Gerald Flurry wants a private plane, and plans to spend up to $11 million to get one
Gerald Flurry with “Swans in Flight”
A reader forwarded me, PCG’s latest letter from its Gerald Flurry. In it, Gerald Flurry wrote the following:
We have done due diligence in understanding all the details about purchasing, owning and operating a private jet. For more than 17 months now, we have monitored what we believe to be positive signs that seem to confirm this is an open door from God. …
Revelation 10:11 tells us we are to GO BEFORE KINGS. …
I believe God is directing me to find and purchase an aircraft to fulfill the needs of this Work. …
We anticipate borrowing $9 to 11 million for the purchase of a quality used aircraft. …
If you can help financially, please complete the enclosed pledge statement … (Flurry G. Letter to members and co-workers, February 3, 2017)
PCG has, for a long time, focused (in my opinion) on mainly how to physically appear to be like the old Worldwide Church of God (WCG). In my view, the desire for a private plane is part of that as the old WCG had one.
Gerald Flurry seems to believe that a private plane in necessary for him to fulfill Revelation 10:11. I believe that his ego and imagination have once again influenced his direction. This is NOT a door that God is opening for PCG.
From various reports I have seen, PCG has NOT been growing at the 30% per year that the old Radio Church of God used to have and like the Continuing Church of God has surpassed. Instead, PCG seems smaller than it was a few years ago. PCG is looking at an open budget, not an open door, to spend to look like the old WCG which had a private plane.
Gerald Flurry’s covetousness will not end well (cf. 2 Peter 2:1-3).
The photo at the beginning of this post shows Gerald Flurry with the “Swans in Flight” sculpture. PCG acquired this relic of the old Ambassador College Campus in Big Sandy, Texas back in 2009. It has made purchases of other physical items as well that were once owned by the old WCG.
I have considered that PCG’s fascination with attaining old WCG items to be on the idolatrous side.
Of course, just calling oneself ‘Philadelphia’ and/or buying physical items does not actually make ones church part of the Philadelphia Church Era.
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