Richard Dawkins refers to ‘mysterious origin’ of the universe
Richard Dawkins (Photo by Shane Pope)
Richard Dawkins did a video. In the video he says ” “Something Pretty Mysterious MUST have given rise to the origin of the universe.”
But it cannot. And it seems like Richard Dawkins is admitting that.
Evolution as a model for the origin of life does not work, from a purely biological scientific basis. Scientific models for the origination of the universe without a Creator God also do not work as they rely on unproven assumptions and/or violate currently understood scientific laws of physics and/or chemistry.
As a scientist, I have long known that proponents of evolution treat the subject more like a religious view than a scientific theory. It is in the Bible that we are told that when God made the universe and the life on this planet (Genesis 1). The idea of an ‘intelligent design’ by a Spirit being is the only explanation that does not defy scientifically provable knowledge–for all other explanations result in violations of known science.
By the way, God apparently expects humans to realize that He exists through various aspects of His creation. Notice:
20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse (Romans 1:20).
Evolution has led to the intentional ignorance of appropriate scientific methods. It became a religion for many in the 19th century, and remains one for many today.
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