Protesting ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’
The group Morality in Media is protesting against an upcoming movie:
Morality in Media, a group devoted to fighting porn and indecency, blasted out a statement from its executive director, Dawn Hawkins, condemning the newly released trailer for Fifty Shades of Grey. The trailer, she says, “deceives the public with a visually appealing melodramatic love story that romanticizes and normalizes sexual violence.”
This argument came up when the first of the hot trilogy of “mommy porn” books was published in 2011, as the story centers around sexy millionaire Christian Grey, who is into dominant bondage sex with submissive, innocent, college grad Anatasia Steele.
The controversy has been a constant topic for discussion and debate. In August 2013, a study published in the Journal of Women’s Health found that Fifty Shades perpetuates “dangerous abuse patterns,” such as stalking, intimidation, humiliation and isolation.
Before I saw the above news item, I had read a little about the movie and the book it is based upon. Notice also the following:
The mommy porn that shook the world had its trailer debut on the “Today” show Thursday, as “50 Shades of Grey” stars Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson introduced scenes from the film, which opens Valentine’s Day.
“Fifty Shades of Grey” glamorizes violence against women…Kathryn Casey, a crime writer. “What I find unsettling is that in Christian Grey I see the attributes of so many of the men I’ve written about over the years, the ones who abuse and sometimes even end up murdering their intimate partners. Experts have said for decades that rape is more about control than sex. What I’ve seen over and over again is that a man who needs to dominate, humiliate and physically abuse a woman isn’t a hero. He’s not doing it out of love. That guy isn’t the man of any woman’s dreams. He’s a mistake, one she won’t end up rehabilitating but fleeing.”
“It just really seems kind of excessive,” PTC director of grassroots education and advocacy Melissa Henson tells The Hollywood Reporter of Today‘s promotion of the first trailer for the highly anticipated erotic film. “We’re talking about basically the equivalent of a dime-store trashy romance novel. Essentially, what Today‘s doing is they’re promoting what people refer to as ‘mommy porn.’ That’s what it boils down to. Today is helping to promote mommy porn. That’s a pretty poor judgment on their part in terms of their attitude toward their audience.”
Many are calling this ‘mommy porn.’ Pornography is not appropriate for men or women.
This movie needs to be protested as it encourages violence, including sexual violence, against women.
Yet, many believe it will be a highly popular movie amongst women. This is sad.
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