Bat soup advocate pressured to apologize as unclean animal consumption and espionage theories are out on the Wuhan coronavirus
The impact of the ‘Wuhan coronavirus’ continues to grow:
January 26, 2020
(CNN) A third case of coronavirus has been confirmed in the United States as a top Chinese health official delivered some worrisome news about efforts to contain the fast-moving virus. …
News of the latest American case comes as Chinese Health Minister Ma Xiaowei delivered the worrisome revelation that people can spread the virus before they have symptoms — which a veteran US health adviser called a “game changer,” but not in a good way. It calls into question current US practices to contain the virus, Dr. William Schaffner, a longtime adviser to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said. “When I heard this, I thought, ‘Oh dear, this is worse than we anticipated.’ It means the infection is much more contagious than we originally thought,” said Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. If Ma is correct — and information about this virus is constantly evolving — people can go two weeks without realizing they’re sick, during which time they can spread the virus, which has killed more than 50 people in China. 26, 2020
BEIJING (AP) — A new viral illness being watched with a wary eye around the globe accelerated its spread in China on Sunday with 56 deaths so far, while the U.S. Consulate in the city at the epicenter announced it will evacuate its personnel and some private citizens aboard a charter flight.
China’s health minister said the country was entering a “crucial stage” as “it seems like the ability of the virus to spread is getting stronger.”
Ma Xiaowei declined to estimate how long it would take to bring the situation under control, but said travel restrictions and other strict measures should bring results “at the lowest cost and fastest speed.” …
The latest figures reported Sunday morning cover the previous 24 hours and mark an increase of 15 deaths and 688 cases for a total of 1,975 infections.
The government also reported five cases in Hong Kong and two in Macao. Small numbers of cases have been found in Thailand, Taiwan Japan, South Korea, the U.S., Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Nepal, France and Australia.
The U.S. has confirmed cases in Washington state, Chicago, and most recently Southern California. Canada said it discovered its first case, a man in his 50s who was in Wuhan before flying to Toronto. Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea each reported one new case Sunday, while Thailand reported three new cases. …
Chinese authorities announced a temporary ban on the trade of wild animals Sunday, saying they will “severely investigate and punish” violators. They also called on the public to refrain from eating wild animal meat.
January 26, 2020
With SARS, the virus came initially from bats and then was passed, apparently, to civet cats and eventually to humans. Initial indications point to the new coronavirus, too, having come from bats, but it isn’t yet known how it made its way to humans.
Coronaviruses have proven themselves masters at jumping from one species to another, and how they affect each species can differ greatly. An infection hardly noticeable in a wild animal, perhaps a civet cat, may spread easily to the next cage, whether that cage houses more civets or another mammalian species. With coronaviruses, the jump from species to species appears to happen fairly easily.
The massive poultry farms of Asia, which may house as many as 5 million chickens, present a different but also potentially lethal source of human infection. There, viruses such as influenza become highly adapted and, in crowded circumstances, ever more deadly to chickens, as there is no cost to the virus if it’s lethal — the next host is only a beak away. These virulent avian influenzas can and have killed people. But humans have to catch them directly from the birds. Because they have become so precisely adapted to chickens, the viruses have little potential for human-to-human transmission.
The same evolutionary process can occur on massive pig farms, and can be even more dangerous to people, since people are more like pigs than like chickens. The deadly 2009 swine flu pandemic sprang out of one such massive pig farm in Veracruz, Mexico, where hundreds of pigs died in an outbreak that eventually moved into people.
Caging different wild beasts together by the hundreds or thousands, as in a wet market, can produce a particularly dangerous environment for infectious diseases like coronaviruses. Not only is there an array of possible host species, but large numbers of humans are brought into close contact with the animals, too.
One study suggested a snake may have brought the virus to the market, but other experts were skeptical. The search for a definitive source continued.
A price list circulated on Chinese social media showed snakes, hedgehogs, peacocks, civet cats, scorpions, centipedes and more for sale at the market.
It’s not the first time these markets have bred a new disease, and experts said it probably won’t be the last. Severe acute respiratory syndrome, better known as SARS, originated at a similar market in China in 2002. It ultimately claimed nearly 800 lives.
