UCG Reports Cattle Theft in Zambia & COGWA Somewhat Responds
Received a rather bizarre email today that I found came from the personal website of Victor Kubik of the United Church of God (UCG). Here is some of what it states:
The church’s home office was recently advised that some seven head of cattle have been tragically and wrongfully taken from members of United Church of God in remote areas of Zambia…The unhappy report that we received and verified related that these cattle were forcibly taken away by former friends or acquaintances of these victim-farmers. These former friends now belong to a Church of God fellowship largely comprised of former members and former ministers of the UCG. It is also our understanding from this report that the leader(s) of that fellowship refuse to intervene to stop the theft of these cattle by their members, nor have they condemned the actions that their members are taking. In any event, while United is doing what we can to recover the cattle taken and is working to prevent further confiscation of members’ cattle in Zambia, we know that God is aware of the entire scope of what is going on.
The Bible teaches:
5 You shall not steal. (Exodus 20:15)
26 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil. 28 Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need. (Ephesians 4:26-28)
So, it would appear that those who took the cattle somehow believe that they are theirs, they are temporarily confused, and/or they are not really part of the Church of God.
P.S. Clyde Kilough of COGWA forwarded an email from Zambia that included the following:
This is an open letter, and it may be shared with others. While I would normally try to avoid a public response to false allegations such as these, it is necessary to give an answer to your outrageous charges.Let me note at the outset, it is with much regret that I write this letter; however, after the many months of your concerted efforts to drag me through the courts of this world, along with the actions of two of your ministers (one local, and one from the United States) in August, I feel that I must now address the postings and public “prayer requests” that you have spread abroad accusing myself and other members here in Zambia of theft…We have not taken a single animal from your members. Such an action would be a crime, and more importantly, this would be a sin before God.If you truly believe this has happened, then you believe that crimes have happened. Cattle rustling is a serious offence in Zambia, an offence for which one can be imprisoned. Since you have already shown yourself more than willing to resort to the legal process by filing lawsuits against a brother, why aren’t you willing to go to the police with these allegations? Why haven’t your informants in Zambia taken this story to law enforcement?…On behalf of our brethren in Zambia, I beg you: refrain from any further slander or harassment. And also, please leave my brethren in the Church of God, a Worldwide Association out of this by holding back on any further innuendos regarding their leadership’s alleged involvement in this controversy (they have not been involved in this incident or in the recent litigation that you commenced, as these are local matters). I challenge you to critically examine yourself regarding your recent actions. I hope you are able to do this and keep God’s Feasts with a clear conscience.Kambani Banda
There is more to both letters. But both sides perhaps will try to work this out.
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