Canada pushes more GMOs after Italy bans GMO fake meat
Italy becomes the First Nation to BAN synthetic meats.
— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) October 20, 2023
More and more, food is getting distorted and perverted. And the government of Canada looks to be taking more steps in that direction:
Canada’s proposed new pesticide and GMO law ‘beyond reckless’
November 9, 2023
Farms and forests across Canada could soon be sprayed with pesticides or planted with GMO (genetically modified organism) seeds that haven’t been evaluated for safety by the country’s regulatory agencies.
A new private member’s bill proposes to allow Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to “provisionally” approve new pesticides, seeds and animal feeds that are legal in two or more other “trusted” jurisdictions. These jurisdictions are yet to be determined and could be countries or “subdivisions” of countries, such as individual U.S. states.
The bill aims to help farmers buy technologies used in other countries in a “more timely manner,” explained the bill’s sponsor, Liberal MP Kody Blois …
If passed, the bill would require government officials to give pesticide and agricultural companies a “provisional” registration within three months if the chemical is approved in other countries like the U.S. This provisional registration will be considered valid indefinitely unless the government fully registers the product or the company decides to pull it from shelves.
“I couldn’t believe it when I read it. I thought I was hallucinating,” said Ecojustice lawyer and pesticide expert Laura Bowman. “It’s beyond reckless.”
The bill risks forcing the federal government to approve products dangerous to the environment or human health without consulting or even obtaining data about their risks, potentially including banned pesticides like DDT, she said. These data are typically provided by companies and reviewed by officials as part of the registration process.
The new rules risk exacerbating problems with Canada’s existing regulatory system, which is already among the most permissive of toxic pesticides on the planet and is plagued with transparency problems.
Well, this should please the government of the USA. The USA keeps pushing GMOs and things like fake meat around the world. The USA has also been bullying Mexico to get it to not put in a ban on GMO corn and certain ag chemicals, despite the Mexican government pleading with the USA to prove the safety of its GMO corn (see Mexico wants to block GMO-corn and glycophosphates, USDA unhappy and ‘US set to escalate trade grievance with Mexico over genetically modified corn ban’).
Like Mexico, various ones in Europe have concerns about GMO crops and other inventions.
Unlike the USA’s government which likes fake meat (e.g., see AGENDA 2030: The USDA Approves Bill Gates Lab-Grown ‘Frankenfood’ Meat and Piggy Sooy), Italy took steps to ban them:
Italy Becomes First Nation To Ban Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Due To “Serious Health Concerns”
In a first for the developed world, the European nation of Italy has decided to ban all fake meat from the country, citing “serious health concerns.”
November 8, 2023
Numerous recent studies show that lab-grown synthetic meat of the kind being promoted by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is triggering the formation of turbo cancers in humans …
In contrast to a recent decision by the Biden regime to fast-track the approval of synthetic meat here in America, Italy is taking the opposite approach by banning the stuff outright before it gets the chance to harm the Italian people.
“Italy is the first nation to say no to synthetic food, to so-called ‘synthetic meat,’” announced Health Minister Orazio Schillaci. “It does so with a formal and official act.”
“The resolution calls for a commitment to ban the production, marketing, and import of synthetic foods within our territory.” …
Much of the push in favor of synthetic meat comes not only from Gates but also other globalists such as Klaus Schwab, the goon in charge of the World Economic Forum (WEF), who claim it is necessary to stop “global warming” and “climate change.”
Back in 2021 in promotion of his book “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” Gates told MIT Technology Review that “all rich countries should move to 100 percent synthetic beef.”
Gates’ dream for the world probably will not come to fruition, at least as he envisioned it, because science continues to show that synthetic meat consumption is linked to cancer via the immortalized cell lines that the body uses to manufacture cancer cells in the presence of a provoking substance, in this case fake meat. …
Joe Biden’s regime has so far indicated its full support for the unleashing of fake meat here in the U.S., where private corporate interests seem to control just about everything.
In an unprecedented move, Biden’s U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) approved the sale of Gates’ lab-grown “chicken meat” back in late June. This approval from regulators will allow fake meat companies everywhere to flood the U.S. food market with their toxic, deadly products.
As far as why GMO meat and other foods have been pushed, besides financial greed, notice one view:
March 12, 2023
Fake Meat Is All About Controlling the Food Supply
Fake food — including lab-grown meat, animal-free dairy and plant-based meat — is the globalists’ latest attempt to control the food supply. Former U.S. Secretary of State and national security adviser Henry Kissinger once said, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.”2 Controlling people is their whole agenda.
“Nations, states, and central banks are quietly but rapidly shifting their money to precious metals. With bank runs, recession, CBDCs, and worse on the horizon, it’s easy to see why. NOW is the time to learn more about moving portions of your retirement or wealth to a self-directed gold and silver IRA through an America-First, Christian precious metals company.” – JD Rucker (not a financial advisor, just a guy who’s paying attention)The globalists have long held a monopoly on the grain industry with their patented genetically modified organisms (GMOs). …
The globalists are trying to replace animal husbandry with lab-grown meat, which will allow private companies to effectively control the entire food supply.
Fake Meat Is Even Worse Than CAFOs
Many people are aware of the pitfalls of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) — unnatural diets of GMO grains, crowded conditions, inhumane treatment, excessive pollution and rampant spread of disease. CAFOs are bad — but the new fake food era is going to be even worse. …
What Is Fake Meat?
