2 COGs on EU Problems
Crown of Original “Holy Roman Emperor” Which Contains Both “Iron and Clay”
Two COGs commented about problems in the EU with their latest updates. Here is what ICG’s Mark Armstrong wrote:
There is now speculation that Europe may end up getting divided into nations that have accepted the euro as their currency, and those that have not. Other news out of Europe indicates that those nations may not continue to follow the lead of the U.S. Fed in their determination of interest rates now that the dollar is falling out of favor. It may mean that our economic circumstances here will be determined by decisions made in Europe at some point.
Frankly, it’s hard to watch! Everything, from economic trends to the world’s balance of power is in a state of flux and we simply have no previous experience with troubles on this scale.
In its update, the Living Church of God had the following:
Is The EU Splitting? For nearly two decades, Euro-skeptics have warned that the euro currency would result in division in Europe. The idea of a “two-speed” EU has been mentioned for years, but now appears to be a definite possibility! The 27-member EU is poised to divide into 10 non-Eurozone members and 17 Eurozone members. This “in” group could shrink further as debtor nations are moved “out” of the inner circle. In early March, the 17 Eurozone members held a “closed” budget meeting from which non-members were intentionally excluded. In response, the Economist magazine stated, “Europe may be embarking on a path that could tilt the union away from economic liberalism, risking a split and, ultimately, even a British exit” (The Economist, March 10, 2011). Last week, billionaire George Soros made the sobering prediction, “The solution to the euro crisis to be put into place this week will set in stone a two-speed Europe. This will generate resentments which will endanger the EU’s political cohesion” (Financial Times, March 21, 2011). Initial results from the EU summit show that Germany relaxed its intentions and measures that would “split” the EU—so the division may have been postponed (EU Observer, March 25, 2011). Bible prophecies indicate that the coming Beast power in Europe will be comprised of ten “kings” or “key players” that will surrender their sovereignty to a supra-European government—that does not include Britain and many other Israelite-descended nations (Daniel 2:42-43; Revelation 17:12-13). The nature of the end-time federation is like “iron and clay”—that aptly describes the fractious relationships between the nations that make up the EU. Current events are fitting into the pattern long-foretold in these remarkable Bible prophecies!
There will be problems in Europe. Sometimes they will appear to be much worse than the problems in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. But, while the EU will struggle, something coming out of Europe will be the end time beast power that will over power both the Anglo-nations (Daniel 11:39) and many in the Middle East (Daniel 11:40-43).
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