You can quickly disprove evolution as the cause of life
Is evolution scientific? Or can you quickly disprove evolution as the cause of life on planet Earth?
The Continuing Church of God has a video on our YouTube channel called Bible New Prophecy that will you do so:
Is the evolutionary explanation of the origin of life simply improbable or actually impossible? Do the laws of biology and even physics prove that there had to be a Creator God? This video lists various necessary items that are impossible to occur for the evolutionary explanation of the origin of life to actually be possible. Have you looked at a Eukaryote or a Prokaryote? What did Charles Darwin write that would disprove his theory?
Here is something that he wrote:
If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down (Darwin C. The Origin of Species. In Chapter 6, Difficulties on Theory. Cricket House Books LLC, 2010, p. 124).
And although he did not believe that was demonstrated to his satisfaction when he wrote that, the truth is that cellular life was simply much more complex than he at that time realized.
Thus, even Charles Robert Darwin’s writings contain an admission that he understood that additional complexity would disprove his theory (perhaps it should be noted that the discovery of DNA would seem to qualify as sufficient complexity that he was unaware of). Of course, scientists know that random amino acids also do not come with DNA. And while this was not known at Darwin’s time, this is known now.
Notice what even simplified views of the main two types of cells look like:
This did not happen through a random alignment of amino acids that somehow came alive, ate, and reproduced as evolutionary theory seems to teach. Here is a link to the latest BibleNewsProphecy channel video titled Quickly Disprove Evolution as the Origin of Life.
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- Can you quickly disprove the evolutionary theory for the origin of life?
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