Fake meat is marketed as a health food, but it’s nothing more than a highly ultraprocessed mixture of chemicals. Impossible Foods, for instance, uses genetic engineering to insert the DNA from soy plants into yeast, creating GE yeast with the gene for soy leghemoglobin.9
Impossible Foods refers to this compound as “heme,” but technically plants produce non-heme iron, and this is GE yeast-derived soy leghemoglobin.10 Heme iron only occurs in meat and seafood. Impossible Foods’ GE heme is used in their fake meat burgers as a color additive that makes the product appear to “bleed” like real meat.
The health effects of GE heme are unknown, but this didn’t stop the U.S. Food and Drug Administration from approving soy leghemoglobin in 2019. The Center for Food Safety (CFS) filed a lawsuit challenging the approval, which they called “unusually rapid”11 and risky for public health. …
Impossible Foods’ Fake Meat Is Loaded With Glyphosate, LA
Considering that many ingredients in fake meat products are made from GE soy,16 it’s not surprising that they’re also contaminated with the herbicide glyphosate. Consumer advocacy group Moms Across America (MAA) commissioned Health Research Institute Labs (HRI Labs), an independent laboratory that tests both micronutrients and toxins found in food, to determine how much glyphosate is in the Impossible Burger and its competitor, the Beyond Burger.
The total result of glyphosate and AMPA, the main metabolite of glyphosate, in the burgers was 11.3 parts per billion (ppb) in the Impossible Burger and 1 ppb in the Beyond Burger.17 …
The glyphosate in fake meat is one issue. The excess amounts of omega-6 fat in the form of linoleic acid (LA) are another. In my opinion, this metabolic poison is the primary contributor to rising rates of chronic disease.
When you shop for food, know your farmer and look for regenerative, biodynamic and/or grass fed farming methods, which are what we need to support a healthy, autonomous population.
GMOs are a risk to human health as well as the food supply. They are also dangerous for the environment (see also GMOs and Bible Prophecy).
There are many bad things that are being done related to meat. Here is a video we put out related to chicken:
Lab grown chicken?
In November 2022, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave its initial approval (with two almost-automatic approvals to come) for the sale and consumption of what is called ‘lab-grown chicken.’ The FDA said that this material was safe and part of what it termed a “food revolution.” Is what was approved actually a chicken? Is this consistent with those who are “inventors of evil things” (Romans 1:30)? Have lab-grown meat and genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) been proven to be safe in all ways and for sufficient lengths of time? Should human-animal chimeras be encouraged? Are there scriptures in the Bible that warn about love of money and that point to not eating something just because it may appear good to eat? Does the Bible mention that living organisms were to reproduce after their own kind? Does the Bible say to eat that which is good in Isaiah? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel go over these matters.
Here is a link to our video: Lab grown chicken?
Humanity’s tinkering with viruses and the food supply look to be setting the world up for the ride of the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse:
7 When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.” 8 So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6:7-8)
That said, there are also various unknown health risks with the ‘Frankenfoods’ that are being introduced into the food supply.
The Bible teaches:
2 Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good (Isaiah 55:2).
Eat what is good.
The Continuing Church of God put out the following sermon on its ContinuingCOG channel related to food:
Evil is Affecting the Food Supply
God gave humans food and said what He made was good. What about unclean animals? What about genetically-modified organisms (GMOs)? What about ‘bioengineered foods’? What about lab meat? What about human-cloned salami? What about ‘Piggy Sooy’? Are Christians supposed to eat what is good according to Isaiah 55:2? What should we eat? What should Christians avoid eating? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more.
Here is a link to the following: Evil is Affecting the Food Supply.
Some items of possibly related interest may include:
Christian Health Matters Should Christians be concerned about their health? Does the Bible give any food and health guidelines? Here are links to three related sermons: Let’s Talk About Food, Evil is Affecting the Food Supply, and Let’s Talk About Health.
Canada in Prophecy: What Does Bible Prophecy,Roman Catholic Prophecy, and other Predictions Suggest About the Future of Canada? There are prophecies that suggest involvement with Canada. And many are not positive about its future. A sermon of related interest is also available: Canada in Prophecy.
The New Testament Church, History, and Unclean Meats Are foods considered to have been unclean in the Old Testament considered to be food in the New Testament? This article discusses this from the perspective of the New Testament. It also has a list of clean and unclean animals. It also answers the question, is pork healthy or is pork dangerous? There is also a sermon-length video on this: Christians and Unclean Meats; two short videos are also available: Did Jesus declare all animal flesh food? and COVID, Pandemics, and Unclean Meat.
GMOs and Bible Prophecy What are GMOs? Since they were not in the food supply until 1994, how could they possibly relate to Bible prophecy? Do GMOs put the USA and others at risk? Here are some related videos: GMO Risks and the Bible and GMOs, Lab meat, Hydrogenation: Safe or Dangerous?
Chimeras: Has Science Crossed the Line? What are chimeras? Has science crossed the line? Does the Bible give any clues? A video of related interest is Half human, half pig: What’s the difference? and Human-Monkey Embryos and Death.
Cannibalism is Wrong, But it is Coming! Is it logical to eat human flesh? Or is it a curse that will return? Here is a link to a related video: Cannibalism is prophesied!
Biden-Harris: Prophecies and Destruction Can the USA survive two full presidential terms? In what ways are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris apocalyptic? This book has hundreds of prophecies and scriptures to provide details. A Kindle version is also available and you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to your free Kindle reader app (or if you already have one or a Kindle), you can go to: Biden-Harris: Prophecies and Destruction (Kindle) to get the book in seconds.
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