Another type of censorship: Google falsely warns readers: WND ‘may harm your computer!’

………. Pixabay photo depicting technological censorship ……….
Big Tech continues to show its muscle by shadow-banning, censoring, and taking other steps to suppress information it does not want people to have access to.
World Net Daily reported the following:
Google falsely warns readers: WND ‘may harm your computer!’
The Google “Goliath” has finally outdone itself in its campaign to completely destroy the WND “David,” the small Christian journalism operation that somehow refuses to die, despite continual attacks from all sides.
For the past week, Google has been warning everyone on the internet who tries to access via Google that the 25-year-old pioneering news website is outright dangerous to their computer! …
Ironically, if you click on Google’s own “Safe Browsing diagnostic page” link, you get taken to a page labeled “Safe Browsing Site Status” which clearly states: “No unsafe content found.” … This deceitful and profoundly destructive attack on WND persists day after day, despite multiple appeals to Google by WND’s tech team.
Perhaps even more concerning, WND is simultaneously receiving a flood of reader reports that subscribers to WND’s email news alerts are finding WND’s emails being redirected to their spam folders! Even when subscribers go to the trouble of repeatedly designating that WND’s emails are not spam, our emails continue to go to their spam folder, many have told us. For some readers, the live links to various stories on WND’s news alerts are now also dead – that is, recipients cannot click through to the story being promoted.
Why are they trying to destroy us? That’s easy to answer, because Google doesn’t hold back in describing exactly what it finds “dangerous,” “derogatory,” “misrepresentative,” “unreliable” and “harmful” – their words – about WND.
“We do not allow content,” Google exhorts us, “that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization.”
Translation: Google is intent on suppressing any criticism or opposing viewpoint regarding the LGBT juggernaut that is currently taking over America’s schools. When as a news organization WND dares to report honestly and forthrightly on the fantastically deranged transgender agenda – where beautiful American children from coast to coast are indoctrinated, seduced, groomed, recruited and enabled to “transition to a different gender” by taking puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and even undergoing double mastectomies and castration – when WND sounds the alarm over any of this, which we do daily, to Google we’re “inciting hatred” and “promoting discrimination.” …
Of course, it’s not just Google. YouTube (owned by Google) has also permanently de-monetized WND’s channel, Facebook has massively suppressed WND’s traffic on its platform, something Facebook’s reps have admitted to us. Three major online ad companies canceled WND due to our supposed “hate speech” (that’s what they call it when you uphold basic biblical morality). On and on it goes. 08/30/22
Google made one or more similar warnings against CCOG materials in the past.
Anyway, I verified WND’s claim by doing a Google search for it today. Here is what came up:
Warning — visiting this web site may harm your computer!
- Return to the previous page and pick another result.
- Try another search to find what you’re looking for.
Or you can continue to at your own risk. For detailed information about the problems we found, visit Google’s Safe Browsing diagnostic page for this site.
For more information about how to protect yourself from harmful software online, you can visit
If you are the owner of this web site, you can request a review of your site using Google’s Search Console. More information about the review process is available in Google’s Search Console Help Center.
Advisory provided by
As tech got big, it caught the attention of governments around the world that wanted information controlled, but also decided that it should decide what views it wanted expressed.
That has led to more and more censorship as the promoters of an anti-biblical ‘religion’ gain power. Ultimately, it will get much worse (cf. Revelation 13th chapter).
Some of the censorship has been aimed at making various views economically unfeasible to reach a large audience. For example, YouTube has ‘demonetized’ many.
But it is more than that, the two times YouTube censored our Bible News Prophecy channel last year, it did not affect us financially (we do not monetize the videos), but it did suppress our ability to reach people with the truth. Google’s and YouTube’s ‘shadow-banning practices have as well.
YouTube removed our videos for preaching biblical morality against the LGBTQ+ agenda (see YouTube censors and removes BNP video: Disney’s abominable promotions!) and the options other than fear and vaccine related to COVID-19 (see YouTube censors: COVID-19: Eat what is good!). Others have also been censored by Big Tech for daring to cover certain aspects of these as well.
Since the current US Administration shares Big Tech’s views on these and several other subjects, expect them to tolerate this type of censorship–and actually, that may be why places like YouTube have felt emboldened to go back and remove videos they previously allowed.
Sadly, Big Tech does not consider that the Bible or a lot of facts are “authoritative sources.” It has its own secular religion.
It may be of interest to note that number 3 of our list of 22 items to prophetically watch in 2021 was Media, Internet, and Other Censorship (watch also 22 items to watch in 2022). This certainly is happening.
Last Fall the Protestant news site WND, posted that Google has cut off about 1/2 their revenue sources because it calls the site a source of ‘misinformation’:
Google de-monetizes pioneering Christian news site WND
Over the last few years, Big Tech has unleashed many different attacks on WND, the pioneering Christian journalism organization now in its 25th year. From classifying WND as an “extremist group,” to writing WND out of its search algorithms, to de-monetizing WND’s YouTube channel, to confining WND to “Facebook jail” for over a year, the attacks never end.
