Homosexual Marriage
In its latest update, LCG reported:
Homosexual Marriages Are “Right Way” for Christians? New York’s governor wants to legalize homosexual marriage. Gov. Paterson compares it to a “civil rights struggle” and, by extension, likens those who oppose it to racial bigots. Ultimately, he notes that it is the “solemn duty” of society to recognize such “marriages.” Paterson, once baptized a Catholic, has turned from his religious roots, stating that homosexual “marriage is the ‘right way’ from a spiritual standpoint” (Reuters, April 16, 2009). The Holy Scriptures plainly denounce homosexuality as a sin (Romans 1:24-32) and clearly articulate that marriage is God-ordained to be between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:22-25, 1 Timothy 3:2). Christians are not to condemn anyone (Matthew 7:1), nor are they to be violent against those who sin (Matthew 5:21-22). But God did warn of a time, at the end of the age, when society would call things that are evil and wrong “good,” and condemn as “evil” things that are right (Isaiah 5:20). This is exactly what we are witnessing today. This should motivate us even more to pray, as Christ directed, “Thy kingdom come”!
We have seen a rise in sexually related sins of pretty much all types in the USA. What we also seen is more institutionalized acceptance of practices that the Bible condemns. So-called “gay marriage” is now, or soon to be, a legal reality in Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Maine, with other states looking to follow.
But, I should also add, that in salvation is open to those who have been guilty of sexual sins (1 Corinthians 6:9-11), and of course salvation will be open to all not called now in “the age to come”.
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