Transylvania Sabbatarians
COGwriter Peering into Ancient Thyatira (2008)
A reader sent me an article from an Israeli publication that contained the following:
…the Szekely Sabbatarians honored the Sabbath and kept many Jewish rituals, with their activities centered around the village of Bozodujfalu in Transylvania…
The Sabbatarian movement in Transylvania was founded at the end of the 16th century amid the jolt delivered to Christendom by the Reformation. According to most historians, Transylvania’s location as an independent buffer zone, a no-man’s-land straddling the Ottoman, Polish and Austrian empires, gave rise to religious diversity and tolerance unknown anywhere else in Europe at the time. This was fertile ground for the emergence of a broad variety of ideas, movements and religious sects. Some of them died out or were assimilated, their memory existing only in history books. Others are, to this day, considered dominant in the region.
This was probably the only environment in which the unique accident of history that engendered the Sabbatarian movement could have occurred…
Although Jews faced discrimination in employment, taxation and places of residence, the practice of Judaism was not considered a crime and its adherents were never forced to convert. Judaism in Transylvania was considered a tolerated religion: inferior and abhorrent, but not prohibited. The Sabbatarians, in contrast, were perceived as heretics, Christians who had committed the unpardonable sin of taking on themselves the precepts of the Jews. To the local residents, that was far worse than abandoning Christianity…
Most studies place the total number of believers at between a few hundred and a few thousand. The largest community emerged in Bozodujfalu, a village that lay in an isolated green valley in the heart of a region known as Szekely Land. In 1867, about a quarter of the village’s 700 inhabitants declared that they belonged to the Sabbatarian sect…
“Confusion in Hungary,” the Tel Aviv-based Davar reported in a front-page story in August 1941. “The Hungarian government is having difficulty in finding a solution to the legal status of the 1,200 non-Jewish Shabbat-keepers who live in Transylvania,” the report said. “The members of this sect are of Aryan origin but observe Shabbat and the Jewish dietary laws. As a result, the prohibition on kosher slaughter affects them, too…”…
Finally, on October 3, 1941, the Hungarian justice minister signed an order exempting the descendants of the Sabbatarians in Hungary, including the community of converts in Bozodujfalu, from the anti-Jewish decrees. To benefit from the exemption, the community’s members had to prove a certain percentage of Szekely roots in the family lineage. The order drew a distinction between Jews according to religion and Jews according to birth. The date of the conversion was also of importance in this connection.
In Bozodujfalu, 94 members of the convert community were granted exemptions from the “Jew laws.” Another 40 villagers who termed themselves Shabbat-keepers but were not circumcised were also exempted. But the Szekely Sabbatarians did more than save themselves: they could not remain indifferent to the persecution of the Jews. Many survivor testimonies from Romania and Hungary mention them as offering food and shelter to Jews on the run.
(While I do not agree with everything in the linked portion of the article, the above gives information that I feel is of interest.) One of the last acts of Romania’s Communist leader Nicolae Ceauşescu was to build a resevoir in order to completely flood Bozodujfalu in an attempt to destroy its memory.
Interestingly, years ago I met a man at a store from the region who was somewhat familiar with the Sabbath-keepers there as he grew up near them.
I have written about Bozodujfalu in the past as it is part of my article titled In Search of the Thyatira Church.
There is more to Sabbatarian history than most recognize.
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2. The Smyrna Church Era was predominant circa 135 A.D. to circa 450 A.D. The Church led by Polycarp, Melito, Polycrates, etc.
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