Sermon: Overcome preconceptions and give


James Martenet gave the following sermon:

James Martenet says we should be careful about preconceived ideas. as the Apostle Paul wrote, he says there is one Spirit, but a variety of gifts. Biases can get us to overlook/ignore facts. Real Christians are the persecuted, not the the persecutors. God has a purpose for you if you do not turn away–but if you do, God will replace you. We need to be concerned about pride and hypocrisy. We need to watch our attitudes. In this sermon, James Martenet went over a list of 12 different forms of intelligence and stated that people have different measures of each, but we are all to be of one faithful body. He mentions we should support the short work of Romans 9. He mentions our overall purpose. He said to remember to be careful about judgments and give others the benefit of the doubt and not to rebel like Korah and his followers. He concluded by saying that Philadelphians work together on what God wants us to do.

Here is a link to our video: Overcome preconceptions and give.

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