BibleNewsProphecy magazine October -December 2024: Should a Christian Vote?

Here is a link to the Bible News Prophecy magazine, October-December 2024.

In This Issue:

2 From the Editor: Should a Christian Vote? Many think so, but what should our focus be?

8 Prophecies for 2 Tribes, Part 2 There are prophecies about the so-called lost tribes of Israel that most people have discounted or overlooked. This article includes a list of those on the throne of David from his time to the 21st century.

24 Study the Bible Lesson Test Number 6: Lessons 21 – 24.

36 Continuing Church of God Radio Log Listen to the Bible News Prophecy radio broadcast around the world.

37 Questions and Answers: The Radio Church of God on Jacob’s Pillar Stone.

Back Cover: Internet and Radio This shows where written and audio-visual messages from the Continuing Church of God can be found.

Here is a link to the Bible News Prophecy magazine, October-December 2024.

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