Earth Will Be Hit By An Asteroid With 100 Percent Certainty, Says Space-Watching Group B612
Asteroid (NASA photo)
A group of scientists have concluded that there is a 100% chance that the Earth will be hit by a devastating asteroid:
Earth Will Be Hit By An Asteroid With 100 Percent Certainty, Says Space-Watching Group B612
The Earth will be hit by a devastating asteroid capable of destroying all, or most, of life on the planet, says a group of scientists and former astronauts. What’s more, as The Daily Star reports, it is a 100 percent certainty that it’s going to happen.
This warning comes from the B612 Foundation, and lest you conclude that these guys are a group of conspiracy theorists or other whackadoodles, they’re legit. According to the group’s website, their team consists of noted astronomers, engineers, and other scientific types who know what they’re talking about.
“B612 is an organization that works towards protecting the Earth from asteroid impacts and informing and forwarding world-wide decision-making on planetary defense issues. B612 provides a non-governmental voice on the risks, options, and implications of asteroid data while advancing the technical means by which that data is acquired. We work to make interpretation of asteroid data open and accessible, and we serve as an informed source for an international community of policy makers and scientists who can best help to achieve these goals.”
The group’s proclamation is based on a combination of history (hundreds of millions of years of it) and technology.
Is this a certainty or at least a possibility?
Well, it is possible that an asteroid could hit.
We seem to be in the time that Jesus referred to as “the beginning of sorrows”:
And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8)
Getting hit by a large asteroid certainly would be a type of trouble. But it would not destroy most life on the Earth.
As Jesus stated in Matthew 24:6 during the beginning of sorrows, “the end is not yet.”
As far as asteroids go, here is some information about them and the asteroid belt:
Most asteroids lie in a vast ring between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This main belt holds more than 200 asteroids larger than 60 miles (100 kilometers) in diameter. Scientists estimate the asteroid belt also contains more than 750,000 asteroids larger than three-fifths of a mile (1 kilometer) in diameter and millions of smaller ones. Not everything in the main belt is an asteroid — for instance, comets have recently been discovered there, and Ceres, once thought of only as an asteroid, is now also considered a dwarf planet.
Many asteroids lie outside the main belt. For instance, a number of asteroids called Trojans lie along Jupiter’s orbital path…An asteroid capable of global disaster would have to be more than a quarter-mile wide. Researchers have estimated that such an impact would raise enough dust into the atmosphere to effectively create a “nuclear winter,” severely disrupting agriculture around the world. Asteroids that large strike Earth only once every 1,000 centuries on average, NASA officials say.
About 1,000 asteroids big enough to cause catastrophic damage if they hit Earth are orbiting relatively nearby, a NASA survey shows…An asteroid or comet between 5 and 10 km (3.1 and 6.2 miles) in diameter is believed to have smashed into Earth some 65 million years ago, triggering global climate changes that led to the extinction of dinosaurs and other animals. “We know something that big could wipe out mostly all life on Earth,” Mainzer said.
An asteroid is NOT about to eliminate all life on the Earth.
That being said, years after the start of the Great Tribulation (which will not start until at least 2022), the Earth will be hit hard by something from outer-space called Wormwood.
Over 1900 years ago, the Apostle John was inspired to write about Wormwood and more in the Book of Revelation. If you look at the sequence of events that proceed Wormwood, it is obvious that other events will happen first. Notice that the first nine verses happen prior to Wormwood falling from heaven:
1 When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. 2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets. 3 Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand. 5 Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake.
6 So the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.
7 The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.
8 Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. 9 And a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed. (Revelation 8:1-9)
It should also be noted that there are MANY EVENTS that also have to take place before the above events as well.
Continuing in Revelation, John wrote:
10 Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter. (Revelation 8:10-11)
Notice that Wormwood does not fall until after the third trumpet associated with the seventh seal of Revelation is blown. Well, this would mean that the fifth and sixth seal would also have already been opened–which are mentioned in Revelation 6:7-17, and the 144,000 numbered as shown in Revelation 7. And I should add that the fifth seal of Revelation cannot possibly be opened for at least 3 1/2 years from now (see When Will the Great Tribulation Begin?), with almost 4 years the likely minimum.
But also notice that somehow Wormwood makes water bitter.
This could be because it is a comet as opposed to an asteroid. Comets tend to come with cyanogen gas–when that mixes with water to form hydrogen cyanide, it has an almond odor and bitter taste.
However, that does not mean that Wormwood could not be an asteroid. Some asteroids are bound to have substances that would be bitter in water.
If Wormwood is a type of asteroid, then massive devastation, though not total destruction speculated by some of the B612 group of scientists, will come to pass.
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