CGOM-UK: Mainstream Does Not Hold Early Christian Doctrines

In its September 2007 newsletter, James McBride of CGOM in the United Kingdom wrote:

Unity of Belief
 The ecumenical movement, of course, strives to unite the different strands of Christianity. Given entrenched ideas and traditions – and human nature – that has been a struggle stretching back six decades or more. Unsurprisingly, the Roman Church dominates the discussion. So Methodists blend with Anglicans and Anglicans cosy up to Catholics.

 But it’s a puzzle as to why there is such difficulty given the raft of shared fundamental beliefs. Protestant and Catholic and most ‘cults’, for example, assume the doctrine of an immortal soul as  the platform for a number of fundamental beliefs. Future reward, for instance: for all agree, with minor variation, that the ‘soul’ goes upon death to heaven or hell or Limbo or Purgatory. (Indeed these views are shared with non-Christian faiths.) From the belief also stems prayers for the dead, indulgences, Mass, All Hallows.

 There is, too, the shared and fiercely-defended idea of a Triune God, a Trinity. Add in shared festivals: Christmas, Easter, Sunday, Saints Days, Lent, various days dedicated to angelic beings. All such are late additions to the unchanging Word and borrowed from non-Christian practice.                                

God’s Gold Standard
 It may come as a surprise, then, that none of the beliefs listed above may be found in God’s only standard – the Bible. Jesus through His apostles passed on the Father’s teachings. Wrote Jude: ‘…contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints’ (Jude v.3).

 Since the inspired words of the first-century apostles the fundamentals of the true faith remain – unchanged. Research them for yourself! Since the Bible is God’s standard  something is clearly wrong when all these churches are at odds with it. A cult has been defined as a group that plays fast and loose with the Scriptures. Where does that leave even mainstream churches!
 If you desire to be in ‘the true church’ then the solution is clear: search the Scriptures. And with a mind willing to accept what you find there: ‘…you shall call on Me, and you shall go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you shall seek and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart’ (Jeremiah 29:12-13).

It is true that nearly all that profess Christ do not ‘contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints’.  Nor do they know much about early Christianity.

Amphitheater in Ephesus 

Amphitheater of Ephesus

This is an amphitheater where it is believed that the Apostle Paul spoke to the Ephesians.

The Apostle John, the last of the original apostles to die, is believed to have died in Ephesus.  Those interested in tracing the beliefs of the original Christian Church may wish to learn more about the Churches in Asia Minor. 

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The History of Early Christianity Are you aware that what most people believe is not what truly happened to the true Christian church?
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