‘Let’s Compare The Physical Condition Of Young Americans In 1962 To The Physical Condition Of Young Americans Today’ ‘Want to Live Longer? Stop Eating Like an American, Says a New Study.’
The US National Institutes of Health has the following in a report at one of its websites:
Childhood and adolescent obesity have reached epidemic levels in the United States, affecting the lives of millions of people. In the past 3 decades, the prevalence of childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents.1 The latest data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey show that the prevalence of obesity among US children and adolescents was 18.5% in 2015-2016. Overall, the prevalence of obesity among adolescents (12-19 years; 20.6%) and school-aged children (6-11 years; 18.4%) was higher than among preschool-aged children (2-5 years; 13.9%). School-aged boys (20.4%) had a higher prevalence of obesity than preschool-aged boys (14.3%). Adolescent girls (20.9%) had a higher prevalence of obesity than preschool-aged girls (13.5%; Figure 1).1 Moreover, the rates of obesity have been steadily rising from 1999-2000 through 2015-2016 (Figure 2).1 According to Ahmad et al, 80% of adolescents aged 10 to 14 years, 25% of children younger than the age of 5 years, and 50% of children aged 6 to 9 years with obesity are at risk of remaining adults with obesity. accessed 02/09/22 https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/overweight-and-obesity
There are many reasons for this, including environmental factors, poor parenting, lowered standards, and commercial pressures from food processing firms.
Related to lowered standards, Michael Snyder posted the following:
Let’s Compare The Physical Condition Of Young Americans In 1962 To The Physical Condition Of Young Americans Today
There was a reason why we were once so respected by the rest of the world. Once upon a time, Americans were incredibly sharp mentally, emotionally and physically. A few days ago, video footage of what high school physical education was like in California in 1962 was brought to my attention. As I watched the video, I could hardly believe my eyes. Every single one of the kids was in immaculate physical condition, and they performed their drills with military precision. After watching this video, I knew that I had to share it with my readers. …
Can you imagine what would happen if a school district tried to implement such a program in 2022?
It would be unthinkable for us to try to get our kids to do such drills, and of course the vast majority of them simply wouldn’t be physically capable of doing them anyway. …
Today, our young people may not be able to run very fast or climb very high, but they are masters at whining and complaining.
And some of them will get extremely upset with you if you do not use the correct pronouns when addressing them. …
Of course one of the primary reasons why we have such a problem is because many of the things that we eat and drink are incredibly fattening and ingredients that are highly addictive are often added to them on purpose.
In my opinion, our food manufacturers should get more blame than anyone else for this crisis.
But it is also true that Americans are becoming increasingly lazy with each passing year. …
Previous generations of Americans held themselves to very high standards, and that had very positive ripple effects throughout our society. 02/07/22 http://endoftheamericandream.com/lets-compare-the-physical-condition-of-young-americans-in-1962-to-the-physical-condition-of-young-americans-today/
Of course increased obesity and decreased physical fitness of youth is not good for the USA.
The USA is in decline in many ways.
Consider that exercise is even good for your brain:
This Is Your Brain on Exercise
Our bodies, including our brains, were fine-tuned for endurance activities over millennia of stalking and chasing down prey. “We’ve engineered that out of our lives now,” says Charles Hillman, a psychology professor at Northeastern University who has spent decades studying the link between exercise and cognition. The toll our relatively new sedentary lifestyle takes on our bodies is clear: For the first time in U.S. history, younger generations are expected to live shorter, unhealthier lives than their parents.
… according to Richard Maddock, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Davis. “There is a very consistent finding that the brain works better after exercise,” Maddock says. … Your brain becomes much more active during exercise, “perhaps more active than at any other time,” says Maddock. One way neurons communicate is with electrical pulses, and sometimes entire networks of neurons fire in unison, like a group of soccer fans chanting together at a game. These synchronized pulses are known colloquially as brain waves. Different kinds of brain waves, characterized by the number of times they oscillate in a single second, are linked to one’s mental state and mood. Lower-frequency waves occur when we’re running on autopilot: brushing our teeth, driving, or sleeping, for example. Higher-frequency waves, known as beta waves, occur when we’re awake and mentally engaged and are associated with attention, memory, and information processing. …
During exercise, the brain becomes much more receptive to incoming information, leading to measurable changes in vision. …
The benefits of exercise to your brain may begin as soon as your heart rate begins to rise. Imagine, if you will, climbing onto your bike for a morning ride and pedaling at a tough but sustainable clip. Your breath becomes faster and heavier as your lungs struggle to meet the oxygen demands of the body in motion. Your heart rate climbs as it pumps oxygenated blood around the body and into the brain. And in much the same way that your muscles demand more energy during exercise, the brain begins gobbling up glucose or other carbohydrates when the body is in motion.
