UCG Announces Some Committee Changes
The United Church of God (UCG) posted information on its latest series of Council of Elders’ meetings that show a some updates and changes:
GCE Responsibilities Advisory Committee (RAC)—John Elliott
Mr. Elliott, as the Council liaison with the GCE-RAC, introduced this new committee’s first report to the Council. Its responsibility is to analyze the Constitution and Bylaws in order to clarify the functions of the GCE. He then introduced Dan Dowd (GCE-RAC committee chairman) and committee member Jerald Aust to give the report.
Mr. Dowd reported that the seven-member committee is not in any way trying to compete with the Council of Elders, but seeks to address effective ways for the GCE to fulfill its duties listed in the governing documents. The committee will in due course recommend action steps for the Council of Elders. Mario Seiglie asked how the GCE as a body might, for instance, address a doctrinal concern. Secretary Seelig pointed out that the doctrinal process adopted by the Council still has to gain the ratification of the GCE.
Mr. Dowd pointed out that the GCE-RAC is only an advisory committee and not another layer of governance. Its purpose is to advise on necessary process steps for both Council and GCE regarding any particular aspect of the governing documents…
Re-institution of Prophecy and Doctrine Advisory Committees—Scott Ashley…
Reinstitution of an Education Committee—Scott Ashley…
At about 4:30 p.m., the Council resumed open session to bid their official farewells to out-going, longtime Council members Bill Eddington and Roy Holladay by presenting each with plaques and gifts in appreciation for their service on the Council. Mr. Eddington had served for six years as a Council member, making the long trip from Australia for each Council meeting, and has been a great help with his expertise on the Roles and Rules Committee. Mr. Holladay had served on the Council for a combined total of 12 years, serving as chairman, on various committees and stepping down from the Council in 2002 to serve as UCG president…
Council members selected the committees they’d like to serve on during the coming year and the committee chairmen. Each Council member is expected to sit on at least three committees unless he is selected as a committee chairman, in which case, he would only serve on two. The Council’s guidelines are that no committee should comprise a majority of the Council.
After the members selected committees to serve on and each committee selected its chairman, the Council unanimously approved the results as follows:
Doctrine Committee: Scott Ashley, Bill Bradford, John Elliott, Darris McNeely, Don Ward and Bob Berendt as chairman.
Ethics Committee: Carmelo Anastasi, Gary Antion, Mark Mickelson, Robin Webber and Mario Seiglie as chairman.
Education Committee: Scott Ashley, Gary Antion, John Elliott and Don Ward as chairman.
Media Committee: Carmelo Anastasi, Scott Ashley, Bill Bradford, Mario Seiglie and Darris McNeely as chairman.
Strategic Planning Committee: Bill Bradford, Mark Mickelson and Robin Webber as chairman.
Roles and Rules: Carmelo Anastasi, Bob Berendt, John Elliott, Mark Mickelson and Gary Antion as chairman.The final item was for the Council to again name out-going Council member Bill Eddington as the ongoing representative of UCGIA in the New Zealand litigation.
UCG is historically known for using a lot of committees. That has been a major way in which it tends to govern itself.
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