab:

AI enabling Iran’s crackdown on women as authoritarian regime uses tech to enforce head covering

June 8, 2024

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s use of artificial intelligence (AI) to crack down on its populace is having a particular impact on the freedoms of Iranian women.

Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Fox News Digital the Iranian regime “is moving into the AI realm to benefit even more from technology that links together the disparate elements of facial recognition, CCTV, cell phone analysis, traffic geolocation and internet monitoring,” which “bolster its cyber crackdown on street protesters or women who don’t wear their hijab correctly.”

Enhanced AI tools will be a key facet of the forthcoming Hijab and Chastity Bill, approved by the Iranian Parliament in September 2023 and awaiting ratification from the regime’s Guardian Council.

Taleblu said AI has become “the cherry on the sundae of Iran’s digital repression, whether that starts with very crude tools like CCTV in a shop or whatever repository of purportedly criminal behavior that the regime puts at the feet of these AI sorting tools. Because humans don’t have to make the linkages, it frees up more manpower for mischief from the Iranian repressive apparatus.” https://www.foxnews.com/world/ai-enabling-irans-crackdown-on-women-authoritarian-regime-uses-tech-enforce-head-covering

Yes, Iran wants to use AI and other tech for control.

Of course, China and many other parts of the world are already doing so.

The USA and Europe have their own versions, but they are not considered as controlling as some in Asia, but that will change.

While the use of AI in internet searches, language translations, and many other applications can be helpful, it is also something that can be used by totalitarian leaders and governments.

Related to AI, here are links to other videos we put out:

ChatGPT and 666

Is AI in the Bible?

AI Jesus? Artificial Intelligence God?

666, the Censorship Industrial Complex, and AI

Artificial Intelligence Superhuman Persuasion?

Europe wants to control AI, and to a degree it will.

Are there real risks?

Michael Snyder posted the following:

Artificial Intelligence Is Allowing Them To Construct A Global Surveillance Prison From Which No Escape Is Possible

January 4, 2024

Every inch of our planet is being watched, and incredibly sophisticated “artificial intelligence solutions” make it possible for those that are watching our planet to find whatever they want in just minutes. You can try to run, and you can try to hide, but if they really want to find you it won’t be very difficult. All around us, a global surveillance prison is being constructed. Even if you completely stay off the Internet and you totally avoid all forms of modern technology, cameras and satellites will still be endlessly watching you. And once your face has been identified, artificial intelligence can be used to locate you wherever you pop up on the entire planet.

Corey Jaskolski is the CEO of an artificial intelligence company known as Synthetaic, and the system that his company has developed is extremely impressive.

According to NPR, it “really can find anything you want anywhere in the world”…

In the wrong hands, such technology could potentially be used to enforce tyranny on a scale never seen before in all of human history. …

We have reached a stage where virtually everything that we do is monitored and put in a database somewhere.

And with each passing day, the surveillance prison that is being constructed all around us become even more intrusive.

So where is all of this ultimately going?

We might want to think about that, because we are moving into one of the most chaotic periods in all of human historyhttps://endoftheamericandream.com/artificial-intelligence-is-allowing-them-to-construct-a-global-surveillance-prison-from-which-no-escape-is-possible/

Without saying so, Michael Snyder was pointing to the time of the Great Tribulation and the rise of the Babylonian Beast power and the final Antichrist.

Related to that, and surveillance, Protestant Hal Lindsey earlier put out the following:

The Infrastructure Of Antichrist: Living In The Age Of Surveillance

November 28, 2022

We live in the age of surveillance. Cameras (attached to facial recognition systems), satellites, street sensors, license plate readers, drones, credit cards, computers, phones, televisions, “smart” devices, and other technologies watch every move we make. …

Alexa is a cloud-based personal assistant. The original idea was that it would build brand loyalty to Amazon by giving people easy access to things like the weather or favorite music. Planners had also hoped to make it easier for people to order products from Amazon. That part hasn’t worked too well. It turns out that people want to see products (or at least pictures of those products) before they buy them.

But Alexa is more than an assistant. It is also a massive data vacuum cleaner. It sucks up information about you at unprecedented levels. By default, the microphones on Alexa devices are always on. They are required to be on so that Alexa can know when you are addressing it, and then follow your instructions. Amazon says that Alexa only listens for key words that “wake up” the device. But that’s something we just have to take their word for.

A few years ago, Samsung admitted that its smart TVs listen to all kinds of things. “Please be aware,” Samsung warned, “that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party through your use of Voice Recognition.” …

Services such as Alexa were originally built to make money and serve customers. Sadly, the companies that built them were unknowingly building the infrastructure of Antichrist. https://harbingersdaily.com/the-infrastructure-of-antichrist-living-in-the-age-of-surveillance/

The Beast and His Money

For years, I have taught that to make the mark of the beast possible, the world would shift away from cash. To a far greater extent than most people realize, that shift has already taken place. Only a small part of the world’s money supply is printed on paper. Money today exists mostly in the form of computer code.