“In the past, nobody had any idea what the brain was doing with all this fuel,” says Maddock. …
A few things happen in the exerciser’s brain that make the organ appear younger. …
“Exercise is a potential prophylactic against some aspects of age-related cognitive decline,” Giesbrecht says. “When you think of the fact that we have an aging demographic and the high prevalence of depression, there might be simpler treatments out there, like exercise.” https://getpocket.com/explore/item/this-is-your-brain-on-exercise?utm_source=pocket-newtab accessed 11/19/19
One of the more unusual statements above was “For the first time in U.S. history, younger generations are expected to live shorter, unhealthier lives than their parents.”
Lack of exercise is a factor in that, as would be consumption of less natural foods, as well as environmental pollutants.
Furthermore, since there is less rigorous exercise and physical activity, the brain does not do as well. That, too, is not good for the future of the USA.
Now, let’s also look at an article by Harry Sneider, the old Plain Truth magazine taught back in 1977:
The right kind of exercise can add years to your life and dollars to your wallet! …
You say you can’t afford the time to exercise? The truth is, unless you have a special health problem, you can’t afford not to exercise! Scientific research and experience prove that the human body needs exercise to maintain good health. No one can totally neglect it without paying a penalty. Millions suffer unnecessary ills and die prematurely because they are living inactive or sedentary lives for which their bodies were not designed.
Medical and health specialists around the world emphasize the importance of physical fitness, particularly in our modern world where riding and sitting are a way of life.
Dr. Paul Dudley White. noted Boston heart specialist who has helped presidents and other leading Americans achieve better health and productivity through exercise, has stated: “Physical fitness is vital for the optimal function of the brain, for retardation of the onset of serious arteriosclerosis, which is beginning to appear in early adult lives, and for longevity, and a useful and healthy life for our older citizens.” …
I have worked with all age groups, with overweight as well as handicapped people. I have witnessed great transformations, not only physical, but mental and emotional, as a result of a sound program of physical fitness tailored to individual needs.
Here are some of the results you can gain from a good physical fitness program:
• You’ll develop strength and endurance which will help you perform daily tasks with greater ease and economy of movement.
• Good muscle tone and posture will help protect you from back problems.
• Your appetite and weight will be more controllable. When you are inactive, the appetite, normally a marvelously precise guide of how much you should eat, no longer functions accurately. In other words, you will eat more calories than you actually expend. The result is creeping overweight. Some overweight is not the result of eating too much, but of exercising too little.
• Your blood and lymph system will function better and won’t get clogged up easily. Coronary arteries will become wider; blood will flow easier and faster. Many doctors believe proper exercise reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. And active people have fewer heart attacks and better recovery rates than inactive persons.
• The efficiency of your heart and lungs will rise sharply. The total effect is that all your body’s systems will be strengthened, and you will feel much better overall.
• Enjoyable exercise provides relief from tension and serves as a safe and natural tranquilizer. And sleep will come easier. (Plain Truth Magazine July 1977)
That article is decades old, but the benefits are still needed.
As far as the USA overall goes, noticed the following:
Want to Live Longer? Stop Eating Like an American, Says a New Study.
February 8, 2022
A new peer-reviewed study published in PLOS Medicine on Tuesday suggests that a young adult living in the U.S. could add more than 10 years to their expected lifespan simply by pivoting away from a typical Western diet and closer to a traditional Mediterranean diet. That means eating much less red and processed meat; and eating many more legumes, whole grains, and nuts. …
For the new study, Fadnes and his colleagues ran a broad analysis of data from the Global Burden of Diseases study—a comprehensive 2019 investigation that measured the trends and associations of hundreds of causes of deaths, diseases, and risk factors around the world. They used that data to build a model that identifies key associations between diet and lifespan.
Through the model, the team found that a typical 20-year-old American woman who switched to a more optimal diet would likely see her life expectancy increase by an average of 10.7 years; for American men, the average was 13 years. Even older individuals would experience gains in life expectancy by making the same dietary changes, though these would be a tad more modest (about 8 years for women aged 60; and 8.8 years for men aged 60). https://news.yahoo.com/want-live-longer-stop-eating-190000712.html
The results of consuming large amounts of processed ‘foods’ has a lot negative ramifications.
The Bible itself warns about obesity, getting fat, being physically lazy, and excessive eating. Notice also that turning away from God is also tied in with obesity:
15 … You grew fat, you grew thick,
You are obese!
Then he forsook God who made him,
And scornfully esteemed the Rock of his salvation. (Deuteronomy 32:15)
11 “Because you were glad, because you rejoiced,
You destroyers of My heritage,
Because you have grown fat like a heifer threshing grain,
And you bellow like bulls,
12 Your mother shall be deeply ashamed;
She who bore you shall be ashamed.
Behold, the least of the nations shall be a wilderness,
A dry land and a desert. (Jeremiah 50:11-12)
God inspired the prophet Isaiah to write:
2 Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good (Isaiah 55:2).
