Australian Economy to Be Affected by Flood
The flooding in Australia seems to be getting more dangerous:
* Gov’t forecasts 20pct of Australia’s quarterly coal exports lost to floods
* Around 7 pct of cotton plantings also lost
* Cockatoo, Aquila make headway at coal mines leave force majeure in place (Wraps ABARES data, Rio Tinto, Aquila)
By James Regan
SYDNEY, Jan 21 (Reuters) – Australia’s devastating floods, which shut mines and damaged rail lines, could cut coal exports by around 15 million tonnes, or 20 percent this quarter, even as collieries show signs of recovery, the government’s commodities forecasting agency said on Friday.
Coal ports in hardest-hit Queensland state escaped severe damage, but are still operating well under capacity as a result of lower coal receivals, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) said.
ABARES estimates flooding due to monsoon rains that started in November could lower coal export earnings by A$2.0 – $2.5 billion ($1.97-billion-2.47 billion) during the quarter to March 31.
“Coal production at affected mines has been reduced because of a number of factors, including flooded pits and difficulties in removing the water, and a lack of access to mine sites because of flooded roads,” it said.
As an Anglo-descended nation, Australia is subject to the same blessings and cursings that the other Anglo-nations are also subject to.
Jesus, of course, warned about a time with such issues that Australia is facing:
8 … And there will be…troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8)
We may be at this prophetic point as all the floods and other problems that have happened in the past year could be considered as “troubles”.
Without national repentance, Australia, and not just the USA, is doomed.
Having been to that island-appearing nation, this seems to be a concept that few in Australia grasp. And while this particular flood of itself does not mean the end to prosperity for Australia, it should be an indication to Australians that their nation is also vulnerable to various disasters and not immune from them.
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