But for the mark of the beast system to work, governments will have to eliminate all cash. And that’s not so far off. Governments will say that digital currency will be good for the environment. They will promise an end to money laundering, something that helps keep organized crime going. Cash is also the primary means of funding terrorist operations. They will remind us that cash carries viruses and germs. Also, it can be stolen easily.

The US dollar has been the world’s reserve currency for a long time. That gives the United States certain advantages such as the ability to borrow money at lower interest rates. With so many US leaders crying out for “equity,” how long will the United States keep such an advantage? How long will other countries allow it to have such an advantage?

A world full of digital currencies opens up the possibility of linking those currencies. Every nation will want their Central Bank Digital Currency to be linked into a global system. That link would become the new global currency. Proponents will argue that this gives every nation a stable currency. In reality, it will make trade easy and put trillions into the hands of global corporations. And it will be the beginning of world government. https://www.hallindsey.com/ww-8-6-2021/

Is electronic surveillance consistent with the Beast of Revelation and the Antichrist?


Some time back, we put out the following video:


Facial Recognition and Christian Persecution?

Will facial recognition systems help the coming European Beast of the Sea (Revelation 13) power gain totalitarian control? Are steps being taken along those lines? Is Europe in the process of putting together a massive database to surveil all that they can? What about Prüm? Might USA be involved with this? Could this result in Christian persecution? Does any of this have to do with what George Orwell warned about in his 1949 book titled ‘1984’? What about the UK? What has Big Brother watch warned? What is facial recognition and how does it work? What are concerns that the ACLU and the Electronic Watch foundation have raised? Would the King of the North (666) of biblical prophecy (Daniel chapters 7,8,11) be expected to use this type of technology? What about his religious associate, the two-horned beast, also known as the final Antichrist? What did Jesus tell His followers to do when persecuted? What has to happen before totalitarian control occurs in Europe? Dr. Thiel addresses these questions and more in this video.

Here is a link to the video: Facial Recognition and Christian Persecution?

The surveillance apparatus has greatly expanded since then.

As far as what is coming from a power that will arise in Europe, here is a portion of scripture:

15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.  (Revelation 13:15-18)

The ability to do that did not exist when Jesus had John pen the Revelation. The technology now exists with computers, cameras, cellular telephones, AI, and a willingness of governments to track and censor.

What Iran is trying to do is also showing other nations some things AI can do–this will not be lost in Europe.

The Bible shows that a European dictator will rise up and be totalitarian (Revelation 13, 17:12-13).

Are YOU paying attention? Things are changing and will not remain as they have.

Remember to pray, as Jesus said (Matthew 6:10), for God’s Kingdom to come.

Some items of possibly related interest may include:

Two Horned Beast of Revelation and 666 Who is 666? This article explains how the COG views this, and compares this to Ellen White. Here is a link to a prophetic video Six Financial Steps Leading to 666?
The Mark of Antichrist What is the mark of Antichrist? What have various ones claimed? Here is a link to a related sermon What is the ‘Mark of Antichrist’?
Mark of the Beast What is the mark of the Beast? Who is the Beast? What have various ones claimed the mark is? What is the ‘Mark of the Beast’?
Europa, the Beast, and Revelation Where did Europe get its name? What might Europe have to do with the Book of Revelation? What about “the Beast”? Is an emerging European power “the daughter of Babylon”? What is ahead for Europe? Here is are links to related videos: European history and the BibleEurope In ProphecyThe End of European Babylon, and Can You Prove that the Beast to Come is European? Here is a link to a related sermon in the Spanish language: El Fin de la Babilonia Europea.
The European Union and the Seven Kings of Revelation 17 Could the European Union be the sixth king that now is, but is not? Here is a link to the related sermon video: European Union & 7 Kings of Revelation 17:10.
Iran in Prophecy Is Iran in Bible prophecy? If so, what does the Bible teach? What names, other than Persia, may be used to describe Iran? There are also two related videos: Iran In Prophecy and Iran and Israel Conflict.
Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century This is a free online book which helps show where biblical and Islamic prophecies converge and diverge. Here is a link to a related sermon: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes.
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2024, 2025, or 2026? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede la Gran Tribulación comenzar en el 2020 o 2021? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? A related video is: Great Tribulation: 2026 or 2027? A shorter video is: Can the Great Tribulation start in 2022 or 2023? Notice also: Can Jesus return in 2023 or 2024? Here is a video in the Spanish language: Es El 2021 el año  de La Gran Tribulación o el Grande Reseteo Financiero.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God This free online pdf booklet has answers many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. It is available in hundreds of languages at ccog.org. Here are links to four kingdom-related sermons:  The Fantastic Gospel of the Kingdom of God!, The World’s False Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom: From the New and Old Testaments, and The Kingdom of God is the Solution.

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