PRION-CONTAMINATED PORK ALERT: All across the United States
(Wikipedia photo)
Natural News reported about another problem with pork:
PRION-CONTAMINATED PORK ALERT: All across the United States, pigs can be “vaccinated” with millions of deadly prions via mRNA clot shots – UNLABELED
December 26, 2024
- Pork producers in America have been administering mRNA-based gene therapy to pigs secretly, contaminating pork with self-assembling nanoparticles.
- Harrisvaccines pioneered RNA-based livestock vaccines, acquired by Merck Animal Health in 2016, leading to the prevalence of unregulated gene therapy in the livestock sector.
- Merck introduced Sequivity, a swine vaccine platform in collaboration with Moderna, without safety testing, raising concerns about consumer health risks.
- Companies plan to expand mRNA “vaccines” to avian influenza, cows, and cattle, prompting the need for transparent labeling and stringent regulations to protect public health.
- Consumers are advised to avoid pork products possibly tainted with mRNA vaccines, highlighting the urgent need for transparency and accountability in the food industry.
There’s never been a more tell-tale sign that the medical industry in America wants to kill Americans than the injection of mRNA “technology” into farm animals we consume. … It has come to light that pork producers in America have been quietly administering customizable mRNA-based gene therapy to animals, particularly pigs, for several years now. This practice, shrouded in secrecy, involves injecting mRNA clot shots into pigs without any disclosure on food labels. The implications of this clandestine operation are alarming, as consumers unknowingly ingest pork contaminated with millions of self-assembling nanoparticles that pose serious health risks, including heart problems, immune dysfunction, and dementia.
Prions are what is behind what is called ‘Mad Cow Disease,’ which supposedly hit the US because of a sick pig being ground up and fed to cattle.
Throughout history, however, Church of God Christians have avoided eating pork (see The New Testament Church, History, and Unclean Meats).
That said, mRNA shots are not truly vaccines. Nor do scientists really know all the possible negative health ramifications of them.
Now, there are many diseases and health issues associated with eating pork. Here are links to some:
Pigs May Spread Deadly Ebola Virus
Californians Getting Brain-infecting Parasites from Pigs
CDC: Beware of Pigs as More Catch Swine Flu
CBS: New swine flu in China could morph to cause human pandemic, study warns
‘Bird flu’ seemingly infected pig in US–why is that a concern for scientists?
The following from Dr. Mercola may be of interest:
Are There Deadly Superbugs in Your Pork?
Scientists have detected antibiotic-resistant bacteria in pork, pigs and some veterinarians. It is possible that these so-called superbugs could infect farmworkers or even people who eat pork.
Antibiotic-resistant bugs were found in more than 7 percent of over 100 swine veterinarians tested. The same bacterial strains were found in nearly 50 percent of 300 tested pigs.
Perhaps of greatest concern, the bacteria were also found in 10 percent of more than 200 samples of ground pork and pork chops collected from four Canadian provinces.
An estimated 18,650 deaths a year in the U.S. are estimated to be caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
The same site also had the following from Dr. Mercola:
Scientific Backing for the Avoidance of Pork
Bacon, perhaps one of America’s favorite breakfast staples, is in fact one of the worst type of processed meats you could eat for your health. According to a 2006 study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating bacon five or more times a week was linked to increasing your risk of bladder cancer by 59 percent. Aside from the processing of the meat, another likely cause for bacon’s negative influence on your health is the heterocyclic amines that form when meat is cooked at high temperatures.
If you cook meat that is loaded with pesticides and hormones at high temperatures, you’re simply asking for trouble. That’s why I limit my meat choices as much as possible to grass-fed and organic meats.
You also need to beware of eating undercooked pork, as it can cause trichinosis. Fortunately, trichinosis affects only 11 people per year in the U.S. and less than 2 percent of those infected actually die from the disease, which means there is one death every five years in the U.S. from this.
As far as MRSA is concerned, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have previously warned consumers about the risks inherent in the ever-popular holiday ham in their Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Turns out the high salt and sugar content of pre-cooked canned hams provides an ideal growth medium for the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
Additionally, if you’re a diabetic or if you have a weakened immune system, you may also do well to steer clear of chitterlings, a dish consisting of boiled pig intestines that are served up as traditional holiday fare in the Southern U.S.
It’s possible for people with poorly controlled diabetes to become seriously ill with enteritis necroticans, a potentially life-threatening intestinal infection. The rare disease causes severe stomach pain, vomiting of blood and low blood pressure. The culprit is the chitterlings-contaminating bacterium known as Clostridium perfringens type C, which produces a toxin that is lethal to tissue in your digestive tract. Even cooking the chitterlings might not rid them of the bacteria.
But wait, there’s more!