But Americans do not often eat what is good. And they eat a lot of white bread, which is really not real bread as it has had the wheat germ and other natural components removed. This makes an inferior product which then is sprayed with synthetic B vitamins and other “nutrients” to “fortify” it. If you notice “B vitamins” added to “fortify” refined grain products or in so-called “natural” vitamin supplements (like thiamin mononitrate, thiamin HCL, folic acid, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin), realize that these are basically petroleum derivatives and are not the same form of vitamins that are actually found in real, natural, food.
But most Americans consume the synthetics and refined grains.
The other problem is that Americans eat too much. The Bible warns against this:
18 “If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and who, when they have chastened him, will not heed them, 19 then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city, to the gate of his city. 20 And they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ 21 Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death with stones; so you shall put away the evil from among you, and all Israel shall hear and fear. (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)
20 Do not mix with winebibbers, Or with gluttonous eaters of meat; 21 For the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty (Proverbs 23:20-21)
Yet most Americans, including those I speak with in Southern California, simply do not believe they eat too much. And this includes many overweight ones.
Many people lie to themselves (watch also Pride: Quit Lying to Yourself).
Years ago, we put out the following video:
Are there disadvantages to being overweight? Is junk food really bad for you? Does the Bible discuss overeating and/or obesity? Is overeating having an effect on the US military? What are the ramifications of personal and national health for overeating? What should you eat?
Here is a link to our video: Eating Right, Eating Too Much, and Prophecy.
During this COVID time, we put out a video on how to help improve one’s health and immune system, yet YouTube banned it–which it never should have done.
The Bible warns about those that “suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18). YouTube has done that. Anyway, since we use multiple platforms, that video is still available elsewhere online at BitChute:
US President Joe Biden said on 2/19/21 that the USA may NOT “return to normal” in 2021 because of vaccine and mutation issues. Is there another approach? Would it make sense to improve nutrition to strengthen the immune system and to help people with COVID-19? What about zinc, selenium, vitamin C, and vitamin D? What about avoiding unclean meats? What about eating more fruits and vegetables and items such as pumpkin seeds and Brazil nuts? What about eating bovine glandulars? What about herbs? Could fasting help? What about exercise and sunlight? What about masks, lockdowns, junk food, obesity, and weight gain? Dr. Thiel, who possesses a US regionally accredited PhD. in nutrition science from the Union Institute and University, a Master of Science degree from the University of Southern California, and a natural scientist license from the State of Alabama, explains why people may wish to consider approaches for their immune system. He also goes over scriptures related to worse pandemics coming (associated with the ride of the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse–Revelation 6:7-8), and the fact that the Bible teaches to “eat what is good” (Isaiah 55:2).
A written article, with references, of related interest is also available titled “Joe Biden: life may not return to normal this year due to COVID mutations; Paul Roberts: The Covid Pandemic Is The Result of Public Health Authorities Blocking Effective Treatment” URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophecy/joe-biden-life-may-not-return-to-normal-this-year-due-to-covid-mutations-paul-roberts-the-covid-pandemic-is-the-result-of-public-health-authorities-blocking-effective-treatment/
Here is a link to the censored video: COVID-19: Eat what is good!
As far as exercise goes, the New Testament says that bodily exercise can help (1 Timothy 4:8), yet most Americans do not get enough physical activity.
Related to exercise, the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) has the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:
A 2019 report shows that Americans are becoming sedentary. Since it is a physical thing, should Christians be concerned about exercise? Could not exercising possibly be a sin? What did the ‘Plain Truth’ magazine report about exercise? What is the US CDC reporting about exercise? Can exercise help prevent diabetes, heart disease, and obesity? Can exercise help sleep, endurance, and aging? Are there scriptures about exercise and health? What about laziness? What are some of the risks and benefits of exercise? Dr. Thiel addresses these subjects and more.
Here is a link to our video: The Plain Truth About Exercise.
Lack of exercise, combined with high obesity rats, will not end well for the USA.
Some items of possibly related interest may include:
Should Christians Exercise? What does the Bible teach? What are some of the benefits and risks of exercise? Here is a link to a related video: The Plain Truth About Exercise.
Obesity, processed foods, health risks, and the Bible Does the Bible warn about the consequences of being obese? Is overeating dangerous? Is gluttony condemned? What diseases are associated with eating too much refined foods? A related video would be Eating Right, Eating Too Much, and Prophecy.
Ten Simple Rules that Lead to Health Herbert Armstrong gives his opinions on this.
USA in Prophecy: The Strongest Fortresses Can you point to scriptures, like Daniel 11:39, that point to the USA in the 21st century? This article does. Two related sermon are available: Identifying the USA and its Destruction in Prophecy and Do these 7 prophesies point to the end of the USA?
Who is the King of the West? Why is there no Final End-Time King of the West in Bible Prophecy? Is the United States the King of the West? Here is a version in the Spanish language: ¿Quién es el Rey del Oc
Christians: Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, Biblical instructions on living as a Christian This is a scripture-filled booklet for those wishing to live as a real Christian. A related sermon is also available: Christians are Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God.
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