LU Announces Theology Classes for Spring 2008

Living University

“All the World
 Is Our Campus”

 Living University’s Spring 2008 theology classes were in LCG’s latest update.  Here is what was announced:

It appears that we will have more than 150 students in Living University classes this Spring. 

Living University 

Registration for Living University’s 2008 Spring Semester is now underway.  Five courses are available. They are:  

PE 236 Camp Leadership

THL 136 Acts and the Writings of Paul

THL 250 Introduction to Biblical Doctrines

THL 326 Christian Leadership

THL 472 Archaeology and the Biblical World 

Next August, Dr. Meredith plans to teach a two-semester course sequence on the Epistles of Paul. These courses will focus on the Apostle Paul’s life and letters. The lectures will be a verse-by-verse exposition of Paul’s writings and of the rich doctrinal lessons they contain. If you plan to enroll in an Epistles class next August, be sure you take THL 136 Acts and the Writings of Paul class during the Spring semester. THL 136 is the foundational and prerequisite class for the Epistles of Paul. 

Comments by COGwriter

Dr. Meredith taught the Epistles of Paul classes at the old Ambassador College for decades and is undoubtedly the most experienced COG teacher of this subject in the world.

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