Bird flu spread in these markets in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The H5N1 strain of influenza has killed 455 people since 2003.
Without proper sanitation and animal handling, health officials said, these markets can be spawning grounds for diseases.
Live animal markets are found across the developing world, especially in Asia and Africa.
Most animals sold there are healthy. But in the crowded conditions at these markets, one sick animal can infect many more, experts said.
Wild cards
Wild animals introduce a dangerous wild card.
For example, civet cats carried the virus that caused SARS. But scientists think the virus originated in bats.
“In the normal world, these species would never meet,” said veterinarian Tony Goldberg, associate director for research at the University of Wisconsin Global Health Institute.
“But in these live animal markets, they brought those two species together,” he said. “And when you do that in these tight, crowded, stressful conditions, you create every opportunity for these viruses to jump host species.”
The virus could spread when a vendor butchers an animal. Or a sick animal could spread it through its saliva, urine, feces or other secretions. 01/25/20
So, eating biblical unclean animals seems to be the most promoted cause of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak.
Notice also the following:
The Chinese government forced the host of a TV show which popularized eating bats to apologize in the aftermath of the coronavirus outbreak, which scientists have linked to the consumption of wild animals.
Bat soup is a delicacy in some areas of China and was known to be sold at the illegal animal market in Wuhan blamed for being the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak.
A show called Beauty Eats Bats which originally launched in 2016 was blamed for re-invigorating the trend of eating bats across the country, prompting the Chinese Communist Party to demand that its female host discourage the consumption of bats.
The woman featured in the clip took to social media to profusely apologize for her role in encouraging the consumption of bats and encouraged everyone to start washing their hands more.
【“吃蝙蝠”視頻瘋傳 當事人:為自己的無知道歉】隨著新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎疫情消息不斷從“一線陣地”傳來,被研究認為是病毒自然宿主的蝙蝠,引起網友關注。近日,一段上線於2016年6月的“美女吃蝙蝠”視頻被網友扒出,女主持也因吃蝙蝠而被網友聲討。 22日,涉事主持汪某表示為自己曾經的無知道歉。
— 人民日報 People’s Daily (@PDChinese) January 25, 2020
… 56 million Chinese citizens have now been quarantined, with Chinese authorities claiming that around 1300 people have been infected so far.
However, according to one hospital worker in Wuhan, the government is lying and over 100,000 people have actually been infected.
While I believe that consumption of biblically unclean meat was likely a factor in the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, there are other theories. Such as:
Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It
Last year a mysterious shipment was caught smuggling Coronavirus from Canada. It was traced to Chinese agents working at a Canadian lab. Subsequent investigation by GreatGameIndia linked the agents to Chinese Biological Warfare Program from where the virus is suspected to have leaked causing the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak. …
This Winnipeg based Canadian lab was targeted by Chinese agents in what could be termed as Biological Espionage.
Chinese Biological Espionage
In March 2019, in mysterious event a shipment of exceptionally virulent viruses from Canada’s NML ended up in China. The event caused a major scandal with Bio-warfare experts questioning why Canada was sending lethal viruses to China. Scientists from NML said the highly lethal viruses were a potential bio-weapon.
Following investigation, the incident was traced to Chinese agents working at NML. Four months later in July 2019, a group of Chinese virologists were forcibly dispatched from the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory (NML). The NML is Canada’s only level-4 facility and one of only a few in North America equipped to handle the world’s deadliest diseases, including Ebola, SARS, Coronavirus, etc.
The reality is that there is a biological research center in Wuhan, China. It already had something like the current coronavirus prior to 2019.
Do I believe that the Chinese intentionally released it?
Do I believe that it is possible that unclean meat issues were a factor in the Wuhan coronavirus?
Do I believe it is possible that there could be any connection to the Wuhan biological research center?
However, irrespective of HOW this virus got going, the reality is that it has and is spreading.
Consider the following words of Jesus:
11 And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; (Luke 21:11)
8 And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8)
35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming — in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning — 36 lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. 37 And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!” (Mark 13:35-37)
Coronaviruses are a type of pestilence consistent with troubles and sorrows.
As Jesus said, “Watch!”
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