Kim Davis remains in jail for refusing to violate her religious beliefs
Arrest photo of Kim Davis
Kim Davis, the elected official who refused to authorize homosexual marriages, remains in jail:
September 7, 2015
The Kentucky court clerk who is defying a U.S. federal judge’s order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples remained in jail Monday even as her lawyer appeals the ruling that landed her behind bars.Kim Davis, a born-again Christian, has been jailed since Thursday for contempt of court after she refused to issue the licenses because she said that authorizing the gay marriages would violate her religious beliefs.
Her lawyer is appealing her jailing, saying that to issue the marriage licenses would “violate her conscience and betray her God.”
But with Monday’s Labor Day holiday in the United States, there was no immediate hearing set to consider the appeal.
Judge David Bunning has said that Davis, the Rowan County clerk, will be freed as soon as she agrees to issue the licenses, as her position requires, or she resigns. Davis has refused to do either. She could be jailed indefinitely.
‘She won’t bow’
On Saturday, hundreds of people gathered in support of Davis. Her husband, Joe Davis, addressed the crowd outside the Carter County Detention Center. “She won’t bow, I promise you,” he told the crowd.
After Kim Davis was jailed, other court officials started issuing the licenses to same-sex couples, allowing them to marry in accordance with a U.S. Supreme Court decision in June.
A gay couple, James Yates and William Smith Jr., received a marriage license Friday from a deputy clerk at Davis’ office.
“This means at least for this area that civil rights are civil rights and they are not subject to belief,” Yates said.
Belief is supposed to be a civil right, and acting on that belief was supposed to be protected by the first amendment to the Constitution of the USA. But homosexual activists ignore what they do not feel is convenient.
The reality is that Kim Davis is an elected official. When she took office, issuing marriage licenses to homosexuals was not a requirement of the job. A federal judge now says it is.
If it is legally required for a county clerk to issue such licenses, then Kim Davis should be offered a retirement as she did not change the conditions of the job. And if she does not wish to resign, the legislature of Kentucky, if it believes she is not capable of doing her job anymore, should remove her from it, while also paying her a proper retirement. If the legislature of Kentucky will not do that, then the federal government should decide how to handle the legislature of Kentucky. Jailing Kim Davis is wrong.
The jailing of Kim Davis for acting in accordance with her religious beliefs is additional proof that the USA has become an evil empire (see also Is the USA now an Evil Empire?). Irrespective of how one may view Kim Davis, jailing her for not doing something that she believes is wrong was not the right way for a judge to handle this.
As I mentioned before, no one has jailed numerous government officials in various cities in the USA who openly do not comply with aspects of US immigration law. Yet a county clerk is jailed for not violating her beliefs, which supposedly she is allowed to have according the the first amendment of the Constitution of the USA. The government of the USA is becoming more and more ‘political’ in how it determines which laws to enforce and not enforce.
The USA should eliminate laws it does not wish to enforce and enforce the laws that remain. But I have seen no indication that the federal leaders wish to do this. Instead, like with the IRS tax scandal, selective use of the government to intimidate and bully those what do not hold to certain political positions.
The homosexual agenda is wrong and is helping to further push the USA to a path towards destruction (cf. Romans 1:18-32).
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Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Amazon Kindle edition. This electronic version of the 188 page print edition is available for only US$3.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Amazon Kindle edition.
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