COGaIC: Early Christianity Different
COGaIC reported:
Oxford University hosted its Fifteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies, an event conducted by the University every four years. This event brings together over 500 academics from the four corners of the globe and from all denominations. “Patristics” is a name given to the study of the Church Fathers from the post apostolic time of Clement I of Rome into the fifth century of this era.
Delegates attended lectures and workshop sessions covering subjects often defined by century, geographical location and language: either Greek, Latin, Syriac, and or Coptic. Of particular interest to me were the sessions covering the Jewish and Christian interaction in the third century.
Several papers were presented on various writings of Origen who wrote in some detail of the interactions he had with either Jewish Christians and/or Jews in both
Comments by COGwriter:
I agree with COGaIC that most who profess Christianity would not recognize its founder, His teachings, nor the practices of its original followers. However it is interesting that Origen, although too often an allegorist, actually held relatively close to one COG doctrine, Apocatastasis (more on Origen is in the article Hope of Salvation: How the COGs differ from most Protestants)
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