The Unsavory Side of Pork
The pork and swine industry has been continually plagued, and continues to be so to this day, by a wide variety of hazardous and deadly infections and diseases, including:
PRRS — A horrendous disease, which I first reported on in 2001, but which had been a nightmare for many nations since the mid-1980s, is still alive and kicking today.
At one point referred to as “swine mystery disease,” “blue abortion,” and “swine infertility,” the disease was finally named “Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome” (PRRS), and may afflict about 75 percent of American pig herds.
The PRRS virus primarily attacks the pig’s immune system, leaving its body open to a host of infections, particularly in the lungs. Initial research revealed that the virus was transmitted via semen, saliva and blood, leaving pigs herded closely together and transported in close quarters by trucks more susceptible to infection.
However, according to new research presented at the 2007 International PRRS Symposium shows that the disease is now airborne, making eradication efforts very difficult. According to the PRRS Coordinated Agricultural Project (CAP) and the National Pork Board, it is still the most economically significant disease of swine in the U.S.
The Nipah Virus – Discovered in 1999, the Nipah virus has caused disease in both animals and humans, through contact with infected animals. In humans, the virus can lead to deadly encephalitis (an acute inflammation of your brain). I originally reported on this virus in 2000, but according to CDC data, the Nipah virus reemerged again in 2004.
Hepatitis E (HEV)– According to the Mayo Clinic and an article in the Journal of Clinical Biology, pork may be the reservoir responsible for sporadic, locally acquired cases of acute hepatitis reported in regions with relatively mild climates as HEV has been found to transmit between swine and humans.
Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus (PERV)– According to a study in the journal Lancet, this virus can spread to people receiving pig organ transplants, and according to test tube studies, PERV strains does have the ability to infect human cells. PERV genes are scattered throughout pigs’ genetic material, and researchers have found that pig heart, spleen and kidney cells release various strains of the virus.
Menangle Virus – In 1998, the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases reported that a new virus infecting pigs was able to jump to humans. The menangle virus was discovered in August 1997 when sows at an Australian piggery began giving birth to deformed and mummified piglets.
What About Pasture-Raised Pork?
In a slightly ironic twist, I can’t even safely recommend consuming pasture-raised pork, because while researching this article I stumbled across a study in the current issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases citing concerns about pastured pigs being vulnerable to Trichinella spiralis infection, due to their exposure to wild hosts that carry the disease.
Pasture-raised pig farming has expanded with increased demand from health conscious consumers, and currently there are 28 U.S. farms located within 50 kilometers of a previously infected site.
Pork parasites can cause brain problems:
California’s Unspoken Health Problem: Brain Parasites…it is the major cause for epilepsy worldwide. The CDC estimates that there are 1,900 diagnosed cases every year, 386 annual cases in California alone which can cost upwards of $66,000. Often it is paid through Medicare – costing taxpayers thousands. Tapeworms enter the body, normally ingested through pork or beef. The larvae use hook-like teeth to tear tiny holes in the intestines and sometimes travel to the brain.
Brain Parasite ‘Neurocysticercosis’ Cases Increasing In California…
According to the CDC, neurocysticercosis is preventable, but happens with larval cysts of the pork tapeworm enter the brain.
It is the most severe form of cyticercosis.
California Has A Problem With Brain-Infecting ParasitesSept 7, 2012 excerpt…The diagnosis, officially called Neurocysticercosis, is common in the third world (about 50 million people are infected globally). But American doctors often don’t know the symptoms of the 1,900 cases that show up in American hospitals every year.
The worms are originally tiny: about the size of peas. They come from eating contaminated pork, and fight their way into the small intestines and cling to the flesh there while draining nutrients from their host. They can grow to be 20 feet long and can make tens of thousands of eggs a day, which ride through the bloodstream through the whole body.
Perhaps I should add that a decade or two ago, there was a small news item in The Townsend Letter for Doctors that claimed that 2% of the neurological appointments made in the State of California were related to pork consumption. I found that both shocking and astounding. It probably should be noted that because cattle are not always proper raised, parasites can come from them, but the neurological parasitic problems are much more closely associated with pork.
Notice also the following:
January 20, 2015
Vicious tapeworm infestations growing worldwide
CNN Once you consume them, they can move throughout your body — your eyes, your tissues and most commonly your brain. They leave doctors puzzled in their wake as they migrate and settle to feed on the body they’re invading; a classic parasite, but this one can get into your head.
