Death of Herb Haddon
Back in 2015, my wife and I met Herb Haddon and his wife Gisele at the CCOG Feast of Tabernacles’ site in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Herb Haddon at lunch in Niagara Falls 2015
Herb and Gisele lived in New Brunswick, Canada.
I had spoken with them a couple of times over the telephone before we met for the first time. Herb and Gisele had been part of the Restored Church of God before contacting me.
My wife and I were with also Herb and Gisele at the Feast of Tabernacles in Montreal City, Quebec in 2019.
Today, I am sad to report that Herb Haddon, the president of the CCOG in Canada, died yesterday.
His wife Gisele sent me and my wife Joyce the following email:
Want to let you know that Herb passed away today. Was throwing up blood today and last night but was determined that he did not want to go to the hospital. He fell asleep around supper time and I dozed off on the rocking chair in the bedroom. When I woke up around 7, his Bipap was working OK so went to check up on him and noticed that blood was coming out of the face mask. Tried to wake him up but he was already cold and unresponsive. Checked for a pulse but he was already gone. They will be doing an autopsy to find the cause of death. Was bleeding internally, just need to know where.
I take comfort in knowing that we will meet again at the resurrection. I suppose that it was best for him to go this way as dying from ALS would be a slow death. For the past few weeks he would tell me that he was tired of living with this disease. He was having more trouble with his breathing. Could not take a breath by himself had to rely on the Bipap. It was painful to watch. Now he is no longer suffering.
Now the more difficult part is learning to live without him. Taking care of him was a my whole day. Already kind of feeling lost.
Thank you both for keeping him in your prayers. He really appreciated it.
Love Gi
Well, we know that Herb lived several years longer than the medical people thought he would.
Back on June 17, 2021, the medical doctors told Herb to tell his family that he was about to die within the next 24-48 hours. The next day, his wife Gisele told me he had taken a turn for the worse. One of Herb’s children contacted me later that day regarding how we would handle his funeral service.
However, on Monday June 21, 2021, Gisele sent an email that said Herb was doing better. On Thursday, June 24, 2021, deacon Richard Close sent me the following in an email:
Good morning Pastor Bob Less than a week ago the Dr.s told Gisele that Herb was in his last stages and would not be coming home. Now he is up and writing. Miracles still do happen. I expect more as this short time gets shorter.
regards Richard
On the Sabbath of June 26, 2021, Herb asked me to telephone him, and I did. He told me he was symptom free. Several months later, however, health issues hit him again.
Back in 2022, Herb gave the following sermon:
Faith In The Face Of Death
Herb Haddon has an incurable disease known as ALS or “Lou Gehrig’s disease”. No one has ever been cured from this disease, though he felt he was for a time. In light of this, Herb gives us this message titled “Faith in the Face of Death”. He starts out repeating the ‘death and taxes’ joke–while pointing out that nothing (meaning physical things) cannot be counted on (he also uses some hyperbole). Herb points out that God has healed in the past, God heals now and that by faith IN His Son and by the stripes OF His Son, we are healed. He then reminds us that it is also appointed unto man once to die. And follows up with the question: “how can this be”? Why does God say that He will heal us by our faith and then say it is appointed unto man once to die? Is God playing jokes on us? Herb then asks us to consider this: do we want to be healed our way and on our time? Or do we have the faith to let God be in charge and heal us His way and on His time, letting all things work together for good to those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose? Herb uses, and explains, several scriptures that help us develop “Faith in the Face of Death”.
Here is a link to the sermon: Faith In The Face Of Death.
We know that he is no longer suffering.
Herb was dedicated, steadfast, loving, and always a pleasure to be with and a pleasure to speak with.
Herb finished the race (cf. 2 Timothy 4:7).
Herb Haddon endured to the end (cf. Matthew 10:22, 24:13).
And yes, we know we will see him in the resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17), “Therefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:18).
Herb will be missed.
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