However, as of this week, Big Tech has upped its game: Google has now officially de-monetized WND – permanently.
That could end up cutting WND’s online ad revenue roughly in half, since not only does de-monetization mean the removal of all Google ads, but the removal of ads from alternate advertising services as well, since many of these companies utilize Google Ad Manager to serve their ads. So, what did WND do to merit such a punishment?
According to Google’s “Violation Explanation,” WND is loaded down with “dangerous or derogatory content,” as well as “misrepresentative content” and “unreliable and harmful claims.” …
You might have heard of the dystopian concept of “pre-crime” and now Twitter writes on the company blog that it is introducing something called “pre-bunk” – it will be a way for it to try to mould its users’ opinion on the subject by inundating their explore tab, trending lists, and search results with content promoting climate change as a legitimate theory, that comes from “authoritative” sources. 11/02/21
Since I have major disagreements at times with WND, why also mention them here?
Well, consider a poem from the last century by Martin Niemöller:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
More censorship and banning is coming. People need to realize that the trend, consistent with biblical prophecies, is showing what is happening.
The end game of what Big Tech is doing is to attempt to ban a lot of views that the Bible supports.
Jesus warned about that time:
4 … the night is coming when no one can work. (John 9:4, NKJV)
4… the night cometh, when no man can work (John 9:4 KJV)
In an October 23, 1980 co-worker letter, Herbert Armstrong wrote:
The Bible warns us the time is just ahead when NO MAN CAN WORK—in the Lord’s Work.
In a November 22, 1982 co-worker letter, Herbert Armstrong wrote:
… brethren and co-workers, the prophesied Great Tribulation (nuclear World War III) will start soon after the European unification. That means OUR WORK OF SPREADING THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD WILL BE FINISHED! We have not now much more time. Soon shall come a FAMINE of hearing the Word of the Lord (Amos 8:11). God says, work while it is day, for the night is coming when no man can work – in the Work of God! Nothing else is important in our lives, now, but this all-important Work of God. (, viewed 10/03/13)
So, the Bible tells of a time that will come when the word of God will not be found. And that would seem to be because it will be taken off the internet. In the 21st century, the internet is accessed by people in every country, and thus some type of internet restriction/suspension/site removal is coming.
Related to internet control, the Continuing Church of God has the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel:
Are concerns about internet censorship limited to nations such as Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. But what about the USA, Canada, and Germany? What about the European Union? What about internet media companies such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, or email services like MailChimp? Has the attempt to control information been made by various ones over the centuries? Was the New Testament affected by it? What about the church throughout the centuries? Has the Bible already been partially censored? Which Bible prophecies point to coming Internet censorship? What about the Book of Amos? What about the coming 666 Beast and final Antichrist? Is there anything that can be done about this? Should Philadelphian Christians be working on anything now? Will preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God vs. a highly media-supported alternative lead to a ‘famine of the word’? More internet censorship is coming as various statements in the Bible support.
We also put out the following:
In 1949, the late George Orwell wrote a disturbing book about a totalitarian government called “nineteen-eighty four.” Despite laws that are supposed to protect freedom of speech and religion, we are seeing governments taking steps consistent with those that Geroge Orwell warned against. We are also seeing this in the media, academia, and in private companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. With the advent of technology, totalitarianism beyond what Orwell wrote is possible. Does the Bible teach the coming a totalitarian state similar to George Orwell’s? What about the Antichrist and 666? Will things get worse? What is the solution? Dr. Thiel answers these questions and more. A written article of related interest is titled “Totalitarian controls getting closer–The Guardian pushing internet censorship.”
Here is a link to our video: Orwell’s 1984 by 2024?
Jesus repeatedly condemned religious leaders for hypocrisy (e.g. Matthew 15:7-9; Luke 11:43-44). The major media in the USA are no less guilty of hypocrisy. This will not end well for the USA (Isaiah 10:5-12).
Furthermore, 666 control and Orwellian suppression of the truth is coming.
More stifling of religious speech will happen.
The prophet Amos was inspired to record the following:
11 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God,
“That I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine of bread,
Nor a thirst for water,
But of hearing the words of the Lord.
12 They shall wander from sea to sea,
And from north to east;
They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord,
But shall not find it. (Amos 8:11-12)
But Matthew 24:14 will be fulfilled BEFORE the full ‘famine of the word’ happens.
After the Gospel of the Kingdom of God has sufficiently reached the world the end comes and the Beast will rise up (Matthew 24:14-22, Revelation 13) and more totalitarian controls will be put in place.
Censorship and surveillance is increasing.
More speech restrictions, censorship. and persecutions are coming (cf. Revelation 13; Amos 8:11-12).
Some items of possibly related interest may include:
Preparing for the ‘Short Work’ and The Famine of the Word What is the ‘short work’ of Romans 9:28? Who is preparing for it? Will Philadelphian Christians instruct many in the end times? Here is a link to a related video sermon titled: The Short Work. Here is a link to another: Preparing to Instruct Many.
