Register today at Living University

Living University

“All the World
Is Our Campus”


Living University (LU) is affiliated with the Living Church of God. LU offers online classes for people who wish to learn more about the Bible and real Christianity.

Registration for its January 2011 session begins today.  Here is some of what LCG announced about it:

Living University

Registration for next semester’s classes will begin this coming Monday, November 15 and continue through mid-January. Second semester classes will begin on Wednesday January 12, 2011. For second semester, we plan to offer the following fourteen courses: Biblically Based Literary Research, Acts and the Writings of Paul, Introduction to Biblical Communication, Old Testament Survey II, Christian Camp Leadership, Christian Leadership, Introduction to Biblical Doctrines, Epistles of Paul II, General Epistles and Revelation, History of Christianity II, Introduction to Biblical Theology, Historical Geography of the Bible Lands, Archaeology and the New Testament, and Ancient Egypt and the Biblical World. We plan to give you additional details about these courses in the weeks ahead. A listing of “Spring Semester” courses (Spring in the northern hemisphere), can also be viewed on the Living University website under the link “2011 Spring Schedule.” To make application to Living University, to register for courses, and to find out more, please visit the website. For additional information, please contact Dr. Scott Winnail at or 704-708-2292.

THL 112: Biblically Based Literary Research. This course, the second in a series of two, introduces research techniques, documentation styles, and argumentative strategies used in theological writing. Emphasis is placed on analyzing data and incorporating research findings into documented argumentative essays and research projects. Upon completion, students should be able to summarize, paraphrase, interpret, and synthesize information from primary and secondary sources using standard research format and style.

THL 136: Acts and the Writings of Paul. This class focuses on the book of Acts and deals with Paul’s life, times, and writings. It includes the background, purpose, message, and themes of Paul’s letters; his personal life and character; his companions; and the chronology of the Apostle’s life. Emphasis is placed on the spiritual importance of Paul’s writings and the issues that Paul dealt with in the early New Testament Church. This exciting course is also needed to take the Epistles of Paul courses.

THL 150: Introduction to Biblical Communication. This course provides a foundation for speaking to religious audiences. Emphasis is on dealing with challenges in effective oral communication through study and experience in analysis, synthesis and presentation of subject matter in biblical communication. Upon completion, students should be able to make clear and convincing oral presentations to individuals and groups, clarify information as needed, and facilitate an open exchange of ideas.

There are many other classes than the ones listed above.  You can also check out LU by visiting its website: Living University

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