Australia suspends air operations after threat from Russia
Australian Air Force F-35A
Australia is quite concerned about some Russian statements:
June 20, 2017
Australia announced Tuesday it has temporarily suspended airstrikes by its forces in Syria.
The move comes days after a U.S. fighter jet shot down a Syrian jet, and Syrian ally Russia responded by threatening to treat planes from a U.S.-led coalition operating in the skies over Syria as targets.
Australia is part of the coalition that began airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Syria in September 2014.
A statement from Australia’s Defense Ministry said it would monitor the “air situation in Syria” and make a decision on resuming airstrikes there “in due course.” The ministry said strikes in neighboring Iraq, also part of the U.S.-led coalition campaign, will go on.
The U.S. responded forcefully Monday to the Russian threat.
“We’re going to do what we can to protect our interests,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters Monday, defending the decision to shoot down a Syrian SU-22 jet that had bombed coalition partnered forces near the Syrian town of Tabqah.
“The Syrian regime … needs to understand that we will keep the right of self-defense of coalition forces aligned against ISIS,” he said. The spokesman made clear, however, that the United States would continue to “work with partners” to counter the threat of the Islamic State in Syria.
Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov called the shoot down an “act of aggression.” A ministry statement issued in Moscow warned that coalition planes would be viewed as targets, and said a hotline for preventing accidental military engagement would be shut off. …
The Russian military alleged that in Sunday’s incident, “the command of the coalition forces did not use the established communication channel for preventing incidents in Syrian airspace.”
Frants Klintsevich, deputy head of the defense committee in Russia’s upper house of parliament, said the defense ministry statement does not mean there will be war with the U.S. in Syria, but rather that Moscow will not accept attacks on its Syrian allies.
20 June 2017
Australia says it is temporarily suspending its military air operations over Syria, after a warning from Russia that it would treat aircraft from the US-led coalition as potential targets.
The pause was a “precautionary measure”, the government said, without giving details.
Moscow’s warning came after the US shot down a Syrian military plane.
Russia also said it was halting communications with the US aimed at preventing such incidents.
Australia has deployed about 780 military personnel as part of the US-led coalition fighting so-called Islamic State (IS) in both Iraq and Syria.
“Australian Defence Force protection is regularly reviewed in response to a range of potential threats,” the defence department said in a statement.
“ADF personnel are closely monitoring the air situation in Syria and a decision on the resumption of ADF air operations in Syria will be made in due course.”
Australia joined the US-led coalition in Syria in September 2015, but did not carry out any operations in the country between March and May this year, according to the defence department.
Its activities in Iraq, where it carried out 80 operations in May alone, will continue.
Australia took the Russian comments as a threat. One serious enough to suspend its military air operations in Syria.
Australia gets a lot of its military hardware from the USA (the F-35A shown at the beginning is from US-based Lockheed Martin).
Australia has long been a staunch military ally of the USA. Australia has tended to supply military support to more US military operations than most other nations.
While shared views and backgrounds could explain some of that, the pragmatic reason is that long ago, Australia realized that it needed the USA to defend it from possible threats from China and others in Asia.
Australia has a relatively small population and is sparsely populated compared to Indonesia and China, for example.
Notice something written decades ago and published by the old Radio Church of God:
Simply because of her geographical situation, Australia is a land of opportunity. Yes, OPPORTUNITY- opportunity for the teeming masses of Asia! …
lndonesia is only ONE of Australia’s worries!
Still further to the north lies the sprawling mainland of Red China. Standing on the Baok of China, like a sentinel on the alert, is the booming, highly industrialized nation of Japan with its progressive millions!
Australia is in trouble-and doesn’t know it! …
Australia has been FORCED to look hopefully toward ASIA for new and expanded outlets for its produce! …
Australia, like all of Israel, is headed toward captivity! …
While the United States and Great Britain are faced with the prophesied revival of the “beast,” a union of ten powerful nations in Europe, forming the rebuilding of the ancient Roman Empire, Australia may well be taken over by an entirely different enemy! Australia, trying to populate and industrialize to stave off Communism, may become the SLAVES OF COMMUNISTS! And -make no mistake about it-aggression is actually BEING PLANNED against Australia! (Armstrong GT. Australia’s Deadly Peril! Plain Truth, February 1963, pp. 9, 42-44)
Russia, of course, is no longer officially communist, but China is.
In the 21st century, China has made threats against Australia (watch Are Chinese threats against Australia for real?).
The fact that Australia has taken the Russian statements as a threat against its forces should show everyone that the leadership in Australia realizes that it is vulnerable to attack.
Fighting with, or suspending fighting with, the USA is not going to save Australia.
Like the rest of the nations, it needs the Kingdom of God.
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