I365: New study at Gezer site proves Biblical accounts of David and Solomon
Stone steles in Gezer (photo from Wikipedia) .
The Bible teaches:
15 And this is the reason for the labor force which King Solomon raised: to build the house of the Lord, his own house, the Millo, the wall of Jerusalem, Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer. 16 (Pharaoh king of Egypt had gone up and taken Gezer and burned it with fire, had killed the Canaanites who dwelt in the city, and had given it as a dowry to his daughter, Solomon’s wife.) 17 And Solomon built Gezer, Lower Beth Horon, 18 Baalath, and Tadmor in the wilderness, in the land of Judah, 19 all the storage cities that Solomon had, cities for his chariots and cities for his cavalry, and whatever Solomon desired to build in Jerusalem, in Lebanon, and in all the land of his dominion.
20 All the people who were left of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, who were not of the children of Israel — 21 that is, their descendants who were left in the land after them, whom the children of Israel had not been able to destroy completely — from these Solomon raised forced labor, as it is to this day. 22 But of the children of Israel Solomon made no forced laborers, because they were men of war and his servants: his officers, his captains, commanders of his chariots, and his cavalry. (1 Kings 9:15-22)
Many these days doubt that Solomon ruled over much and some question his, as well as his father David’s, existence.
But there is evidence outside of scripture.
Israel365News reported the following:
New study at Gezer site proves Biblical accounts of David and Solomon
November 30, 2023
A new radiocarbon study of an important archaeological site seems to have made a significant step towards ending a scientific debate and establishing that the Biblical accounts of King David and King Solomon were historically accurate.
In 1958, Prof Yigal Yadin proposed that one layer of the site identified as stratum 8 dated to the 10th century BCE which he associated with Biblical King Solomon. This was based on a monumental six-chambered city gate. Such gates were also discovered at Megiddo, Hazor and Jerusalem. The construction of these gates at these sites is described in 1 Kings 9:15. The site also showed a 27-meter-long casemate wall fortification, stone glacis, a large courtyard-type administration building, and a monumental stairway. Previous strata did not have such substantial gates.
Yadin’s findings and conclusions were corroborated by later researchers. But a school of thought arose in archaeology called the low chronology. Archaeologists from this school of thought led by Prof. Israel Finkelstein dated stratum 8 to the ninth century BCE, attributing the massive construction to the northern Kingdom’s Omride dynasty
Finkelstein proposed that the Biblical accounts of David and Solomon were greatly exaggerated and that Solomon was in reality nothing more than a glorified “hillbilly”—“little more than a hill country chieftain … rul[ing] over a marginal, isolated, rural region, with no signs of great wealth or centralized administration.” His rule “extended over no empire, no palatial cities, no spectacular capital” (The Bible Unearthed, pages 190, 238, 143). “The supposed archaeological evidence of the united monarchy was no more than wishful thinking,” he wrote of the early “Solomonic” discoveries at these respective sites (page 235). …
A new radiocarbon chronology study of the city of Gezer focusing on stratum 8 was published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE. The report, titled “The Chronology of Gezer From the End of the Late Bronze Age to Iron Age II: A Meeting Point for Radiocarbon, Archaeology, Egyptology and the Bible” was composed by Lyndelle Webster, Samuel Wolff, Steven Ortiz, Marcella Barbosa, Cameron Coyle, Gary Arbino, Michael Dee, Quan Hua and Geraldine Jacobsen and was the product of ten years of excavations carried out by the Tandy Institute of Archaeology.
The new study presents “the first substantial radiocarbon dataset and Bayesian chronological analysis for Gezer spanning the last part of the Late Bronze Age through Iron Age ii.” https://www.israel365news.com/379865/new-radiocarbon-study-of-gezer-site-has-scientists-convinced-of-historicity-of-biblical-accounts-of-david-and-solomon/
Yes, there was King Solomon and he ruled over a large kingdom. And archaeological evidence does support it.
Here are some quotes from the study:
1 Kings 9:15-17 mentions Gezer’s capture, burning and presentation as a wedding gift by Solomon’s father-in-law-an unnamed Egyptian king …
The transformation of Gezer in Stratum 8 … likely began in the early part of the 10th century BCE (998–957 BCE, 68.3 percent HPD). … Stratum 8 was used during the first part of the 10th century BCE, until its destruction near the middle of the century …. [T]he chronological position of this horizon is hard to dispute thanks to constraint provided by the overlying Stratum 7. …
Stratum 7 … was used primarily during the later part of the 10th century BCE It was not particularly long-lived, as the site once again fell prey to a destructive event near the close of the 10th century BCE or early decades of the ninth century BCE (927–885, 68.3 percent HPD).
The construction of Stratum 8 … likely occurred in the first part of the 10th century BCE (Start 8: 998–957 BCE, 68.3 percent HPD [showing the tightest probability]; 1023–942 BCE., 95.4 percent HPD [including potential outlier samples]). The data and model—with constraints provided by overlying Stratum 7—rule out a ninth-century BCE date for Stratum 8. … Stratum 8 came to an end already in the mid-10th century BCE. …
The 10th century BC 14C date … is chronologically compatible with Saul, David and/or Solomon … published 11/15/23 https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0293119
The late Dr. Herman Hoeh wrote that archaeological disregarding of King Saul and David decades ago was wrong:
Saul and David in Archaeology
But the strongest evidence against the modern interpretation of archaeology was discovered by the French at Mari on the Euphrates River. There it was discovered that during the lifetime of Hammurabi — who was mistakenly dated by historians in the time of Abraham — the Benjamites were in control of Palestine and men like David were famous! (See Werner Keller’s The Bible as History, pages 49-52).
