Bible News Prophecy now on Flipboard
The Continuing Church of God (CCOG) is pleased to announce that it now has a page on Flipboard called Bible News Prophecy. Basically, Flipboard is like an online magazine that you flip pages to read, plus it also contains links to many of our YouTube videos.
To go to our Bible News Prophecy Profile page, simply click on that link, or go to:
For more information, notice a report that Shirley Gestro, who is a member of the Continuing Church of God in New Zealand sent:
Our Flipboard name is Bible News Prophecy you can also find us under Prophecy News. One way to view our flipboard magazines is to download the free Flipboard app and sign up (you do not need to create a magazine to view magazines), then in the search box at the top right hand corner type in our Flipboard name: Bible News Prophecy, tap on the Bible News Prophecy @ProphecyNews, click on one of the links below for your Ipad, Tablet or Mobile to download the app then follow the instructions to sign up:
For iOS: Android: Windows: Blackberry: further information on Flipboard go to: or those who do not have tablets, mobiles or ipads you can view our Flipboard magazines on the web details as follows (please be aware the magazine layout of the web somewhat differs to the tablet/ipad/mobile layout) :
For the Bible News Prophecy Profile page where you can view all our Flipboard Magazines (they are located on the lower part of the screen), copy & paste this url into your address bar:
(You can also download the flipboard app from this profile page, just click on the red/white ‘get the app’ button on the top right corner).Also, if you would like to flip through our magazines separately these are the Individual Magazine web urls:
- Prophetic News Feb 2014 (Church of God News Updates for February, 41 Articles) –
- Prophetic News Jan 2014 (Church of God News Updates for January, 31 Articles) –
- Bible News Prophecy: Blood Moons: (BNP Magazine Articles and Youtube vidoes) –
- Bible News Prophecy: The U K Will Lose the Gibraltar …( BNP Magazine Articles & Youtube Videos)
- Is God’s Existence Logical?: (Where Does God Come From, Evolution, Gap Theory, Has Time been Lost, other related articles & Youtube vidoes) –
- Fifteen 2013 News Items of Prophetic Interest (56 articles & Youtube vidoes) –
- WTO Trade Deal and the Rise of the European Beast Power (16 articles & Ytube vidoes) –
- Biblical Archaeology (19 Articles and Youtube vidoes) –
- Who are the 12 Tribes of Israel? (9 articles & Youtube videos).
Enjoy flipping.
There are so many ways to get information out these days, and we obviously want to go through all the doors that we can.
After going to the link in 1. above ( my immediate reaction was WOW! In time, we should see how effective this new door to teach the truth is.
Teaching the truth and love of the word of God to the world in general (Matthew 24:14) and those called in this age in particular (Matthew 28:19-20) is the mission of the Continuing Church of God. You can click here for Beliefs of the Continuing Church of God.
CCOG has reached multiple millions around the world, but plans to reach many times that (cf. Matthew 24:14).
The final phase of the work has begun we in the CCOG are leading it. More about the Continuing Church of God can be found at
Some items of possibly related interest may include:
The Final Phase of the Work What is the final phase of the work? Who will lead it? Do you have the courage to support it? Here is a related YouTube video titled The Final Phase of the Work.
Leading the Final Phase of the Work Matthew 24:14 will be fulfilled. Who is leading the final phase of the work? What did Herbert Armstrong and the old WCG teach about that and about prophets? Does Bob Thiel meet the criteria that the Bible and the old WCG set? What is the proof? What has the Continuing Church of God been doing? This is a sermonette length video.
Why Bob Thiel Left the Living Church of God Several have speculated reasons, but here is the truth. (En el idioma español: ¿Por qué Bob Thiel dejó la Iglesia del Dios Viviente?)
Roderick C. Meredith’s Accusatory Letter to Bob Thiel On 12/28/12, Dr. Meredith sent out a letter with accusations against Bob Thiel. While this led to the formation of the Continuing Church of God, Dr. Thiel decided to address more of the details of the charges on 11/27/13. Here is a version in the Spanish language Respuesta a una carta del Dr. Roderick C. Meredith fechada el 28 de diciembre, 2012.
Should the Church Still Try to Place its Top Priority on Proclaiming the Gospel or Did Herbert W. Armstrong Change that Priority for the Work? Some say the Church should mainly feed the flock now as that is what Herbert W. Armstrong reportedly said. Is that what he said? Is that what the Bible says? What did Paul and Herbert W. Armstrong expect from lower level leaders?
How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God There are many false prophets. How can Christians determine who is a true prophet? There is also a sermon-length video titled How to determine if someone is a true prophet of God. Here is a related link in Spanish/español: ¿Cómo determinar si alguien es un verdadero profeta de Dios?
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God was the Emphasis of Jesus and the Early Church Did you know that? Do you even know what the gospel of the kingdom is all about? You can also see a YouTube video sermon The Gospel of the Kingdom.
How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God There are many false prophets. How can Christians determine who is a true prophet? There is also a sermon-length video titled How to determine if someone is a true prophet of God. Here is a related link in Spanish/español: ¿Cómo determinar si alguien es un verdadero profeta de Dios?
The Philadelphia Church Era was predominant circa 1933 A.D. to 1986 A.D. The old Radio Church of God and old Worldwide Church of God, now basically the most faithful in the Church of God, like the beliefs held of the Continuing Church of God.
The Laodicean Church Era has been predominant circa 1986 A.D. to present. These are non-Philadelphians who mainly descended from the old WCG.
CCOG.ASIA We in the Continuing Church of God also have the url which has a focus on Asia and has various articles in Mandarin Chinese as well as some in English, plus some items in other Asian languages. 我们在继续神的教会也提供此网址, 关注于亚洲并且有各种各样的中英文文章,其中一些用菲律宾语翻译的文章也正在进行中,准备添加到这个网站中。
CCOG.IN This is a website targeted towards those of Indian heritage. It has a link to an edited Hindi translation of The Mystery of the Ages and is expected to have more non-English language materials in the future.
CCOG.EU This is a website targeted toward Europe. It has materials in more than one language (currently it has English, Dutch, and Serbian, with links also to Spanish) and it is intended to have additional language materials added.
CDLIDD.ES La Continuación de la Iglesia de Dios. This is the Spanish language website for the Continuing Church of God.
PNIND.PH Patuloy na Iglesya ng Diyos. This is the Philippines website Continuing Church of God. It has information in English and Tagalog.
Continuing Church of God The group striving to be most faithful amongst all real Christian groups to the word of God.
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