22 items to prophetically watch in 2022 Much is happening. Dr. Thiel points to 22 items to watch (cf. Mark 13:37) in this article. Here is a link a related video: 22 items to watch in 2022.
Internet Censorship and Prophecy Are concerns about internet censorship limited to nations such as Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. But what about the USA, Canada, and Germany? What about the European Union? What about internet media companies such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, or email services like MailChimp? Has the attempt to control information been made by various ones over the centuries? Was the New Testament affected by it? What about the church throughout the centuries? Has the Bible already been partially censored? Which Bible prophecies point to coming Internet censorship? What about the Book of Amos? What about the coming 666 Beast and final Antichrist? Is there anything that can be done about this? Should Philadelphian Christians be working on anything now? Will preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God vs. a highly media-supported alternative lead to a ‘famine of the word’? More internet censorship is coming as various statements in the Bible support.
The Spanish Inquisition and Early Protestant Persecutions Was the Church of Rome really responsible for this? What happened? Here is a link to a related video sermon: The Past and Future Inquisition.
Persecutions by Church and State This article documents some that have occurred against those associated with the COGs and some prophesied to occur. Will those with the cross be the persecutors or the persecuted–this article has the shocking answer. There is also a YouTube video sermon you can watch: The Coming Persecution of the Church. Here is information in the Spanish language: Persecuciones de la Iglesia y el Estado.
Orwell’s 1984 by 2024? In 1949, the late George Orwell wrote a disturbing book about a totalitarian government called “nineteen-eighty four.” Despite laws that are supposed to protect freedom of speech and religion, we are seeing governments taking steps consistent with those that George Orwell warned against. We are also seeing this in the media, academia, and in private companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. With the advent of technology, totalitarianism beyond what Orwell wrote is possible. Does the Bible teach the coming a totalitarian state similar to George Orwell’s? What about the Antichrist and 666? Will things get worse? What is the solution? Dr. Thiel answers these questions and more in this video.
Christians: Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, Biblical instructions on living as a Christian This is a scripture-filled booklet for those wishing to live as a real Christian. A related sermon is also available: Christians are Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God.
COVID 19 is NOT the End, but could it be TEOTWAWKI? The novel coronavirus called COVID-19 is wreaking havoc around the world. Many states of the USA as well as countries in Europe are on lockdown with shelter in place /shelter in residence requirements. In France, a form is required when you are not at your house. In Spain, drones are being used to warn people who are outside to got back to their homes–does that bring up feelings of ‘Big Brother’? Italy, France, and other areas are using police and/or military force to encourage people to stay inside. According to the Bible could this be the end? If not, what has to happen first? Have the second and third of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse started their ride? Could COVID-19 be the fourth horseman? Why or why not? Could we be seeing The End of the World as We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) like the R.E.M.’s 1987 single song discussed? Do Christians need to fear? What did Jesus teach? What did the Psalmist teach? This is a video. Here is a link to a version in the Spanish language: Corona 19 no es el final PERO es el TEOTWAWKI.
COVID-19 Leading to 666? The novel coronavirus of Wuhan, China fame, is now called COVID-19. It has also been called the ‘Coronapocalypse.’ Does COVID-19 have any prophetic ramifications? What did Jesus teach about pestilences and sorrows in the Olivet prophecy in Matthew 24? Could COVID-19 be the ride of the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse? Why was this type of disease expected according to the Old Testament prophecies in Deuteronomy and Leviticus? What has the US Centers for Disease Control warned about? What has the CDC reported about the flu? Were there lessons about fear and infections in the 2011 movie ‘Contagion’? Because of COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO), nation of Iran, and certain French locations are telling people not to use cash, but instead electronic forms of payment. The US Federal Reserve is now quarantining money repatriated from Asia to reduce the potential spread of the coronavirus on US currency bills. Is COVID-19 worse than we have been told or could this all be a ‘false flag’ event to encourage people to move towards a cashless society? If the thousands of deaths associated with COVID-19 are pushing parts of the world towards cashlessness, how much more likely will the ride of the fourth horseman and over a billion human deaths motivate people to move to making electronic payments that can be monitored? The Bible tells of a soon coming society that controls buying and selling to force allegiance to a coming European Beast power, known as 666 (Revelation 13:16-18). Does the ‘great tribulation’ begin before ride of the fourth horseman or with the opening of the fifth seal of Revelation 6? Do the words of Jesus helps us better understand the sequence of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse and the start of the Great Tribulation? Will the ride of the fourth horseman help lead to the rise of 666? Is that ride very close? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more. Here is a link to a version in the Spanish language: El COVID-19 ¿Conduce al 666?
Christian Repentance Do you know what repentance is? Is it really necessary for salvation? A related sermon is also available titled: Real Christian Repentance.
Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is are links to related sermons: Christian Election: Is God Calling YOU? and Predestination and Your Selection. A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?
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