From the tablets found at Mari, we read these clear words: “The year in which Landulim went to Hen and laid hands upon the territory of the Benjamites,” and “The year that ZimriLim killed the Davidum of the Benjamites.”
Of course! Under King Saul, a Benjamite, the tribe of Benjamin was dominant. Gentile nations regarded all Palestine as the land of the Benjamites. And David was the greatest of all the generals of the Benjamites (I Samuel 18:7; 21:11). David’s fame spread so far and wide that the Gentiles called all the generals of Israel Davidum, or “Davids” — men like David — just as the world’s “great” Roman Caesars gave their name to the Kaisers of Germany and the Czars of Russia.
How were the historians and archaeologists to interpret these astounding discoveries? Were they to date Hammurabi properly to the time of Saul and David? Not at all! Rather, they cleverly assumed that Benjamites were in Palestine long before Benjamin was born — that the name of David was famous for nearly a thousand years before David was born! They hoped thereby to keep their interpretations of the king lists and reject the Bible. Human reasoning was used to escape the AUTHORITY vested in the laws of the Bible! (Archaeology Proves the bible true! Plain Truth, September 1963, p.47)
Here is a place where the Benjamites are mentioned and their generals are called “DAVIDUM” or DAVIDS! King Saul was a Benjamite (1 Samuel 9:21) and had put David in charge of the leaders of his army (1 Samuel 18:5).
Just as the world’s “great” Roman CAESARS gave their name to the KAISERS of Germany and the CZARS of Russia, so David’s fame spread so far and wide that Gentiles called the officers and generals of Israel “Davids” – men like David!
On the other hand, even now, biased secular sources such as Wikipedia have chosen to often push an anti-biblical narrative by often referring to “scholars” who oppose scripture. Here are some excerpts from its article on David:
Historicity …
A number of scholars consider the David story to be a heroic tale similar to King Arthur‘s legend or Homer‘s epics,[116][117] whereas others think that such comparisons are questionable.[118] …
Jacob L. Wright has written that the most popular legends about David, including his killing of Goliath, his affair with Bathsheba, and his ruling of a United Kingdom of Israel rather than just Judah, are the creation of those who lived generations after him, in particular those living in the late Persian or Hellenistic periods.[125]
Isaac Kalimi wrote about the tenth century BCE that: “Almost all that one can say about King Solomon and his time is unavoidably based on the biblical texts. Nevertheless, here also one cannot always offer conclusive proof that a certain biblical passage reflects the actual historical situation in the tenth century BCE, beyond arguing that it is plausible to this or that degree.”[10]
(David, Wikipedia, accessed 07/07/23)
So, Wikipedia is pushing the false narrative that David could have been a made up legend. That is one reason that I sometimes post about matters of archaeology.
Anyway, as far as whether to believe “scholars” over scripture, the Bible teaches:
4 … Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. (Romans 3:4)
13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. (2 Timothy 3:13-15)
And the so-called editors at Wikipedia are deceived and deceiving in many of their reports about biblical matters. As are biases from sources like Google.
But the Bible can be trusted. There is a God and that is provable (see also the free online book: Is God’s Existence Logical?).
Satan does not want people to believe the word of God or to act on it.
The deceived associated with Wikipedia and many other places function as his minions.
Many of the ‘so-called educated’ have claimed many fraudulent positions. Many have suggested that the biblical David was a myth. Now, notice the following cover:
Here is a link to that July-September 2017 edition of Bible News Prophecy magazine. Its front cover shows the ancient Tel Dan Stele which also mentions King David–it has the expression “house of David,” and the associated article contains more information about why true science supports the Bible.
The Bible is true, but many do not want it to be believed.
Much of the world’s claimed knowledge is false.
The Apostle Paul warned:
20 … Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge — 21 by professing it some have strayed concerning the faith. (1 Timothy 6:20-21)
Be careful not to accept ‘knowledge’ from those who are contradicting the Bible.
Yes, King Saul, David, and Solomon existed. And yes, there is archaeological evidence to support that outside the Bible.
Yes, the Bible is true. And hopefully archaeologists and others who doubt it will reconsider and believe the evidence.
And hopefully more in this Laodicean Era will realize that because the Bible is true, they need to have a better zeal to change themselves and support the word of God.
Do not let those who will not believe deceive you.
Related to King David, we have the following related video:
King David: Any Archaeological Proof?
The Bible talks a lot about King David of Israel–he is mentioned in book the Hebrews scriptures and the New Testament. Is there any physical proof, archaeological evidence that he existed? Or, as some at Wikipedia put it, only a legend like King Arthur or Homer epic tales? Did Professor Yosef Garfinkel of Hebrew University conclude that King David ruled over fortified cities like the Bible points out? Do ancient tablets found at Mari point to the rule of King David? Does the Mesha Stele help prove that King David was real? What about the Tel Dan Stele? Does the Bible warn about false knowledge, false science, deceiving people who will not hold to scripture? Was there really a town of Ziglag that David fled to? Could there be a successor alive to King David today? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie go over these matters and discuss archaeological proofs related to King David.
Here is a link to our video: King David: Any Archaeological Proof?
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