“It had moved from one side of the brain to the other … very few things move in the brain,” says Dr. Effrossyni Gkrania-Klotsas about a British man found to have a tapeworm moving inside his brain in 2013. This form of tapeworm had never been seen before in the United Kingdom. …
Pork tapeworms
There are many forms of tapeworm, three of which can readily infect the brain. From a public health perspective, there’s one in particular to watch out for. “It’s mainly the pork tapeworm that’s the main brain one,” says Helena Helmby from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
The pork species, known as Taenia Solium, can infect humans in two forms. The first is by eating undercooked pork from infected pigs, resulting in taeniasis — an adult worm residing in the intestine. The second, in the larval form, through contact with the feces of an infected pig or human, which can go on to infect many tissues. If the larval worm enters the nervous system, including the brain, it can result in a condition known as neurocysticercosis. Infection of this kind can often cause epilepsy once inside the brain. Almost a third of epilepsy cases in countries where the disease is native are people who have previously had neurocysticercosis, according to the World Health Organization.
Neurocysticercosis infection arises from poor sanitation and hygiene. “You can actually infect yourself,” says Helmby, as poor hygiene, such as failing to wash your hands, could result in you eating the eggs of an adult worm living in your intestine. “Self-infection is common.”
The global distribution of pork tapeworms is widespread with high numbers across Latin America, Africa and Asia, according to the World Health Organization. As a result of its higher prevalence and due to increased international travel, Gkrania-Klotsas has three patients in her care in Cambridge who have previously experienced neurocysticercosis.
Cause for concern?
Infections with pork tapeworms are common…Â
“I’m confident there will be more of this in the future,” agrees Gkrania-Klotsas, who has seen patients infected without having traveled abroad. “People are getting infections without going anywhere.”
Those who do travel, however, also need greater awareness when visiting regions where infections are commonplace. Â
Since pork is a major item that many who eat unclean animals consume, let’s specifically look at some scriptural admonitions against eating it:
7 and the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. 8 Their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch. They are unclean to you. (Leviticus 11:7-8)
8 Also the swine is unclean for you, because it has cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud; you shall not eat their flesh or touch their dead carcasses. (Deuteronomy 14:8)
3 “He who kills a bull is as if he slays a man; He who sacrifices a lamb, as if he breaks a dog’s neck; He who offers a grain offering, as if he offers swine’s blood; He who burns incense, as if he blesses an idol. Just as they have chosen their own ways, And their soul delights in their abominations, 4 So will I choose their delusions, And bring their fears on them; Because, when I called, no one answered, When I spoke they did not hear; But they did evil before My eyes, And chose that in which I do not delight.” (Isaiah 66:3-4)
3 A people who provoke Me to anger continually to My face; Who sacrifice in gardens, And burn incense on altars of brick; 4 Who sit among the graves, And spend the night in the tombs; Who eat swine’s flesh, And the broth of abominable things is in their vessels; (Isaiah 65:3-4)
17 “Those who sanctify themselves and purify themselves, To go to the gardens After an idol in the midst, Eating swine’s flesh and the abomination and the mouse, Shall be consumed together,” says the Lord. (Isaiah 66:17)
So, in at least three books of the Bible, eating the flesh of pigs is prohibited–and the last two-three references above were prophetic–and still are to be fulfilled. Thus, the prohibitions against pork were NOT “nailed to the cross” or otherwise done away with (see also Which Laws were Superceded? Which Remain?). Jesus’ death did NOT change the flesh of pork or reduce its ability to pass on health problems.
It may also be of interest to note that the New Testament also makes negative comments towards pigs/swine. Notice:
6 “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces. (Matthew 7:6)
It should also be understood that the carcasses of unclean animals were specifically prohibited from being touched in Leviticus 11:24-31 (though touching live ones, like camels, was not prohibited, nor was wearing items from their hair/fur; cf. Matthew 3:4).
Let me also add that: Pigs are Flu Factories.
The way that many flu shots are developed is to look at what virus is developing in pigs raised very closely with birds in South-east Asia. Based on that, pharmaceutical companies guess what strain of the flu will hit humans and then they develop vaccines based on that.
Yes, biblically unclean animals are associated with the development of diseases (including COVID-19).
Relatively soon, serious pestilences are prophesied as they are part of what Jesus called “the beginning of sorrows”:
7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. (Matthew 24:7-8)
If humans quit eating pigs, there would be less disease. But since many still do, it is possible that something more serious may happen.
Some articles of possibly related interest may include:
The New Testament Church, History, and Unclean Meats Are foods considered to have been unclean in the Old Testament considered to be food in the New Testament? This article discusses this from the perspective of the New Testament. It also has a list of clean and unclean animals. It also answers the question, is pork healthy or is pork dangerous? There is also a sermon-length video on this: Christians and Unclean Meats; three short videos are also available: Did Jesus declare all animal flesh food?, Should Christians Eat Insects?, and COVID, Pandemics, and Unclean Meat.
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