Anglican Archbishop Rowan Williams Resigns
Rowan Williams
The Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury announced his resignation today:
Rowan Williams resigns as archbishop of Canterbury
Rowan Williams is to step down as archbishop of Canterbury at the end of 2012 to take up a university position at Cambridge…Williams, 61, will leave at the end of December in time to start his new role next January…
Williams has been attacked by conservatives for his liberal views on homosexuality and by liberals for failing to live up to these principles…
Williams, who was confirmed in December 2002 as the 104th archbishop of Canterbury and spiritual leader of the 77-million-strong Anglican communion, told the Press Association that occupying the post had been an enormous privilege.
In the past, Rowan Williams made it clear that he supports the ordination of women and tended to support certain homosexual issues.
Rowan Williams had various meetings with Pope Benedict XVI, and lost priests and members to the Church of Rome. The remaining Anglican Church is the biggest church in the UK.
Wikipedia notes, “The Church of England is the officially established Christian church[3] in England and the Mother Church of the worldwide Anglican Communion.”
And while I do not consider that it is truly Christian, the Church of England is likely to remain a factor that keeps the UK out of being a co-equal partner in the final emerging European Beast power.
Rowan William’s replacement is likely to take steps that will perhaps increase the distance between the remaining Anglicans from the Catholics of Rome. Thus, Rowan William’s resignation is likely to have prophetic repercussions.
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